Wednesday, October 16, 2024




I was reading about the protein and good nutrients in eggs, so I’m writing (or, mostly copying) about it.

Ah, the humble egg. Eat it by itself for breakfast, or whip it into a meringue masterpiece. And at 6 grams of protein per egg, it’s a great ingredient.

The color of the eggshell can range from white to brown to olive green. The difference lies in the breed of the hen. Funnily enough, you can determine what color a hen’s eggs will be by the color of her earlobe. Nutritional content is the same, regardless of shell color. So, if you paint your living room “egg-shell,” technically, it could be almost any color!!!

The hen’s diet determines the color of the yolk. The rule of thumb here is that the darker the yolk, the more likely the hen was free-range. Darker yolks are attributed to diets higher in green plants and deeply pigmented plant materials, easily accessible by free-range chickens. Lighter yolks result from a diet high in wheat, barley, and corn meal.  And, yes, you can have green eggs (and if desired, you can also have ham).

Organic: The term “organic”, unlike “natural,” is mandated. Certified organic hens are fed organic vegetarian diets free from genetically modified foods or foods produced with pesticides. The hens do not receive antibiotics or vaccines and are often also cage-free.  Organic eggs are generally considered to be healthier than non-organic eggs, and they may also be better for the environment:

Boiled eggs can be healthier - (you are not cooking them in oil.)  Everyone is advised against eating raw or undercooked egg 


As a freshman in college, on my first day, I went to breakfast.  The server asked if I wanted eggs.  I said ‘yes”.   Then she asked how I wanted them.  I didn’t know, so I asked for one soft and one hard egg.  (That continued through four years of eating breakfast at the college cafeteria!!!)

If I’m out for breakfast, I’ll ask for my eggs to be over hard.

Are you worried about your cholesterol? Research indicates that dietary cholesterol may not have as great an impact on blood cholesterol as we previously thought. 


Eggs are so healthy they are called “nature’s multivitamin” and top many lists of superfoods. Here are six healthy facts you may not know about eggs.

1. Whole Eggs Are Among the Most Nutritious Foods on EarthEggs are so healthy they are called “nature’s multivitamin” and top many lists of superfoods. Here are 6 healthy facts you may not know about eggs.

2. Eggs Improve Your Cholesterol Profile and do NOT Raise Your Risk of Heart Disease

People have been warned about eggs because they are loaded with cholesterol. One large egg contains 212 mg of cholesterol, which is much higher than most other foods.
On the contrary, eggs have been linked with health benefits.

One study discovered that eating 3 whole eggs per day reduced insulin resistance, raised HDL, and increased the size of LDL particles in people with metabolic syndrome (9

3. Eggs Are Loaded With Choline, an Important Nutrient for the Brain

Choline is a lesser-known nutrient that is often grouped with the B-complex vitamins. It is an essential nutrient for human health and is needed for various body processes. A low choline intake has been implicated in liver diseases, heart disease, and neurological disorders.

4. Eggs Contain High-Quality Proteins With a Perfect Amino Acid Profile

Eggs are among the best sources of protein in the diet. In fact, the biological value (a measure of protein quality) is often evaluated by comparing it to eggs, which are given the perfect score of 100

5. Eggs Are Loaded With Lutein and Zeaxanthin, Which Protect the Eyes 

Two antioxidants in eggs—lutein and zeaxanthin—are found in the yolk and are good for eyesight.

6. Eggs for Breakfast Can Help You Lose Body Fat

Eggs contain only trace amounts of carbohydrates but plenty of protein and fat.

Well, I’m smarter about eggs now!!!



Karen Anne White, 

Monday, October 14, 2024



First, from the Beatles “The Word”

Say the word, and you'll be free.
Say the word and be like me.
Say the word I'm thinking of
Have you heard the word is love?

It's so fine, it's sunshine.
It's the word, LOVE

In the beginning, I misunderstood
But now I've got it, the word is good

It’s the word LOVE.



John 1:1-4  and 14 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him, all things were made; without him, nothing was made that has been made.  In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

(In Greek, the “word” is also “logos.”   The Greek word logos (traditionally meaning word, thought, principle, or speech) has been used among both philosophers and theologians.

Hebrew 4: 12

 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 

Acts 5:34-39

 But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a law teacher honored by all the people, stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered that the men be put outside for a little while.  Then he addressed the Sanhedrin: “Men of Israel, consider carefully what you intend to do to these men.  Some time ago, Theudas appeared, claiming to be somebody, and about four hundred men rallied to him. He was killed, all his followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing.  After him, Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt. He, too, was killed, and all his followers were scattered.  Therefore, in the present case, I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! If their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you cannot stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”


Throughout history, there were times when some groups should have acted against oppression, and times to not react.. As an individual, I guess life is okay, but as a society, we should fight oppression against minorities.  Hilter oppressed Jews and others; The Middle East is a hotbed of Muslims against Jews - but also for Sunni Muslims against Sunni Muslims.  

Some trust in chariots and some in horses,but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.   Psalm 20:7.

(Sometimes I think even the Jewish leaders trust in “chariots and horses” and aggressive actions instead of trusting God.)

I’m going to die someday - and at age 77, that day is closer than at 50 years old. I am trying to be a good proponent of loving all people - until I am dead.

Love does win

Love does transform

Karen Anne White, October 15, 2024



I am not a big moviegoer.  I have a hard enough time to make time to play Words With Friends, do Duolingo German, check my Facebook and e-mail - and walk 5 miles. (And, this week, I’ve only walked five miles twice).

My friend Janet invited me to go to a movie last Friday evening. Janice is a movie aficionado. She said she goes twice a week. 

So, first, I saw the movie White Bird last Friday night. In it, a grandmother tells her grandson (who has had social and acceptance issues in school) about her difficulties in France as a Jew during World War II.  

I “preach” Love Wins - and World War II was when hate overflowed. Here the grandmother’s family is taken away by the Nazis. The girl (grandmother) escapes. She gets help from a crippled classmate that she has snubbed all through school - because he is crippled. Ultimately, she learns love from the boy. Alas, about the time the Allies free France, the boy gets taken and shot. “Hate is strong”. The grandson listens to his grandmother and changes his ways.

I was born after WW2. I’ve read the stories of concentration camps, of hatred. I know the flood swept away some Nazis. Aside from that, my friend Andre, who was in the USSR, was a member of the Communist Party. He needed to be to get his position as a professor. We call it brainwashing or propaganda- but I sense we aren’t much different.  

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6

It can be fun to be a member of the in-crowd. The in-cross can be bullies and get away with it. 

Learning to love is the answer.


The second (not entirely a) movie was Wil and Harper on Netflix. Will Ferrell (who started his extensive career on Saturday Night Live, learns that one of his closest friends from SNL transitioned to being a female.  

Will and Harper take a cross-country road trip. They meet up with old SNL friends, go to a biker bar, go to an NBA basketball (and shake hands with the governor who has recently signed strict anti-transgender legislation. Along the way, Will and Harper talk about Harper’s transition.

One of the big points for transitioning is “Do I pass?” Harper worries about passing. A few times, she doesn’t pass, and it hurts her; sometimes, she does pass, and people accept her.


Both of these movies were moving. The White Bird was dark with a dark cloud of hatred over the people of France (and in particular, the Jews of France and Germany and Europe). Will and Harper get into the topic of Gender Dysphoria and passing.  


It seems as though, recently, I haven’t “passed” well as a woman. At my Bible Study (which tends to be liberal), one of my friends said, “He <something>” - referring to me. In my bridge group that has been together for six years, some say “he” or “him” frequently -referring to me. 

Yes, at 6 feet 2 inches, I am tall for a woman. I have broader shoulders than women, and my shorts don’t fit well as I don’t have a big enough butt and hips to keep them up.  

I stick out in a crowd. I doubt myself as a woman. (I’m so glad I have a support group). 

I think of a Biblical character who stood out. This person ate bugs (locusts) and wild honey. He dressed strangely, and he seemed okay being outside the norm. I stand out and am outside the norm!!!

Some think I am weird when I say forgive all and love all unconditionally. 

Don’t be a hater, be a lover. 

Don’t fight back - turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, love your enemies.

Allow God to transform your mind, and be willing to be different—not just different but different from yourself! 

 “But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Matthew 5:43-44


It may take eternity, but LOVE WILL WIN.


Romans 12:2 -:-Be transformed by the renewing of your ming

Karen Anne White, October 14, 2024

Saturday, October 12, 2024



For thirteen years, I taught at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut. We checked the internet for the best fall colors. In two hours of driving, we could be at the Massachusetts/Vermont border, and then the fun began. Vermont has the most covered bridges, and New Hampshire is second. Most are near small towns on gravel roads.  

It made for a great weekend trip—to be a “leaf peeper” and a “bridge beggar.” Yes, all the tourist sites were busy. We did stay overnight frequently, but we could drive home in three hours if we wanted.  One of our favorite trips was to stay at a bed-and-breakfast at an apple orchard.

I know some of you have made that trip - and enjoyed it.

Plan ahead, get a map of the covered bridges, and go “hunting.”  

Some bridges are now walk-only, but most are still open to car traffic.  There some railroad bridges as well. 

Note - over the years, there has been vandalism, fires, wood rot, and floods.  Many bridges have been carefully restored.


What do you use to mend a jack-o-lantern?  A pumpkin patch.

Who won the skeleton race?  No body. 

What do you get when you drop a pumpkin?  Squash.

A family of leaves was trying to change a light bulb when a squirrel walked by and asked why they hadn’t changed the bulb yet. The leaf’s response was, "We keep falling."

Who helps the little pumpkins cross the road?  The crossing gourd.

Who lives in the Hundred Acre Wood? Winnie the Boo

What happened to the turkey when he got into a fight? He got the stuffing kicked out of him!

Why is Dracula so easy to fool?  Because he’s a sucker.

What is a tree’s least favorite month?  Sep-TIMBER.

Why did the scarecrow win the Nobel Prize?  Because he was outstanding in his field. 

 What is a scarecrow’s favorite fruit?  Straw-berries.

How do leaves get from place to place? With autumn-mobiles.

What is the cutest season?  Awwwwtumn. 

What did the hat say to the scarf?  You go around while I go ahead. 

Why did Humpty Dumpty have a great fall? To make up for a lousy summer.

Why shouldn’t you tell a secret in a cornfield? Because the corn has ears. 

Why did summer catch autumn?  Because autumn had a fall. 

How do trees get onto the internet? They just LOG on.



This Sunday, October 13th, is Georgetown Pride.  For some of you, this is not of interest.  I’m speaking from 1:30 to 2:00 on my transformation.  It is at 814 S Church St, Georgetown, TX (diagonally from the Williamson County Tax Office and parking lot) 

Enjoy the fall weather.  The high temperatures will come down, and the low temps are great for sleeping.



Karen White


Friday, October 11, 2024



American Gothic -  by Grant Wood

I used to have an ongoing story on Saturdays (but they were boring, and nobody read them).  I’ve tried to have some poetry, literature, or art.  Today art.  Please understand that my platform isn’t very good with art.

John Constanstable - “The Hay Wain’

This is a rural, bucolic picture of a farm wagon (used for hay) crossing a stream.  There are three (I think) horses pulling the wagon.  A dog is on the shore, and a lady is next to a house. There are two men with the wagon.  There is a broad meadow.  One fantastic image is of the clouds.  Constable has great clouds in his paintings, and these clouds are magnificent.

I’m taken back to a time when farming was done with horses and wagons - and not tractors and motorized vehicles.  My first impression is “peaceful”.  (but I’m looking, not doing).  Having once helped store hay bales in a hayloft, I know that farm work is hard.  

In my freshman year in college, with friends, we went to a variety store (not quite upscale enough to be a “department store”). I don’t remember the price, but I bought a copy of The Hay Wain for my dorm room. I’m guessing it was cheap—50 cents, maybe? Because as a freshman, I didn’t spend much money.

Picture 2

Vincent van Gogh's “Starry Night”

I have a copy of this picture in my apartment.  Yes, it is famous (as is The Hay Wain).  I have seen the actual image in the Yale Art Gallery on a particular loan.  

I’m not doing the picture justice to say it stirs my imagination.  The stars are gleaming, and van Gogh captures the wind.  There is a small town with some trees.  It's not quite peaceful as the wind seems to be pretty strong, but the image “speaks” to me - in an almost whimsical way.  

Picture 3

Grant Wood, Stone City 

Again, it is a rural setting.  Stone City is between Cedar Rapids (where I grew up) and Anamosa, Iowa.  Grant Wood painted in Cedar Rapids.

Stone City used to be on the main road between Cedar Rapids and Anamosa. From Anamoa, you could travel to Maquoketa, where my cousins lived. When we visited our relatives, we would pass this spot where Wood painted the small town.

The last part of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church is on the left. The road crosses the Wapsipicon River.  

Grant Wood had his own style for hills and trees.  I smile when I see them.  In the foreground is a cornfield -  still early in the season. The rock quarry was still there the last time I traveled that way.  But, a “new” road now bypasses Stone City.  


So, here are three pictures—all rural, all having some connection with me. As they say, “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.” I find these three images beautiful.

And all of these remind me that I’m not in charge of anything.  I believe there is a God - infinite, who loves me and loves us - 

And it reminds me that LOVE WINS.

And that


Karen Anne White, October 12, 2024