Monday, September 27, 2021



“For when the One Great Scorer comes
To mark against your name,
He writes - not that you won or lost -
But HOW you played the Game.”

Quote by Grantland Rice - sports writer


(18) Peter, Paul, and Mary - Right Field (25th Anniversary Concert) - YouTube

***** "‘A healthy mind resides in a healthy body is an unavoidable necessity for all, particularly for a schoolgoing boy or girl"(from The importance of sports and games in school | All4Women)



“Sport teaches children the important lesson of team-spirit and it gives them the experience of working with different kinds of people in different situations.

“Playing sports enables children to create friendships they otherwise might not have formed. Sports and games can be a great lesson in time management and they provide the spirit of competition that drives them to give extra effort. Through sports, children learn to respect authority and rules. Sport increases self-esteem, mental alertness and it reduces stress and anxiety.”


I liked sports, but I found more personal fulfillment in other school activities - music (band and choir), theater, drama, debate, and other organizations.  

I was not particularly adept at sports and thus found more value in my life in those other activities.  Yes, I did sit on the bench in basketball and I’d consider myself to have been slow, inept, and not of great value to a team. I do remember a (that is ONE) long three-point shot in basketball - but that was an oddity.  I also remember playing right field in baseball (watching the dandelions grow - see poem/lyrics later).  

But, somehow, when I took my first teaching position at West Grant High School, I was told the previous math teacher coached junior-varsity basketball and was the high baseball coach.  In one of my more gutsy moves, I told the superintendent “Sure, I can do that.”  (What people will do to get a job!!! <grin>)

There are reasons for sports (and other high school activities).  The article from above suggests that sports help a student learning team spirit (teamwork), time management, and self-esteem.  It suggests it builds character.  

The article says “No other thing in life affords children such opportunity to develop positive character traits and to soak up many quality values as sports does.”  I do beg to differ on that concept - band, choir, chess club, scouting, theater, debate, and other activities can also help build such positive character traits. 

BUT, being on an athletic team should develop team spirit.  Playing and working with other team members is a good trait.  Teamwork is an important part of adult work.

Likewise being on an athletic team should help with time management.  Think of a project that a manager might have.  Should that manager assign that project to a person who already has a lot “on their plate”, or to somebody who is less busy?

My bias is that if such a project is assigned to a less busy person, it is more likely not to be done on time!!  Follow this reasoning - a busy person knows how to set his or her priorities.  What has to be done first and second.  

I had college students who were involved in athletics with early practices, late weight training, games, and travel and they had to monitor their time closely.  Less busy people can say “I’ve got time to do that - so put it off for a day or two - and then have to rush to finish on time.

The last idea was that athletics develop self-esteem.  That can really be part of coaching.  A coach (or teacher, mentor) helps the student grow as a human being.  

I also suggest that sometimes winning gets to be more valuable than character building.  I remember from coaching basketball a young man that was maybe similar to me - a little inept, and a little slow - who had a great shot, and who stayed on the bench way too long as I kept the “better players” in the game working towards a win.  Good coaches encourage, challenge appropriately, and build up the students.  Bad coaches, yell, scream, and can hurt a person’s self-esteem.

All of us need recognition and positive feedback.  I’ve seen coaches yell and scream at their students.  For a seventh or eighth-grade student having an adult scream at a student because they did something stupid on the court or field is demoralizing.  If sports builds team spirit, yelling at a 12 or 13-year-old kid going through puberty (where they may or may not be even listening to the coach) because he or she messed up reinforced the concept that they have little value 

Sometimes - even in middle school and definitely in high school “Winning at any cost” has replaced Grantland Rice’s quote about the “One Great Scorer” (see top) - not that you won or lost - But HOW you played the Game.”  When Johnny or Susie comes home from an away game, Mom and Dad’s first question was “Did you win?”  And, maybe after that was the question “How did you do?” wanting to hear about their child’s prowess.  


So as we start a week of athletics, we start by saying “Yes”, athletics (and in my opinion other activities) can build a child (or adult) to be a good member of society!!!


(18) Peter, Paul, and Mary - Right Field (25th Anniversary Concert) - YouTube

Lyrics from “Right Field” by Peter, Paul, and Mary:

“Saturday summers, when I was a kid

We'd run to the schoolyard and here's what we did

We'd pick out the captains and we'd choose up the teams

It was always a measure of my self-esteem

Cuz the fastest, the strongest, played shortstop and first

The last ones they picked were the worst

I never needed to ask, it was sealed,

I just took up my place in right field.



Right field, it's easy, you know.

You can be awkward and you can be slow

That's why I'm here in right field

Just watching the dandelions grow

Playing right field can be lonely and dull

Little Leagues never have lefties that pull

I'd dream of the day they'd hit one my way

They never did, but still, I would pray

That I'd make a fantastic catch on the run

And not lose the ball in the sun

And then I'd awake from this long reverie

And pray that the ball never came out to me

Here in…

(Chorus - see above)

Off in the distance, the game's dragging on,

There's strikes on the batter, some runners are on.

I don't know the inning, I've forgotten the score.

The whole team is yelling and I don't know what for.

Then suddenly everyone's looking at me
My mind has been wandering; what could it be?

They point at the sky and I look up above

And a baseball falls into my glove!  (if you listen to the video, there is great applause, as the inept right-fielder makes a great play!!!)

Here in right field, it's important you know.

You gotta know how to catch, you gotta know how to throw,

That's why I'm here in right field, just watching the dandelions grow!




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