Thursday, February 27, 2025



Natalie Parsch, 79, and Kellsey Jane, 31, were next-door neighbors for a decade before they met. 

When they did, they discovered something that connected them across their half-a-century age gap.


It all started with a chance encounter one spring afternoon…

Kellsey Jane (KJ - Younger woman) and Natalie Parsch (NP - Older woman)  

NP - Older woman: I was out in the yard, just petering around. And I met you, at my front gate, because our dogs had met. 

KJ - Younger woman: You saw me with my girlfriend, and you wanted to know some stuff about the queer community, if I remember correctly.

NP - Older woman: I wanted to know how to talk to my grandson …

KJ - Younger woman: [laughs]

NP - Older woman: … because I offended him right and left.

KJ - Younger woman: You knew just what to say to get me hooked into a conversation. [laughs]

NP - Older woman: [laughs] What was going through my life at that time was realizing I was alone. And then you just came in and I wasn’t so alone anymore. 

I realized that I had somebody that wasn’t afraid to talk. 

I shared that I was molested when I was eight years old. And, it was said that it was a misunderstanding. And, nobody ever said anything more to me about it. I got to where I didn’t trust anybody, and things went dark. 

I got married when I was 15, and I had my third child when I was 19. I became a violent drunk, and drug addict, till I got sober. 

The worst part is, I was not a good mother.

KJ - Younger woman: Mmhm.

NP - Older woman: And I loved my children.

KJ - Younger woman: Is it heavy to look back on that in your older years?

NP - Older woman: If I touch the pain, it’s as intense as it ever was. 

KJ - Younger woman: I think a lot of what brought us together was having that shared experience. You know, I was sexually abused as a child by my father. 

What was it like for you to hear my story?

NP - Older woman: It was heartbreaking. But, to listen to you and be there for you, it just felt like an honor. 

Guess the only thing I want to tell you is you just made a difference in my life. You know, I was planning on dying within the next couple of years, ‘cause I knew I was through.

And then you just got me excited again. 

KJ - Younger woman: I’m so thankful you’re still around. 

NP - Older woman: Oh, me too. I would’ve missed a lot. 


Karen writes:

I think most of us have painful memories, and problems in our lives (although we don’t let others know.  I’m heard that only the top 10% of icebergs are visible.  90% are hidden under water.  When we see our neighbors it can be like icebergs - only the pleasant 10% is shown.  

NP - The older lady says:

I shared that I was molested when I was eight years old. And, it was said that it was a misunderstanding. And, nobody ever said anything more to me about it. I got to where I didn’t trust anybody, and things went dark. 

I got married when I was 15, and I had my third child when I was 19. I became a violent drunk, and drug addict, till I got sober. 


Karen says - maybe we haven’t been molested, maybe we are not drug addicts or violent drunks - but we have things in our closets.  


Then the younger lady says:

KJ - Younger woman: You saw me with my girlfriend, and you wanted to know some stuff about the queer community, if I remember correctly.


OOPS - how does an older lady talk to a younger lesbian lady?  How does a white person talk to a black person?  How does a Muslim talk to a conservative white Christian? Or a Democrat to a Republican? 

In this story - two diverse people become friends - an older traditional lady with a younger non-traditional lady.  


Can we solve the boundaries that have been drawn?  Do two people need dogs that need walking to break down the barriers?  


I was reminded for the Servant Song:

The Servant Song:

Brother, let me be your servant.

Let me be as Christ to you.

Pray that I might have the grace

To let you be my servant, too.


We are pilgrims on a journey.

We are brothers on the road.

We are here to help each other

Walk the mile and bear the load.


I will hold the Christ-light for you

In the night time of your fear.

I will hold my hand out to you;

Speak the peace you long to hear.


I will weep when you are weeping.

When you laugh, I’ll laugh with you.

I will share your joy and sorrow

Till we’ve seen this journey through.


When we sing to God in heaven,

We shall find such harmony

Born of all we’ve known together

Of Christ’s love and agony.


Brother, let me be your servant.

Let me be as Christ to you.

Pray that I might have the grace

To let you be my servant, too.



Can we be servants to each other? Can we love?



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