Friday, August 27, 2021




From last week:  Nita graduated from the University of Nebraska in 2008. She (with some help from her faculty advisor Pam Johnson) got a job with Berkshire-Hathaway, the investment company headed by Warren Buffet in Omaha Nebraska.  After several months she was selected for a special job researching artificial intelligence and possible investments.  


Nta tackled the artificial intelligence in agriculture project like she did with most assignments - with gusto!!!  

Art VanDeWater, her old boss, became her new boss.  Lance Bannon, on loan from ConAgra, was on the team, as was Judy Thomas, Rachel Lahanta, Deandrea Jackson, John Stone, and five research assistants.  

The team had high energy and each sparked the others to work longer and harder!!  

Nita was a real spark plug.  She came in early and worked late.  There was so much to do.  They were learning three artificial intelligence platforms.  They studied where artificial intelligence could make a difference in agriculture.   Nita, in particular, was helpful there from her growing up on a farm.  

She kept in touch with Dr. Pam Johnson at the University of Nebraska and they had written two academic papers.  Dr. Johnson was eligible for a sabbatical next semester and was going to be on the team if it was approved. and that plan was being supported by Warren Buffet and Berkshire-Hathaway.   


But, Nita was not taking care of herself.  Two negative forces were working on her - little sleep, and a poor diet.  Fast food and energy drinks eventually caught up to her.  

One day, as she was talking to Rachel in the hallway about ten in the morning, she just fainted.  Fortunately, John Stone was there and he had been an EMT in college and helped her recover by raising her head and fanning her.  The group gathered around her, and Art, as the boss said she needed to get checked out at a hospital  

Nebraska Medical Center was the nearest, and Art took Nita to get checked out.    John went along as the former EMT.  Nita passed out in the car.  When they arrived at the Nebraska Medical Center, Art ran to get a wheelchair while John revived her enough to get out of the car and into the Emergency room waiting room.  Midday times aren't as busy as nights and weekends and a physician assistant saw her in about two minutes.  

A scan of her vitals showed she had a blood pressure of 85 over 45 - extremely low.  Further checks showed her to be dehydrated.  She just hadn’t been taking care of herself!!! 

Nita stayed in the hospital overnight with an IV drip bringing her some nutrition. Art knew that Nita and Emma were girlfriends and found Emma’s phone number.  Emma had graduated from the University of Nebraska and was at the University of Nebraska Medical School in Omaha. As a premed student, Emma would want to know what was going on.  Emma came quickly and sat with Nita for several hours.  Part of the time, Nita was awake and alert and part of the time, she slept. 


Nita stayed home for two days (although she did text and emailed the others several times. When word reached Warren Buffet, he talked with medical professionals about care for Nita.  The answer was that Nita needed to relax, and not take the job seriously, and to find a balance in her life.  


Nita returned to work the next Monday - but with restrictions - no arriving before 8:00 - and she had to have a healthy breakfast before coming; she had to leave no later than 5:30. A healthy lunch meal was delivered to her (compliments of Warren Buffet).  No energy drinks, but lots of water, unsweet iced tea, water, and one cup of regular coffee a day.  John, as the former EMT, took Nta’s blood pressure over lunch, and any irregularities were noted.  


I Am stopping - It Is hard to write when you have to cut and paste three letters!!!

But, take care of yourself - watch your diet, don't eat too much junk food!!!.



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