This is an attempt at love wins.
Samuel Mendenhall is a professor at Empire University in Poughkeepsie, New York.
Five years ago, a terrible incident happened. During a home invasion (or daylight robbery), two thugs killed his wife of 14 years and daughter of 4 years. It was brutal. There were all kinds of sexual perversions and disgusting mutilation.
The thugs were caught, tried, and sentenced to life imprisonment.
There was a call for executing the two criminals because of the horrific attack.
Sam was devastated at the time and still is. He fights depression, has a grief-sharing group that he regularly attends (and now, he is more of a counselor to others), and has nightmares.
Originally, Sam would have killed those two jerks - even to get a gun and somehow getting into the jail and shooting them. They did NOT deserve to live. Scum. Worse than a pile of manure.
But, five years and two months after the murders, in his quiet time in his new apartment, God spoke to him - mentally that is
God: “Sam, forgive those men”
Sam: “God, I can’t - they killed my wife and daughter, they violated her, they were sick, they are scum.
God: “Sam, forgive those men”.
Sam: (starting to cry): “But, God I just can’t forgive them”.
God: “Yes, Sam, cry and mourn for your family, and then forgive them”
Sam: “I just can’t”
God was patient for a few minutes while Sam wept.
Quietly, then God added, “You know evil men killed my son”.
Sam sat quietly in his recliner listening to the still small voice in his brain.
“Yes, I know, Lord, but this was different” (even as he said it, he knew it wasn’t different - an innocent man hung on a cross; an innocent woman and child - killed in cold blood”.
God: “Sam, you know what my son said on the cross?”
Sam nodded his head slowly.
God continued: “Sam, he said ‘Father forgive them, they know not what they do”.
Sam still nodded. He knew the scripture. Matthew 6:15 says, “But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
God said “Sam, do you want to be forgiven and with your wife and daughter in heaven someday?”
Sam knew deep in his heart. He started, “But God, “and stopped. He wanted to say “But, it was different this time, but he knew it wasn’t really different”.
God said, “Sam, forgive those men”.
Sam fought back the tears, long and hard, then he couldn’t hold them any longer. The tears streaked down his cheeks and bounced into his shirt. For four or five minutes, those deep tears floated like bits of coal down his cheeks.
In his own still small voice, Sam somehow squeezed out “Father, forgive them.”
Suddenly, a heavy weight was lifted off Sam’s shoulders. He could hear Jaci’s voice in the kitchen, and Kathryn’s screams of delight as she played. (And, those tears that seemed like bits of coal became like bits of diamonds)
Sam had an idea where to look. Using the BibleGateway online, he searched for “Vengeance is mine” and found
“Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. On the contrary:
“If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
(Romans 12:18-21)
Sam sat, humbled, hurt, but also healed for a long time. Eventually, with more meaning and outloud, he said “Father, forgive them”.
And for maybe one of the first times in five years, Sam Mendenhall laughed - a clear, laugh of joy, of peace - and of love winning in his life. “Father, forgive them”.
Micah 6:8 So what does God expect of you, O man? But to love justice, show mercy, and to walk humbly with God.
Our time on Earth is short - maybe a hundred years. Then what? Heaven? And how long for Heaven? Infinite years.
From that time forward, Sam Mendenhall was a changed person. People knew his story, but he could laugh, his students loved him even more than before. He had found “LOVE WINS” in his heart:
I love you all!!! I know there are some I have hurt, and I am sorry, and I know others that have hurt me, and I forgive them - because I have to!!
Karen, May 1, 2021