Thursday, April 15, 2021



This week, we have looked at education for the future.  We’ve looked at problem-solving, critical thinking, and creative thinking as basic building blocks.

Today as I incorporate a “LOVE WINS” approach to my blogs I want to look at a broader spectrum of humanity in the future.

Hypothesis:  Technology is going to make huge changes in our lives - especially our work lives (aka ‘jobs’)

I like to draw the analogy from 1890 to 1990.  Cars took over from horses.  Buggy makers were replaced by automobile makers.  Blacksmiths were generally phased out of jobs.  But, there was a great need for better roads, gas stations, and car servicing and repairs.  While most mechanics in the early part of the century needed to know basic repairs, the repairs and knowledge changed as we got to the latter part of the 20th century.  And, today, a necessary skill for automobile mechanics is computer understanding.  When my computer control module senses my engine is having troubles it needs to turn on the “check engine” light.  

It seems that there are a lot of diagnostics in modern vehicles - (and since my car is 2012, I’m behind the time).  Door ajar, no seatbelt, lights left on (and many vehicles will turn off lights in a few minutes), low tires indicator, and more.  More safety features include when you ‘drift’ into another lane, or following too closely, avoiding accidents.  With autonomous vehicles, the “driver” won’t even “drive”.  So, a mechanic has to become a computer whiz.

I wrote about supply-chain and warehouses.  Will all the warehouse people be fired?  Will delivery people be fired?  Will taxi drivers be fired?  Will door-to-door mail people be replaced by some robotic delivery?  

How about retail?  Sure, we will (or will we?) still have stores and shops.  Will there be sales clerks?  Check out, persons?  Shelf-fillers?  With the automated delivery systems (thinking Amazon/drones), be such that we can order five dresses (or shirts or jeans or whatever) and pick the one that fits you and the drone will return the others to the warehouse.  No retail shopping will be involved?

Will I need regular medical check-ups?  In 2121, (if I were alive), I might put my finger into a device at my home and my blood pressure, pulse, plus an analysis of possible cancer, heart disease, and whatever else.  Maybe this device can have a dental tool analysis as well? 

One of the jobs of the future (last Tuesday) was “Organ Creator” - so our organs will be like “components” and they (whoever they are) can swap in a new heart or kidney as needed!!


The result is that people will have to adapt - or become obsolete.  Maybe some people will rebel and live as nomads in the forests, deserts, or jungles.  The homeless people problem may be significant.

Spare time might be also stifling - with no jobs, will people sit around and watch TV 15 hours a day?  Will TV become so interactive (aka “The Augmented Reality Journey Builder” position), so a person might be interacting more with the computer than people.


My view is - I don’t know!!  (idk).  But, with that, I anticipate there will be more need for communications, for interaction, for human contact, - and for counseling!!  To me, jobs mean more than working and making money.  Jobs means “VALUE”.  I have a purpose in life.  And, if computers, robots, autonomous vehicles, are doing the jobs, what gives me value?  

(Aside, I have a friend who retired at age 50.  His parents died and left a fortune (my term - he never said how much, and I didn’t ask).  He played golf in San Diego every day (the weather was perfect).  But, after a couple of years, after many sessions with golf pros, it just wasn’t satisfying - so he went back to teaching.)

How can “LOVE WIN” when humans are questioning their value in life?  I have questioned my value as a retired person.  Who needs me.  How much bridge can I play?  How much can I exercise?  With no access to grandchildren (to love, mentor, encourage), what value do I have? 


So, in a future with technology, if you aren’t among the well-educated and well-skilled (like an “Organ Creator” or “Augmented Reality Journey Builder”, what do you do? 

But, I have faith in mankind, (and in God), and I believe we will adapt and we will always need to love one another.  With changing times, humans will adapt.  

“I can only love God as much as the person I love the least”; “What does God expect of me?  To love justice, show mercy, and walk humbly with God”.  “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.”

Some Happiness Quotes:

We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements in life when all we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about.

Happiness grows at our own firesides and is not to be picked in strangers’ gardens.

Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because

they didn’t stop to enjoy it.


The key to being happy is knowing you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go.

May you have a fantastic weekend - because LOVE WINS!!



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