Sunday, January 26, 2025




American Author Mark Twain wrote: “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

If you really love your students, your clients, and your job as a coach and encourager, then you won’t have to “WORK” a day in your life.  That’s not quite true.  Most jobs have some aspect of work involved with them.  Maybe you love working with your students and clients, but you don’t like doing the paperwork and billing.  (Of course, as a professor, coaching and mentoring were in effect paid for by my employment. - and thus, I didn’t have to send bills to my clients and do statements).

Some examples:

At the University of Texas, I had at least two freshman “Introduction to Management Information Systems” every semester.  It was a required course for Business Students.  As such, students who already knew they were majoring in marketing, or accounting, or finance were forced to take this class.  

Do you remember taking classes that were outside your major?  Do you remember talking to your advisor “Why do I need to take that class?  I want to be a finance major.  That course is not relevant for me”.  

These freshman classes frequently had seventy-five to eighty students in them.  Three things of significance happened on that first day.  First, I came into the room and loudly yelled “WOOOO”.  Then after an introduction to the course, the syllabus, and related learning actives, I gathered a student information form - with name, hometown, major, goals in life, favorite hobbies and activities.  Then for the last fifteen minutes of class, I said “hi” to each student so I could see them and start the “getting to know you” process.  

On the second day, I had a seating chart - generally alphabetical by last name. An between the first day and second day, I spent several hours reading their information chart and looking at the student pictures on my class roster.  I wanted to know these students BY NAME.  (And, of course, greeted the class with a WOOOO.

Actually, this was WORK.  As I walked through the corridors, I might recognize a student (or previous student), and I wanted to be able to call them by name.  To be an effective coach, mentor, teacher, I needed to know my students.  After a could of semesters, I could pick out students I had - but I didn’t always remember their name.  I generally could remember which class in which semester, and where they sat.  

For those who are coaches, you need to know your clients.  

Now, in class, I NEVER wanted to embarrass any of my students.  If a student wrote “This is my fourth time taking this class” I didn’t say that in class.  Instead I got to know that student and reassure him or her that we were going to make it this time.  

I did do a little harassment in class though,  I ,might say: “Hey Bob, we missed you the other day.” if Bob hadn’t been in class.  It got so that students would send me an email if they were going to be gone.  They knew that I knew if they weren’t in class.


Coaches - do you really KNOW your clients?


A colleague of mine put it differently.  He said that his students had parents and others that were concerned about them.  Kind of like the Golden Rule of treating others as you want to be treated, I wanted to treat this students like the pride and joy of their parents.  Mr. and Mrs. Smith wanted this son/daughter to do well in college and get a good job and a good life.  So, I also wanted their son/daughter to do well in college and have a great future.  

These were my clients - and I wanted them (or their parents) to paid me for teaching them.  It wasn’t the State of Texas that was paying me, it really was Mr. and Mrs. Chavez, Jones, Smith, Kolwaksky, Lee, or whoever.  


Be involved with your clients.  I’ve been to a lot of soccer, baseball, hockey, basketball, football games, and to a lot of concerts and bought a lot of raffle tickets from their student organizations.  I’m not a big soccer fan, but I went to be able to say “Sara, that was a great soccer game last weekend.”.  (Or, it was too bad that our team didn’t win).  One sorority sponsored professor dinners and when I was invited, I went.  I attended the Hispanic Business Majors club events.  

As I understand it, Osama Bin Laden studied for a time in the United States.  Did any of his teachers get to know him - and befriend him?  I don’t think so.  

I wanted my students to know I cared about them, knew them by name, and wanted them to succeed.  (And that’s a form of LOVE!!!)


So, part three of the updated Coaching and Mentoring course.



Karen Anne White, January 2025

Saturday, January 25, 2025



JANUARY 26, 2025




Country Music Jokes

How Many Country Singers Does it Take...

How many country singers does it take to change a lightbulb?

Two. One to do it and one to sing a song about all the good times he had with the old light bulb.


What Do You Get When... 

What do you get when you play country music backward?

You get back your wife, your dog, and your truck.


Why Tubas Aren't in Country Music *yes very true’

Why aren't tubas used in country bands?

Because they're heavy metal!


The Hostage Joke

It was a terrible day. Two music lovers were being held hostage and both were going to be shot. One of them was a country music lover and the other enjoyed all types of music. 

Before they were shot they were asked for one last request before they died.

The country music lover said, "I would like to listen to 'Achy Breaky Heart' 50 times in a row."

The other music lover said, "Please, shoot me first."


What’s the difference between city tires and country tires?

City tires say “GoodYear”, Country tires say “No trespassing”.



Growing up, I listened to Rock and Roll.  But, occasionally, I listened to Country Music.  So, here are the top country songs for 1960, 1965, 1970, and 1975.

Overall, in 1960, the top country songs for the year were Elvis Presley “Are You Lonesome Tonight”, Jim Reeves “He’ll Have to Go,” and Hank Locklin “Please Help Me, I’m Falling”


In 1965, the top country songs were “King of The Road” by Roger Miller, “Flowers on the Wall” with the, Statler Brothers, “What’s he doing in My World” by Eddy Arnold, and “I’ve got a Tiger by the Tale” done Buck Owens.  [Aside did you watch HeeHaw?]


For all of 1970, the top country songs were Lynn Anderson “Rose Garden”, Elvis Presley “There Goes my Everything”, and Bobby Goldsboro, “Watching Scotty Grow”


And for 1975, C.W. McCall “Convoy”, Glen Campbell, “Rhinestone Cowboy”, and Freddie Fender “Wasted Days, wasted nights”.


But, from 1999, “She Thinks My Tractor is Sexy”, Kenny Chesney




Green Juice Day

Peanut Brittle Day


Chocolate Cake Day

Holocaust Remembrance Day


Blueberry Pancake Day

Plan for Vacation Day


Corn Chip Day

Puzzle Day



NFL football playoffs (without a Texas team - who cares, But I do like Kansas City Chiefs - who have a Texas Tech alumni as quarterback)

And, it is going to be warming up!!



Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Last Monday was the final game for college football (for the 2024 season), with Ohio State beating Notre Dame.  This weekend is the championship for the American Conference and the National Conference of the National Football League - with the Super Bowl in two weeks.  

Some teams have fired the old coaches - hoping to get a better season and a better record.  Of course, coaches don’t throw or run the ball; they don’t block and tackle - their players do that.  So, why are they being fired?  

Sports are a zero-sum game.  The number of wins for all teams and the number of losses are equal.  In every game - there is a winning team and a losing team.  (Some sports do allow for ties -but even then the  number of wins in a season equal to the number of loses in a season - when all is considered.  

An adage - “An army of rabbits led by a lion will defeat an army of lions led by a rabbit.  If you have a strong, motivating coach with an average team, your team will probably beat a team with a weak coach and a strong team.  


I wasn’t a great basketball and baseball high school coach.  I think it was mostly my mindset - I was a math teacher first and foremost - and a coach because it went with the job.  In my phone interview for my first position, the superintendent asked me if I could coach.  “Sure” I said (and thinking - maybe and maybe not).  

But, over the years I think I was an excellent coach and mentor.  


Change of gears:

In recent years the concept of Life Coach has developed.  

A life coach is a professional who helps people set and achieve goals to improve their lives. They can help with personal and professional goals, such as relationships, careers, and finances. 

What do life coaches do? (from the internet:)

  • Set goals: Help clients identify what they want and create plans to achieve it 

  • Provide guidance: Offer questions, exercises, and accountability to help clients identify positive changes 

  • Build self-awareness: Help clients reflect on their progress and identify their strengths and weaknesses 

  • Improve decision-making: Help clients make informed decisions and build healthier decision-making abilities 

  • Provide motivation: Help clients stay motivated and overcome bad habits 

  • Help with transitions: Help clients navigate major life transitions, such as pivoting industries or finding fulfillment in a passion project 

A life coach isn’t all that different from a football (or other sport) coach - with the big exception being life coaches generally do this on a one-to-one basis. 

Example:  Derm was a good student, good social and interactive skills.  We talked frequently.  He had a great internship with a major insurance company.  When I was in the area, we had coffee and talked.  He was ready to move up.  Should he take a lateral move in the same company - at no change in pay - or wait for something else.  I suggested taking the lateral move within the company - but in a different state.  

He did, and within two years had been promoted within that company, and in four years was hired by another company at a higher pay.  (And, also married a girl in that area, and now is also a Dad to two great sons.)

Example 2: Lauren was a quiet introverted student, but a good student.  Not the head of her class, but solid in her knowledge.  Her people skills were not strong (yet).  Getting her internship was interesting.  Not many companies wanted her because of her weaknesses in social skills.  We found her an unpaid internship - and she flourished.  After that internship, she stayed with the non-profit organization, and eventually moved up the ranks to being a manager.  

I visited as many interns as I could (for summer interns).  I thought it was important to the student to have his or her coach (professor) visit and have a presentation on what they were doing and let the employers give feedback.  

Getting the internship is frequently the first step in getting a job.  For the companies, it is a “try before you buy” relationship.  If it wasn’t a good arrangement, the employers could smile at the end of the summer, shake the interns hand and say “We wish the best”.  If it was a good situation, the employers had tried out a new employee without having to deal with the paperwork of officially hiring them.  Many of those internships went on to mid to upper management.

I (we) grew relationships.  If I called an employer and said, “Hey, John Doe is a good student.  I think he would be fantastic in your environment.” the employer generally trusted my judgement. Likewise, if I said, “Hey, John Doe is a good student, but I don’t think he is ideal for you.” they also listened to me. (I didn’t do that frequently.  

Going back to the traits of a life coach:

(Review): Set goals: Provide guidance: Build self-awareness: Improve decision-making: Provide motivation: Help with transitions 

Coaches do that - both sports and life coaches.  To me, helping another person become happy and successful was as important as it was for me to be happy and successful.


Coaching is LOVE.  (And we know that LOVE wins)

Coaching can help and can help TRANSFORM the student (the client) to become “all they can be” (which was an old army slogan).

Karen Anne White, January 23, 2025


 WEDNESDAY, January 22, 2025, MLK

It’s been a busy week.  Inauguration, change of administration, and a time of confusion and animosity.

And I didn’t get to Martin Luther King.  

Race relations have been a problem- and it hasn’t totally disappeared.  

The early Americans wanted help on their huge plantations.  I can’t say that they didn’t explore smaller forms -that were the norm in the northern colonies. Maybe it was just one plantation owner who couldn’t find enough workers, or wanted cheaper labor- that arranged for indentured labor (aka slaves) to work his lands.  And,in doing so, increased his profits. 

News like that spread, and soon more plantation owners got “free” labor. It is interesting that the slave traders dealt with black people -who were selling people from tribes they had conquered- to sell those conquered slaves and grow wealthy. 

The trade continued and became the norm.  Years went by and plantation owners were getting rich- and to go to white farm labors would be difficult. 

The Civil War came , slaves we’re set free, but there were few safety nets. And, although the black people were now citizens, they had little education and few opportunities. The federal government traded well meaning programs to the individual states to gain votes or other favors from the Southerners. 

And, we got “Separate but equal” - separate schools, separate bathrooms, separate drinking fountains, separate restaurants and hotels.


And they did.  Martin Luther King quotes:

  • "I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear". 

  • "Love is the greatest force in the universe". 

  • "Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend".

  • "I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality".

  • "Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it". 

  • "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that". 

King believed that love was a key tool for achieving his vision of unity, justice, and fellowship. He believed that love was an authentic concern for all people, regardless of their identity


LOVE WINS -maybe wasn’’t exactly MLK’s term, but he did preach and believe it


Karen Anne White, January 22, 2025

Monday, January 20, 2025



Just some things I found for advice today.

Common sense advice

  • Be kind: Be kind to others and treat people the way you want to be treated 

  • Be safe: Wear a jacket to avoid getting cold, and don't be reckless 

  • Be healthy: Eat your vegetables and pursue your passions 

  • Be grounded: Keep yourself grounded and don't get caught up in the ups and downs of life 

  • Be respectful: Respect others and their opinions, even if you don't agree 

Mental health advice

  • Love yourself: Love yourself enough to do things that are good for you, and walk away from friendships that are poisonous 

  • Ask for help: Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it 

  • Be practical: Make practical guides to help with everyday mental health 

Advice about parenting

  • Don't compare: Don't compare your baby or yourself to others 

  • It's okay to cuddle: It's okay to cuddle, rock, or nurse your baby to sleep

From NPR

1. Avoid too many cooks in the kitchen - n o that’s not about cooking - but too many advisors (friends) suggesting things can confuse and be negative

2. Don't rely on a partner for money - for women, normally the man is the “bread winner” - but I know of too many cases where the man is a deadbeat and doesn’t support his wife and family.

3. 'It all comes out in the wash' - what is a problem today will probably not be a problem next week

4. Remember the golden rule - yup - do unto others as you would like them to do for you.

5. Keep yourself grounded - don’t let ego and judging get in the way.  Stay humble

6. 'Don't be afraid to ask for help' - We all trip up and fall - ask a trusted friend (or Mom) to help

7. Beauty isn't everything - as a neophite woman, I know little about beauty.  Do I wear make up?  Do my clothes have to match?  (Or just be yourself)

8. It takes all kinds of people - if somebody riles you, that’s who they are.  Maybe they had a bad day or they didn’t get a good education.  Love them - no matter how mean they have been to you

9. If something scares you...tackle it.  (I know friends who were scared of Calculus - and didn’t take it - even though they didn’t know what it would be like.  (Of course this means use your brain.  If Fentanyl scares you - DON’T TRY IT)


There have been multiple times when I did stupid things - and I needed to undo the damage.  If you aren’t sure - ask!!!

Let LOVE WIN (1 Peter 4:8 - Above all, maintain constant love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins.)

Allow the Holy Spirit to TRANSFORM YOU in LOVE


Karen Anne White, January 18, 2025