Wednesday, August 10, 2022



This week I’ve started with infrastructure.  I’m in an area that is undergoing growth - new roads, new houses, new hospitals, new grocery stores, new, new, new.  And with all the new development there has to be planning - how to get water to the houses, stores, etc - how to get electricity; how to plan for future growth.  Then Tuesday I went to planning for retirement - as a form of planning your own personal infrastructure.  Yesterday I looked at a framework for planning - Zig Ziglar’s Wheel of Life.  I didn’t finish that yesterday - so I will today.  Tomorrow I am writing on Finances - particularly spiritual finances - “lay up a treasure in heaven”.



In retirement (and in all of life), our bodies are essential.  I had my first minor (day surgery) at about age 49; my second (day surgery) at age 58; my third (major) at age 70; my fourth (major) at age 74.  I was busy.  Yes, I did try to exercise.  Yes, I did a half-marathon at age 57.  Yes, I hiked all the trails at Sleeping Giant.  Yes, I did go to the gym maybe three times a week.  Yes, I did walk to church and other places.  

I really haven’t done strength training.  Most of my exercise has been aerobic - walking, walking, walking.  I haven’t worked on various spots.  My abs are weak, and my arms are getting weak.  (My tuba case is getting heavier!!!)

Last week I had a bone density test - and OH NO - I have been diagnosed with osteopenia.  “Osteopenia is when your bones are weaker than normal but not so far gone that they break easily, which is the hallmark of osteoporosis.”

Aside, one of my residents at the independent living home fell a month ago and cracked (but didn’t break) her pelvis.  Yes, she is almost 90 years old but is very fragile.  I would suspect osteoporosis.

I have measuring guidelines for walking.  As of August 11th, 2022 I’m in the top 3% of the “Map my Walk” app (out of about 160,000 people), and I’m just a few miles short of the top 2%!!  My insurance will pay me one dollar a day if I reach 7500 steps (up to $10 a month).  So, mileage, mileage, mileage.  Forget those weights.  Forget those sit-ups.  Forget the arm curls.  Forget the other weight exercises (even if they would give my arms strength to be a better granny basketball player).  I have to rethink my weight exercises.  (Bah humbug!!!)

BUT - I KNOW I MUST keep exercising.  Some days, I’m two to three hours of exercising.  (Out of 16 waking hours, that seems significant to me).

The second aspect of physical health is nutrition.  Are you eating well?  Are you getting enough nutrients?  Enough fiber?  Enough vitamins?  And, cutting out the “bad stuff” - sugar, white flour, food with too many carbohydrates?  Are you drinking only a little alcohol? (or no alcohol)

And, lastly, are you getting enough sleep?  Sleep is very important!!!

My father used to say he could get by on five hours of sleep a night!!!  Then he added, as long as I get three hours more during the day!!!



The fifth point on Ziglar’s Wheel is intellectual.  I MUST KEEP MY BRAIN BUSY!!  I HAVE TO THINK!!

If anything, I think too much!!  I do puzzles that challenge me mentally.  I’ve been on a Sudoku binge lately.  That does challenge my thinking.  I do a daily crossword, a daily WORDLE, Words with Friends (scrabble), Free Cell, Set Puzzle, bridge, and more.   

I do this daily blog as an intellectual pursuit, and I read and meditate on scripture.



Alas, this is the weakest link for me.  My wife (rightfully so), decided that she didn’t want to be married to a woman - so she divorced me.  My children have banned me and don’t communicate with me.  I haven’t seen my grandchildren in almost five years.  The twins were just starting kindergarten when I was denied access and they are now starting fourth grade. 

Yes, I’m part of God’s family.  I just finished reading Job - who lost his family and suffered from that.  Reconciliation will occur (I believe!!!)


On the outside, it looks like I am very social.  Inwardly, I don’t always feel social.  I have friends, I do socialize.  As I’m writing this morning, I’ve been alone in my apartment until noon.  I do have plans for getting out this evening (symphony practice - where I will greet people).  I do have plans for lunch tomorrow.  I have a bridge group.  I have a meeting for work. I’ve texted and emailed friends.  But, I have not even spoken to anybody for about 16 hours!!!


But, back to the weekly concept - infrastructure and planning.  ARE YOU PLANNING TO FAIL OR FAILING TO PLAN? 

Habits can take years to develop.  Keeping active with a focus on career, financial, social, spiritual, physical, family, and intellectual.  

If you want to add LIFE to your years, you need to practice, to really live abundantly.  


KAREN WHITE - AUGUST 11, 2022 © 

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