Sunday, December 10, 2023



Well, I didn’t make it to South Dakota, and I didn’t get to the reunion of the 40th anniversary of the Mission Change at Dakota State University.

A couple of things affected me this last week, and I’m working through them.

First - the Ugly Duckling.

The story is that, somehow, a different egg got placed in the duck’s nest.  The other eggs hatched into little ducklings, but this last egg was a strange “duck” - ugly and not the same.  (Like many things in this world, if you look different, you get discriminated) 

The ugly duckling had a hard time in his (her?) first year of life.  The other ducks were alike, but this one was so different.  The other ducklings harassed him and forced him to leave the group.  Despondent, the ugly duckling went off on his own.  When spring came, the ugly duck found some beautiful swans - and they immediately surrounded him and loved him.  He wasn’t a duck, but he was a swan.  


Okay, so what, Karen?

There are times I am a phony - an “imposter.”  Yes, I am a woman - but I’m a 6’ 2” woman.  At least one of my teammates on the Granny Basketball team is snubbing me.  Sometimes people look at me and think, “There’s something different about that tall woman.” Maybe they have decided I’m one of those “terrible” transgender” women (who seem to be accused of trying to take over the world <grin>).

At the airport last week, people ignored me or glanced at me strangely.  I was thinking of Jesus’ illustration for his point, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  He was asked, “And who is my neighbor?” At this point, Jesus gives the story of the Good Samaritan.  An injured man is lying on the road. A priest walks by on the other side. A Levite also walks by on the other side of the road. 

That man was injured, and the traveler (the “Good Samaritan”) helped the man get help (and even paid for the injured man).  

But, back to the injured man.  The people who walked by him didn’t want to get involved.  Maybe they were thinking, “If I stop and help this man, I’ll be late for my meeting.” 

The injured man was “different”.  He was visibly hurt - he didn’t look like healthy other people on the road that day.

And, so, too, I look different - and people shun me - or avoid and ignore me.  

Part of me wants to say, “Excuse me, I’m a human being just like you.”  Maybe I don’t “pass” as a female?  If I speak, my voice isn’t very feminine.  I try to dress like a woman and walk like a woman. I try to have make-up and jewelry like a woman - BECAUSE - (gasp) I am a woman.  I am NOT some crazy cross-dresser. 

In the common lectionary Gospel Reading this week, we have the character John the Baptist” (or John, who baptizes people for the forgiveness of their sins.)

John was clothed in camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist. He fed on locusts and wild honey.

Boy, was this guy weird - clothed in camel hair, eating locusts and wild honey?

We honor this weird man as part of the story of Jesus - can we honor all men (and women) - whether they are disabled, transgender, black, Jewish, Ukrainian, or Arab?   Male or female? 

Am I an ugly duckling - that God’s Grace is transforming into a beautiful creature? 


There is an old statement: “Please be patient with me; God isn’t finished with me yet.”

I’m still learning and growing - trying to learn new roles - and trying to live (and preach?) LOVE WINS.  

So - be patient and loving with all people.  All of us are on our journeys - what will we become?  Let’s hope we all become beautiful swans (or beautiful butterflies).





(I caught myself the other day in the airport.  There was an “ugly” lady - and my first thought was, “Her face could stop a train.”.  I stopped - that’s not true.  She is natural; she has feelings and can’t change her appearance.”  Who am I to judge!!!  (Like the pot calling the kettle ‘black.’)

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