Wednesday, March 9, 2022



To finish off this topic, I wanted to look at a couple more of the points

  1. Figure Out What's Most Important To You. ...

  2. Create An Action Plan. ...

  3. Designate Specific Time Slots For Tasks. ...

  4. Determine How You Want To Live Your Life. ...

  5. Talk To A Mentor. ...

  6. Map Out Your Daily Tasks. ...

  7. Eliminate Distractions. ...

  8. Take Time To Reflect.

  9. Be honest with yourself

  10. Create a list

  11. Take Action in small steps

  12. Remember That It's Normal For Your Priorities To Change

  13. Check-In With Yourself Regularly


I’ve had a few mentors - and I have mentored many students. Mentors are counselors - listening to you, (and really listening to your heart and priorities).  Rarely will mentors say “Do Thus and So”.  Mentors will ask you “So what do you think?”  They might recommend books or articles to read.  My current counselor/mentor has helped broaden my perspective with Eckhart Tolle, and Brene Brown.  

Do you have a mentor (or mentors)? Do you have somebody who stands by you, doesn't judge you but helps you? Do you mentor or encourage others? (One of my greatest joys is seeing former students becoming successful, being good citizens, building strong families, and making a difference!!)


If I am working on something that I really need to concentrate on, I don’t need distractions.  In most cases, my phone is also always on silent (it seems I get a lot of spam calls anyway).  Television does grab my attention because it addresses two senses - sight and sound.  I am blessed in that I really don’t get many distractions in my apartment.  I live alone.  For some of you, distractions are your work.  A nurse writing up her analysis of a patient, a teacher mentoring a student may seem like a distraction, it is part of their assigned work.

“Now where was I?” can be the result of distractions as you have to go back to where you were before the distraction.  Have a plan and a timeframe.  If I am writing I set a time - an hour or two to write.  You can also plan the night before.  “Tomorrow, I will do <such and such>”.


Where am I going (and why am I going there)?  If we have priorities in life we need to know why we are doing them.  If I am doing exercise, I need to believe that this is of value in my life.  I do allow for some controlled distractions in exercise - like my audiobooks or music.  If I am at my favorite exercise location - the Georgetown Recreation Center, I know I will be saying “hi” to others (both those I know and those I don’t know - kind of a ‘Love Wins” activity).  

There have been times when I have stepped back from a good activity in that it wasn't moving me in my direction.


Okay, when I step on the scale in the morning - and it is still too high, I can very easily rationalize “I’ll do better today”, or “I have more time for nutrition meals tomorrow”.  For my eating (I just finished a butter-laden bagel as I’m writing this), I can say “I needed the energy” (rather than just have a second cup of calorie-free coffee)!!!  

I don’t need to be “brutally" honest with myself, but I do need to really analyze who I am and where I am going periodically..  I need to have self-respect, but I also need to keep my direction going.  

[Aside, one of my favorite car accessories is cruise control.  If I am going even five miles, I’ll set my cruise and forget it.  Yes, I am watching for slower cars and intersections, but I’m taking that speed control out of my mind.  Oh, another comment - don’t get behind me as I drive the speed limit.  At times I think I’m the only one that does!!!]


This is different for me than others as I am retired.  I’m not quite to that stage where every day is Saturday (some of my retired friends at the independent living facility have trouble identifying what day it is).  So, a game or two of solitaire is okay.


There will be times when you need to step back from an activity or priority and adapt your direction.  



All through life I’ve needed to stop and say “Who am I?” and “Where am I going?”.  I like some adventure in life.  I like to challenge myself.  I like to get out of my comfort zone.  

I am (of course) in a big challenge - being a woman after 68 years as a man.  (Talk about pushing my comfort zone).  Are my values changing?  Yes and no.  Two days ago was International Women's Day.  I may not have even noticed that in the past.  

My values have also changed,  I say “LOVE WINS” - and day by day I am trying to live that motto.  How can I love my bossy granny basketball teammate who berated me two weeks ago?  I have to love her.  I had to remember the Proverb “A quiet answer puts away wrath”.  I didn't push back (although my brain was rationalizing my action!!).

Tomorrow - a LOVE WINS Friday, then a Saturday story, and on Sunday some fun activities and logic problems!!!  WOOO!!

I love you all!!!  Thank you for reading, for sharing, for encouraging me!!  (I need it!!!)


Karen - March 10, 2022

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