Saturday, January 6, 2024




It happened!!!  (Was there any doubt) - it is 2024 - a NEW YEAR!!!

What will 2024 bring? 
As seniors, we’ve been through many New Years - and they have some special factors - and some commonness.  At our age, sometimes change can be a challenge.  Will you (me) downsize?  Will we move?  Will our health improve or get worse?  What are some new factors happening to our children and grandchildren?  (Or bad news) 

I do not want to be morbid, but eventually, we will die.  Are you coasting to that day?  Do you try new things or stick to the path we know?

Nationally, 2024 is a presidential election Year. In terms of what 2024 will bring, there will be millions (billions?) spent to elect candidates There will probably be enough “mud” slung that if it was real dirt, we could cover Texas!!!  

I like to try for something memorable for every year - a trip, a meeting, something. In 2022, I made it to three State High Points (I’m at twelve so far); In 2023, I went to Big Bend National Park.  I hope to get to the Grand Canyon and other National Parks this year (I’ve never been)


A friend sent me this strategy for the New Year:

Courage to start again,

Passion for doing what you love,

Ambition to aim higher,

Resilience to obstacles

Kindness for yourself and others


Riddles - Part I

1. What has ten letters and (normally) needs gas to start?

2. No one has ever walked this way. What is it?

3. What belongs to you but is used by everyone else?

4. What gets wet while it dries?

5. What disappears as soon as you say it’s name?

6. What has legs but cannot walk?

7. What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?

8. I’ve married many people but haven’t divorced anyone. Who am I?

9. What kind of room has no doors or windows?

10. What makes more as you take them?

11. What has a ring with no finger?

12. You’ll find me in Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. But never Neptune or Venus. What am I?

Answers - Riddles Part I

  1. Automobile

  2. The Milky Way.

  3. Your name.

  4. A towel.

  5. Silence

  6. A chair

  7. The Future

  8. A pastor, minister, rabbi, justice of the peace

  9. A. Mushroom.

  10. Footsteps.

  11.  A Telephone

  12. The letter “R”


National Trivia Day | January 4 - Calendar

National Trivia Day is for you if you love fun and interesting facts! Celebrated every year on January 4th, this holiday is all about general knowledge and those people who can store the most obscure, irrelevant, but still interesting facts and quotes in their brains. If this sounds like you, National Trivia Day is the perfect opportunity to show off to your family and friends. 

Many years ago, when people played Trivial Pursuit, I was frequently the first one picked for a team.  (I did well in almost every topic but popular music!!!). I still know too much trivia!!

National Bird Day | January 5 - Calendar

This day was created in 2002 by Born Free USA and the Avian Welfare Coalition. Their goal was to promote avian awareness and the issues that affect birds in America. January 5 was chosen as the date to celebrate this holiday to coincide with the annual Christmas Bird Count. This count lasts for three weeks and is a science survey run by citizens that controls the health of the native bird populations of the United States. 

Years ago, I helped with the Christmas Bird Count - by continuing Eagles flying over the Mississippi River near Keokuk, Iowa. 


Today is Epiphany - Two weeks after Christmas.  Traditionally, this would be the day of the visit of the Three Kings (magi).  In traditional Christian settings, the Christmas Season begins on December 25 and ends on January 6. And, in traditional settings - your Christmas tree would need to go out (especially if you had a “real” tree, as the needles would be dry.

Riddles - part II

  1. People want to make me. Some save me. Others change me. And some raise me. What am I?

  2. How many months have 28 days?

  3. What begins with an “E” but only contains one letter?

  4. What has a head and a tail but no body?

  5. When you turn me on my side, I am everything. If you cut me in half, I am nothing. What am I?

  6. I have lakes without water. Mountains without stone. And cities without buildings. What am I?

  7. I know a word that contains six letters. If you remove one letter, 12 remain. What is it?

  8. Two in a corner. One in a room. Zero in a house. But one in a shelter. What am I?

  9. I have two coins that equal fifteen cents. One of them is not a nickel. What are the two coins?

  10. You measure my life in hours, and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I’m thin. And I’m slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy. What am I?


So, what is ahead for you this year?  Do you have something “memorable” planned for events? 

Answers to Riddles Part II

  1. Money.

  2. Every Month has 28 days!!!

  3. An envelope 

  4. A Coin

  5. The number 8 (on its side it is infinity), in half it is a zero

  6. A Map

  7. Dozens.

  8. The Letter “R”

  9. The coins are a nickel and a dime  

  10. A Candle

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