Tuesday, March 8, 2022



The last two days, I’ve written about priorities and about setting priorities.  


My number 1 priority is staying active so I can live to a ripe old age.  Okay - most of you will agree that is a good objective.  The next point is I can make it a priority on paper and in my mind - but you HAVE TO DO IT.  As I write, I know I need to get out and walk - so am I doing that?  No, I’m writing.  I’m looking at my clock radio and I know I have “plenty of time” - but I really don’t.  I’ll want a nap this afternoon.  I need to go to the grocery store.  

So, a quick recap - making your priorities work:

  1. Figure Out What's Most Important To You. ...

  2. Create An Action Plan. ...

  3. Designate Specific Time Slots For Tasks. ...

  4. Determine How You Want To Live Your Life. ...

  5. Talk To A Mentor. ...

  6. Map Out Your Daily Tasks. ...

  7. Eliminate Distractions. ...

  8. Take Time To Reflect.

  9. Be honest with yourself


My priorities have changed as I’ve aged.  When I taught, I wanted to deliver meaningful and appropriately challenging lessons and assignments.  I wanted my students to be contributing members of society and live the American dream (you know, two cars in the garage, a house mortgage, car payments, and smiling every day as they headed out to do work that they liked to do!!!)  

Now divorced (ouch), and retired and looking at death down the line, I need to be fit and healthy (and, frankly, I’m not doing a good job at it).  I’m still overweight.  I still don’t eat nutritiously (but that pizza for lunch was good).  I sit too much.  I don’t get enough exercise.  I don’t visit my friends enough.  I don’t pray enough.  I don’t even practice my tuba!!  

My (unstated and unwanted options) - stay overweight, let my blood sugar get high, become diabetic, then let other ailments sneak into my life - maybe be obese.  Ease into dementia. And … die in my early 80s.

I’m good at procrastination.  I will get out and walk!!  I will be active.  I will eat nutritious foods (tomorrow).  


When I was in college (especially my freshman year), I scheduled almost everything.  Three hours of study for each hour in class.  I learned to say ‘no’.  

But as I’ve grown older and retired, saying ‘no’ is harder.  If I feel like taking a nap, I take a nap.  If I feel like playing a solitaire game, I play a solitaire game (and again and again - like an addiction).  If my brain says ‘get out and walk’, it seems as if all the obstacles in the world jump up in front of me.  I need to use the restroom, I need a snack, I need to get my tennis shoes (and once I start looking for my tennis shoes, I find that I need to organize my shoes and my closet. 

If my time is becoming busier, I need to control it better.  Time Management to the rescue (yes), but Brain Management over Inertia is really the difficulty.  For the next week I am going to lay out a spreadsheet of times, events, and plan my time better!!!


I need to schedule those interruptions better.  

(Aside, I’m not sure I want or need to be like my Uncle Earl who was so very organized.  He had index cards for his shoes (and almost everything he owned), the last time he wore them, the last time he polished them, when and where he bought the shoes.  It was the same with his activities.  He knew the driving times to his office, to the store, to church, and how long he needed to do an activity.)

In my retirement, I get much less done in my apartment.  While not quite a hoarder, I can see that tendency in me.  I’ve had lots of friends give me clothes and things.  So, my closet is full of things that I just can’t throw out.  (Note to Karen - wake up, some of those things don’t fit well, some don’t look good on you - gather them up and donate them to a thrift shop!!!)


Okay, an action plan for today (Wednesday, Match 9th):

Up at 6:30 - do my early morning things - make the bed, Email check, Bible Reading, Duolingo, Crossword Puzzle, and end by 8:00.  Make oatmeal (seniors need more fiber <grin>) make coffee.  Sip coffee while I write.  10:00 go to the apartment fitness room and walk two miles on the treadmill.  (Aside I really don’t like treadmills - but this is close enough.  It is like the old dog sled story - if you aren’t the lead dog, the view never changes.  But, there is a television on the wall and I can watch the Price is Right.  Two-and-one-half to three miles later, back to my apartment.  Write until noon.  Make lunch, take a nap from 12:30 to 1:15.  Play two games. Recreation time - jigsaw puzzle - or artwork.  Write again until 5:00. Make dinner, get ready for the evening meeting.  


Okay, I’ve made a plan.  Can I stick with it?


  1. Figure Out What's Most Important To You. ...

  2. Create An Action Plan. ...

  3. Designate Specific Time Slots For Tasks. ...

  4. Determine How You Want To Live Your Life. ...

I see many seniors who think “WOW - I’m retired - my time is my own!!!  YEEHAW!!  I can do anything!!  And, they mostly hibernate in their homes.  


I have some senior friends who play golf.  Another friend spends an hour a day playing guitar (and is working on becoming a classical guitar player). One friend substitute teaches.  Some volunteer.  One is involved with reading with elementary kids.  


Yes, television is part of most of their lives.  One talented crocheter croquettes with the television or music in the background.  She goes to the various art shows and markets in the area selling her crocheted pieces.  


I DON’T WANT TO LIVE MY LIFE ON MY COUCH OR IN MY RECLINER. (That isn’t quite how I want to live my life, but how I don’t want to live life.



My blog is one of my learning and reflecting tools for me.




Definitely one of my problems!!!  (I can rationalize almost anything!!)


Oh well, LOVE WINS!!



March 9, 2022

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