National Sober Day on September 14 encourages us to celebrate sober life and brings awareness to addiction. The entire day focuses on showing support for anyone living in sobriety. Not only that, but the observance sets a standard for the whole world that being sober is okay. Show your friends and family on the road to recovery by also spending the day sober.
Ideally scheduled during National Recovery Month, the day supports removing the stigma associated with addiction. It opens the lines of communication that lead to better understanding.“The day provides an opportunity to build educated support networks and strengthen existing ones.”Success is more likely when systems are paved with an aware, loving, and honest cheering section.Bruce’sIf we stumble, aren't we more likely to get back up again when we have a solid support system?
Spend the day sober.“While that may seem simple enough, it may come as a challenge to some.”Start by finding recipes for delicious mocktails.“Plan activities that don't feel like they require alcohol to have fun.”Enjoy the day!“By all means, do things you and your friends enjoy doing.”Just remove alcohol from the equation. Call, text, or email a friend or family member in recovery. Let them know you support their sobriety. Share with them how you are going to spend this day alcohol-free.
Alcoholism vs sobriety: "Alcoholism is to give up everything for one thing. Sobriety is to give up one thing for everything".
Sobriety and happiness: "I got sober, and I got happy again."
Sobriety and creativity: "Getting sober is a radically creative act."
Sobriety and self-worth: "I chose sober because I wanted a better life."
Sobriety and self-knowledge: "I didn't drink to escape the world; I drank to escape myself."
Sobriety and self-healing: "Recovery core values consist of those deep-seated feelings--intimacy, loyalty, health, integrity, honesty, ambition, learning, and others."
Sobriety and self-acceptance: "I would rather go through life sober, believing I am an alcoholic, than to go through life drunk, trying to convince myself that I am not
Sobriety and self-determination: "Getting sober was the single bravest thing I've ever done and will ever do in my life
Sobriety and self-forgiveness: "Failure is a part of life. If you don't fail, you don't learn. If you don't learn, you'll never change"
My best example of National Sober Day is Bruce Saulnier.
Bruce and I were fixtures in the School of Business at Quinnipiac University. Bruce had been an alcoholic for years. I don’t know how long he had been an alcoholic or how long he had been sober.
Bruce didn’t brag about being sober; he didn’t widely talk about his involvement with Alcoholics Anonymous. He avoided events that had alcohol, but if “forced” to such an event, he casually fit in, with a diet coke in his hand.
Bruce was well-liked on campus, a great educator, and involved in teaching and learning. He chaired the International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning. While some professors are lousy teachers, Bruce was an innovator in the classroom. “How can I do a better job in the classroom” might have been his mantra. Bruce convinced me to get involved with ISETL, and I did. (And, likewise, I convinced Bruce to get involved with ISE."
He didn’t directly tell me, but his Tuesday nights were off-limits to campus events. It was his AA night. I can imagine Bruce standing up and saying, “I am a recovering alcohol”. There were times when I suspected a fellow AA member needed help in staying sober, and Bruce went and had coffee and shared his vision of love for the friend.
My research says:
Genetics can play a part in alcoholism. I know Bruce’s father played in a band, and bands in that era played in bars and places where alcohol was served. I never asked Bruce “Why he was an alcoholic”
Drinking before the age of 15 is a factor
Social and environmental pressures can also push a person into alcoholism.
Become SOBER is a significant success story. Like my friend KW, who is now a former smoker or RP was also a former smoker - and died from cancer recently.
I might be classified as a “social drinker.” It has been three weeks since I had a beer. With playing at Oktoberfest coming up, I anticipate having a beer or two most weeks.
LOVE WINS - but destructive behavior can hinder agape love.
LOVE TRANSFORMS - AA and similar groups profess a “divine power” (God) as the method to get SOBER
Love Wins!!
Karen Anne White, September 14, 2024
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