Tuesday, August 23, 2022



Psalm 121:1-4

I look up to the mountains—  does my help come from there?

My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!

He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber.

Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.

Yes, I am “lifting my eyes to the hills” this week, so I am writing this early.

Back in 1980 I (we) moved to Oregon and visited Timberline Lodge on the south side of Mount Hood.  To me, Mount Hood is a beautiful mountain and on clear days you can see this mountain from Portland and the area.

I was also teaching at Mount Hood Community College - so a double reason to visit the mountain.  

On the day I flew to Portland to interview at Mount Hood Community College, the neighboring mountain (Mount St. Helens) was also doing a little show for us on the airplane (not the major eruption that was earlier, but a little smoke and ash plume.  

While living in the Portland area we also had a few aftershocks from Mount St. Helens.  I thought I was being funny the day that our dishes rattled and I said, “Just an earthquake” - but it really was!!!

I did read up about those that went to the summit of Mount Hood.  They left Timberline Lodge at about midnight and arrived at the top at about 7 in the morning, and returned to Timberline Lodge at about noon.  The reason for the early departure is that the daylight can cause avalanches and it is better to get to the top and get down before most of the daytime heating!!!

Although I did not hike to the summit, I was ON Mount Hood - so that counts!!!

Today, I am 75 years old.  This week I am hiking to three state high points - Black Mesa in Oklahoma, Mount Sunflower in Kansas, and Panorama Point in Nebraska - raising my total to eleven state high points.

I have friends who are attempting to visit all the major league baseball parks.  So, my quest is a little different.  I have an athletic friend who conquered all the highest peaks on the seven continents - except Mount Everest.  (He also did the Appalachian Trail and the Pacific Coast Trail in record times (at least at that point).  

Does this give me “bragging rights''?”  Probably not - but it is memorable for me.  I can remember my summer of 2022 as the summer I made it to three more high points.

George Mallory was an English mountain climber.  When asked why he wanted to climb Mount Everest his answer was “Because it is there”.  

As a child, I read mountain climbing books and wanted to climb (until I realized it was COLD on most mountains!!)

Today I’m hiking on Panorama Point in Nebraska.  It is my birthday, and I am excited to be alive, and to be 75 years old and active!!!



Karen White

August 24, 2022, © 

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