Monday, September 30, 2024



I remember the movie Get Low, where a Tennessee Hermit has his funeral before he dies.  

So what, Karen?.

At funerals, nobody mentioned the bad things a person did, but people eulogized about how nice the person was, how he/she always helped their neighbors, gave to charity, helped old ladies across the street, and more.  Nobody says, “He was a miser, a cheat, he never paid his bills, he was a real lowlife.” 

Maybe we should have funerals before the person dies so that person can hear all the good things they did.  I see TL at the nursing home.  She was an active artist, had her own art studio, did wonderful painting, was intelligent, loving, was a great mother, etc.  But she won’t hear those comments after she dies.  I like to tell people about her background while she is listening.  TL doesn’t speak (seemingly, a minor stroke stopped her language processing).  But, she does hear.  Saying nice things while she is listening is good (in my opinion).  I don’t like to say negative things about anybody, but it sometimes happens when you think someone is deaf.  I told TL I loved her; she was an excellent artist.  I assume these comments are going into her brain.  

And the same is true with the title today - Pallbearer.  

Pallbearers are called upon to help wheel the casket into the church (or other location) for the funeral.  There are often honorary pallbearers - people who can’t carry the casket but were good friends.  They are at the funeral because they knew (and hopefully loved) the deceased). 

There is “The Servant Song”

Brother, let me be your servant.

Let me be as Christ to you.

Pray that I might have the grace

To let you be my servant, too.


We are pilgrims on a journey.

We are brothers on the road.

We are here to help each other

Walk the mile and bear the load.


I will hold the Christ-light for you

In the nighttime of your fear.

I will hold my hand out to you;

Speak the peace you long to hear.


I will weep when you are weeping.

When you laugh, I’ll laugh with you.

I will share your joy and sorrow

Till we’ve seen this journey through.


When we sing to God in heaven,

We shall find such harmony

Born of all we’ve known together

Of Christ’s love and agony.


Brother, let me be your servant.

Let me be as Christ to you.

Pray that I might have the grace

To let you be my servant, too.


I want to tell many friends how special they have been to me.  Let me be your servant - and I have the grace to let you be my servant.  

I lost some friends when I transitioned.  I want to say, “I’m sorry to them.” I want to say, “You have been exceptional in my life.”  And, “How I miss you.”  

If you read this, let me tell you that I LOVE YOU.  (And LMG - tell TF that I love him too!!!)

LOVE WINS - even when I have wronged others

LOVE TRANSFORMS US - can we be a better person?  Has God touched and changed me?

Karen Anne White, October 1, 2024

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