Wednesday, April 14, 2021



This week, we have been looking at education - and in particular - what skills are needed for the future?

I said “Problem Solving”, “Critical Thinking”, “Creative Thinking”.  Then I suggested the use of teams and communications.  

STEM is “Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math”.  


Many of the concepts of science - scientific inquiry, scientific methods - are important to the future.  New developments in nanotechnology, gene and DNA understanding, physics, human engineering, and more.

There are exciting aspects of biology and biotechnologies that wow us.  Physics, chemistry, ecology - all add flavor and enhance our lives!!!


Technology “always” challenges us.  Cars, trucks, railroads, ships, airplanes have changed the world in the past century.  We still need those forms of transportation. But now, we use computers, the internet, instant communication instead of mail.  In the future, I see artificial intelligence changing a lot of ways we do things.  Supply-chain management will anticipate demands (so snow shovels will be available in Minnesota at the right time - and maybe even in central Texas!!!).  

Robotics is an emerging technology.  In supply-chain, many warehouses have robotic devices that locate, pick, move, pack, label, and ship items.  (Think Amazon).  Such warehouses can function “in the dark” and humans are rarely needed.  (So, online orders to a warehouse-like Amazon can fill orders in a matter of minutes.  When drone delivery is perfected, an item can be on your doorstep within a couple of hours.

This (most likely) will impact jobs.  The menial jobs of warehouses and even retail stores will go away.  What do people do for work in the future?  (Might be scary for those with lower technical skills)


Engineering is the use of scientific principles to design and build machines, structures, and other items.  

So, these jobs that create new products for our lives will build on today’s foundations and using synthesis, create new items.

Aside - the idea of synthesis frequently blends one technology with another.  For example, cooking chicken has been around for centuries, but adding some different ingredients - jalapenos, rice, and different cooking techniques can change our chicken experience.  Cars have been around for over a century, but along the line, new technologies have been used.  (A computer in a car?  YES!!)


As a math major in college and in my master’s degree, I like the problem-solving nature of mathematics.  I mentioned the other day the use of story problems to put us into problem-solving and critical thinking.  

To me, math is the language of STEM - critical thinking, problem-solving, etc.   With whatever the next century might have, students will need to handle it.  


But, educators have discussed the STEM curriculum.  It might be like the Animal School where no animal can do all the activities.  

The issue with STEM is that education seems to avoid the ‘soft skills.  Thus the addition of the “A” - changing STEM to STEAM.  Where the “A” is for the Arts.

Many years ago, there were studies on left brain and right brain people.  (I have heard some people question the validity of such studies, but I’ll go on anyway).  If I have it correct, people who are more left-brained tend to be more logical, methodical, and in effect - more STEM-oriented.  And the right-brained people are more loving, philosophical, and artistic - “A”!!

I think I got the mix - college math major - AND social science/history major.  Plus, I sang in the high school choir, played in the band (and still play my tuba), and was in the theater.  

Aside - My artistic endeavors were not as noteworthy … in seventh grade for parents’ night at school, the art teacher put every other student's drawings on the wall for parents to notice - other than mine and one other person.  I took that as a subtle message that my artwork was not significant enough. Somebody did suggest that maybe the teacher was running out of room and with the last name with a “W”, there wasn’t room for me!!.  

I find myself with more of an art appreciation.  I do make some posters for my walls (like Love Wins, and Bible verses), but not so many artworks by me.  

“A recent study funded by the National Endowment for the Arts found that a knowledge base and appreciation for the arts stemming from a STEAM education approach actually translated into a more accurate pathway to college. The study tracked participants from their sophomore year of high school to their mid-20s. The key findings from the study confirmed that arts students were:

  • more likely to apply to more colleges than non-arts students;

  • 21 percent more likely to attend a postsecondary institution than non-arts students;

  • just as likely to pursue STEM majors as non-arts students; and

  • just as likely to receive scholarships as their non-arts peers.

In other words, there was no penalty for students who opted to pursue an interest in the arts.”

I think that the study was funded by the National Endowment for the Arts might taint the results some, but I think it has value.

As a kind of technical person, who has been less technical in retirement, I find appreciation for music, art, and theater is still valid for me.

I listen to music almost every day.  I read literature (or listen to it).  Maybe I have some soft skills that balance out my technical nature.

(Of course, there is another explanation - age.  In mathematics, almost all the great math advances were done by people under the age of 35.  And, mathematicians over 50 tend to become philosophers!!!  (Hey - I found a place to fit it!!!)

Back to the original concept - about the curriculum for the future?  I like the concept of STEM - science, technology, engineering, and math; but I like adding the “A” - arts to help round out a person.  

Loving, caring, humans make more sense than technical robotics without love.  Maybe that is why I say




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