Monday, October 31, 2022



In some Christian denominations, today is “All Saint’s Day” - remembering the Saints that went before us.  According to Brittania “There are more than 10,000 saints recognized by the Roman Catholic Church, though the names and histories of some of these holy men and women have been lost to history. The saints of the church are a diverse group of people with varied and interesting stories.

With that in mind, I am following the last two weeks about technology - and in particular today, communication of thoughts through technology.


I have talked about my Christian background - but I’m sure my thoughts apply to almost every background. 

In the morning, I “read” scripture online.  Okay, I generally “listen” to scripture and frequently follow reading the text while listening to the narrator. For several years (I can’t remember), I’ve done a “Bible in a year” application.  So, in a year, I listen to (aka “read”) all the books (well, almost all. The version I listen to does not include the Deuterocanonical books). I do read some of the Deuterocanonical books on my own.

I have maybe six Bibles - and most gather dust on my shelves.  I can find particular verses, books, and more online.  Some searches give me the verse in the context of 12 different translations/versions.

For example, Philippians 4:19 is “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. In the New International Version, and “And may my God supply all your want, according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” in the Douay-Rheims version.  Sometimes there is a subtle difference.

During the day a friend sends me spiritual readings, and I get weekly updates from some different religious sources. 


So, what else is going on in religious communication and technology?

Almost every church/denomination/movement/philosophy/ has a webpage.  Many keep a database of members and others and they send appropriate emails.

Where once upon a time, such communications were done through traditional mail (sometimes called “snail mail”).  The expense of printing newsletters, writing addresses on the envelopes, and putting stamps on the mailing has disappeared as email, websites texting, and even Twitter and other media have stepped up and generally for free - or almost free - and much quicker!!!


Databases are the back-burners of communication.  If I want to send a note to all the unmarried people in their 20s and 30s, that can be done by selecting the right SQL (structured query language) statement to pull the correct records out of the database.  

A “query” might be like “SELECT ALL RECORDS WITH MARITAL-STATUS IS “N”, AGE IS BETWEEN 19 AND 40 AND ZIPCODE STARTS WITH “78”.  The better the database, the better the mailing.

Then you can personalize the message, “Dear <FIRST-NAME> message.”.

(Aside, I still get too many such bulk emails with my previous name from four years ago!!!)


Obviously, almost any and every group can communicate this way.  Some major religious groups have made an ‘art form’ out of their communication so it sounds somewhat personalized.


And, if you can’t attend a particular service, you can frequently watch it online - either live or anytime later.  

If you want to know what Buddhists believe, you can find out quickly - or ‘maybe’ quickly.  In some areas, if you ask “What do Buddhists believe” - there might be thousands of websites.  

(I use a lot of internet searches for these daily blogs - and sometimes it takes me hours to get exactly the information that I think will be of value to my readers!!!)

In the new communication area (that is high-speed computing and high-speed transmission, with abundant storage), influence peddlers are everywhere.  Yes, religious groups can spread their message - but so do hate groups.  

As Abe Lincoln said, “You can’t trust everything on the Internet”.  

So, on “ALL Saints” - we too need to take the high road in communications.  Do I say good and gracious things in my communication?  Do I argue?  Do I “practice what I preach”? (That is - LOVE WINS”).  

We are one week from election day.  There isn’t much dirt left in Texas!!  The politicians have mixed it with water to make mud and have been slinging it!!  (only figuratively - thank goodness).  My mother said, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”.  We can disagree on policies and direction - but disagree pleasantly.

I was reminded yesterday of one of my favorite Old Testament scriptures - Micah 6:8 - “What does God expect of you - but to love justice, SHOW MERCY, and walk humbly with God.


Karen White, November 1, 2022, © 

Sunday, October 30, 2022



I’ve been looking at technology for the last week.  Today a look at an amazing chip - that is super fast!!


The chip can transmit all of the internet's traffic every second

“A single computer chip has transmitted a record 1.84 petabits of data per second via a fiber-optic cable – enough bandwidth to download 230 million photographs in that time, and more traffic than travels through the entire internet’s backbone network per second.

“Asbjørn Arvad Jørgensen at the Technical University of Denmark in Copenhagen and his colleagues have used a photonic chip – a technology that allows optical components to be built onto computer chips – to divide a stream of data into thousands of separate channels and transmit them all at once over 7.9 kilometers.

“Splitting data into a spectrum of color packets has enabled a single computer chip to transmit a record 1.84 petabits of data per second via a fiber-optic cable

From: Chip can transmit all of the internet's traffic every second | New Scientist October 20, 2022

Although data transfer rates of up to 10.66 petabits per second have been achieved before using bulky equipment, this research sets a record for transmission using a single computer chip as a light source. The technology could create simple, single chips that can send more data than existing models, slashing energy costs and increasing bandwidth.

The amount of data sent in the experiment was so vast that no computer exists that could supply or receive this much information so quickly. In experiments, the team instead passed “dummy data” through all channels, says Jørgensen, and tested the output one channel at a time to verify that it was all being sent and could be recovered intact.

“You could say the average internet traffic in the world is about a petabit per second. What we transmit is two times that,” says Jørgensen. “It’s a tremendous amount of data that we’re sending through, essentially, less than a square millimeter [of cable]. It just goes to show that we can go so much further than we are today with internet connections.”


Okay, so what?


“A single computer chip has transmitted a record 1.84 petabits of data per second that is REALLY more traffic than travels through the entire internet’s backbone network per second.

I remember the day we were talking about speeds of “megahertz” - but now we can move 1.84 PETABITS - or about 1,000,000,000,000,000 bits in a second. 

Couple that with super-fast processors and we are talking FAST.


Just off on a tangent:

He's making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!


So, does Santa Claus have such a high-speed network?  Seemingly Santa Claus knows ALL about you.  He sees you when you are sleeping.  And, maybe most particularly - He knows if you have been bad or good.

Wow - I’m in Santa Claus’ database.  (Has my Fitbit been telling him that I’m sleeping?) [Aside - I don’t have a Fitbit or similar device!!]


And … a parallel - does God know ALL about me?  Does He see if I am sleeping?  Does He know if I’ve been bad or good?  Does God have a supercomputer?  I (we) are all His (Her) children how does He (She) know all?  Does God (he/she/it/the force/Ahh) hear all my prayers?  Does God hear everyone's prayers? (From Matthew 6:8 - “your Father knows what you need before you ask him.”

Am I in God’s database?  And, does He LOVE ME ANYWAY?


From those early days of vacuum tubes to speeds that boggle my mind, computing is changing everything!!!  (And, that God is more powerful than the fastest transmission speed and the fastest supercomputer!!!)



Karen White, October 31, 2022, © 

Saturday, October 29, 2022



OCTOBER 30, 2022



Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.  Where else can you dress up and walk around in a costume? (And, get and give out chocolate candy bars!!!)  

Even when I taught I dressed up.  I’ve been a pirate, a cowboy, Zorro, a bottle of ketchup, the Great Pumpkin, a clown, and my old maid sister (maybe that one started something in my brain).  

I don’t think I ever watched a Halloween movie all the way through.  I'm just not into gruesome, scary stuff.  (with a motto of “Love Wins”, all the gore and blood of the movies just isn’t my thing).

I like seeing the little kids come to the door trick or treating.  I even saw something about not despising those teens who come trick or treating - they could be doing something worse (drugs, or drinking).

So, let’s celebrate and enjoy the fun of Halloween.  



(borrowed from: and adapted)

The Bear Lake Monster:

If you travel to Bear Lake in Montana on a quiet day, you just might catch a glimpse of the Bear Lake Monster. The monster looks like a huge brown snake and is nearly 90 feet long. It has ears that stick out from the side of its skinny head and a mouth big enough to eat a man. According to some, it has small legs and it kind of scurries when it ventures out on land. But in the water - watch out! It can swim faster than a horse can gallop - makes a mile a minute on a good day. Sometimes the monster likes to sneak up on unwary swimmers and blow water at them. It’s been known to carry off the obnoxious and crabby people and when the monster drops them back on the beach, they’re as good as gold.  Seemingly the monster scared the meanness out of them.

A feller I heard about spotted the monster early one evening as he was walking along the lake. He tried to shoot it with his rifle. The man was a crack shot, but not one of his bullets touched that monster. It scared the heck out of him and he hightailed it home faster than you can say Jack Robinson when the monster headed in his direction. All of a sudden the rifle magically flew up in the air, lit up like a rainbow, made a sound like a thousand locomotives, and then ‘poof’ it disappeared.

The monster seems to have a soft spot for kids.  And, somehow, kids seem to know that the monster isn’t scary.  As twilight turns to dusk and dusk to night, the monster has been known to come into the campground next to the lake and entice kids to ride on its back.  The kids come back wet and happy.  (I should know, I was one of those kids many years ago).

Sometimes, when the monster has been quiet for a while, people start saying it is gone for good. Some folks even dredge up that old tale that says how Pecos Bill heard about the Bear Lake monster and bet some cowpokes that he could wrestle that monster until it said, uncle. According to them folks, the fight lasted for days and created a hurricane around Bear Lake. Finally, Bill flung that there monster over his shoulder and it flew so far it went plumb around the world and landed in Loch Ness, where it lives to this day. (But, I know that isn’t true).

Course, we know better than that. The Bear Lake Monster is just hibernating-like. Keep your eyes open at dusk and especially at Halloween, and maybe you'll see it come out to feed. And, if the monster lets you climb on its back, you’ll have a ride you will never forget - after all, I should know.



The Railway Ghost

The train rumbled around Sam Malone, as he adjusted the throttle. The night shift was always the toughest, in the engineer's mind - and this was Halloween evening.. He had rumbled through Timpas a few minutes ago and was on his way to Thatcher. Not a bad stretch of road, and there was no better train in the entire Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad.  And, while it was debatable, there was no better engineer than Sam Malone.  Six feet, two inches, fists like iron, and a mean streak, Sam had quite a reputation, and it was well deserved.  

He stretched a bit and yawned, trying to stay alert on this long stretch through the Gunnison Valley. Peering out into the inky blackness he gasped. The lights had picked up the figure of a beautiful woman with long red-gold hair and wonderful blue eyes standing right next to the tracks just 300 feet ahead of the train. Too near! He sounded his horn to warn her away. And then he realized that the light was shining right through her. She was a ghost!

She stepped into the center of the track, laughing and beautiful. Sam tried to slow the train but she disappeared seconds before the train would have rushed right through her. And then she was there, in the engine cab next to him. Her gossamer dress floated around her and the scent of roses filled the air.  Her lips were full, but the bewitching feature was her eyes.

Now, we know we talk with our mouths, but this beauty talked with her eyes.  She was saying “hug me, kiss me”.  And, even Sam Malone couldn’t resist.  He stared at the ghostly vision, bewitched by her beauty. With an enticing smile, she wrapped ghostly arms about his neck and kissed him.  The kiss was as gentle as a butterfly landing on your hand and as powerful as a sledgehammer driving nails into railroad ties.  Her breath was ambrosia, her touch cold as ice and as hot as a blacksmith’s fire.  

Those talking eyes said “I’ll see you again”, and poof - she disappeared.

Dazed, Sam finished the run to Thatcher in a trance, completely forgetting to stop at the station. The fireman had to slap Sam and pour water on his head to snap him out of it.

Sam decided not to tell anyone about the ghost, fearing for his job. But he was plagued by curiosity. Finally, in a bar in Dodge City one night he confided the story to a fellow engineer. To his surprise, the friend had heard about the ghost before. The ghost's appearance on the train was by no means uncommon. No one knew who the woman had been in life. But she always appeared on that stretch of track after dark on Halloween, beckoning to the men on the railroad crew with a bewitching smile. Sometimes, said his friend, sometimes she would come right onto the train!


Next year, Sam requested that run through Gunnison on Halloween.  His eyes scanned the tracks after passing through Timpas, and - there she was.  This time he slowed the train and stopped.  The ghost came into the cab and Sam and the ghost kissed passionately.  Even the fireman saw them together.

Then, right before the fireman’s eyes, Sam turned transparent and the two flew out of the cab.  


It's been many years since Sam Malone and the golden-haired beauty first haunted the rails outside of Timpas but every year Sam and the girl show up on Halloween night.  Amtrak runs a passenger line through the Gunnison valley, and they say on Halloween evening, the front booth in the dining car is reserved for the ghostly couple to sip sarsaparilla and kiss.  (I should know, I’ve seen them!!!)



Q: What is a mummy’s favorite type of music?  A: Wrap!
Q: What do little trees say on Halloween?  A: Twig or Treat!
Q: What kind of instrument do you play on Halloween?  A: A SPOOKulele!|
Q: What kind of key does a ghost use to unlock a door? A: A SPOOKey!
Q: What do you call a dead detective? A: Sherlock Bones!
Q: Why didn’t the vampire bite Taylor Swift? A: She had bad blood!
Q: What do ghosts say when something is really neat?  A: Ghoul!
Q: Why do ghosts like to ride in elevators? A: It raises their spirits!
Q: What do little monsters call their parents? A: Mummy and Deady!
Q: What do skeletons say before eating? A: Bone Appetit!
Q: Why didn’t the skeleton go see the scary movie? A: He didn’t have the guts!
Q: What is a monster’s favorite bean? A: A Human Bean!
Q: Where do most werewolves live? A: In Howlywood, CA
Q: What is a witch’s favorite subject in school?  A: Spelling!
Q: What do eye doctors give out on Halloween as treats? A: Candy Corneas!
Q: Which plants like Halloween the most?  A: BamBOO!
Q: What is a ghost’s favorite ride at the fair?  A: The RollerGhoster!
Q: What part of the street do skeletons live on?  A: The dead end!
Q: Why do they put fences around graveyards?  A: Because people are dying to get in!
Q: What did the ghost say when his friend lied to him?  A: I can see right through you!
Q: What is Dracula’s favorite circus act?  A: He always goes for the juggler!
Q: What do you call a kind and considerate monster?  A: A complete failure!
Q: Why didn’t the students like their teacher who was also a vampire?  A: There were too many blood tests!
Q: What do birds give out on Halloween night?  A: Tweets!
Q: What’s the problem with twin witches?  A: You never know which witch is which!


Happy Halloween

Enjoy your Halloween


Karen White, October 30, 2022

Friday, October 28, 2022



On Saturday I write fiction (and I’ll keep trying until I get better <grin>).  

I’m following “Gottfried the Great” of Saxony Germany as Germany works towards unification.  In 1848 Germany was a bunch of little states and cities that were independent - but shared a language and experiences.  

Yes, on my mother’s side of history, there is a Gottfried Quaas, but in this version, there is little similarity other than the name.


On Thursday, March 1, 1849, King Francis of Saxony, and King Mallory of Thuringia signed an accord to join the two states into one.   Gottfried Quaas and Edward Bauer were the two main proponents of the action - Gottfried from Thuringia and Edward from Saxony.

Some said King Francis and King Mallory were ahead of the unification effort while others said they were only reacting to the growing democracy movement in Europe and out of their minds.

It seemed like all of Europe was demanding freedom from tyranny and for freedom.  Considering the United States had set up a democracy in the 1770s, and France in the 1790s, the ideas had been growing for some time.  England still had a King, but the monarchy was slowly being replaced by the British Parliament. 

Would Germany be like the bloody French Revolution where King Louis XIV had his head slashed off in a guillotine, and the royals from the king downward were displaced (and eventually Napoleon took over)?  King Francis and Mallory preferred sharing governance rather than beheading.


King Francis hoped to be a moderate and a moderator in the move to democracy.  He installed Gottfried Quaas and Edward Bauer as ambassadors to the other German states and sent the two of them to visit Austria first.  

There were options for their trip.  Gottfried and Edward could take the train from Dresden to Leipzig, then Leipzig to Cologne, and then Cologne to Munich, and finally Munich to Vienna.  The other option was to ride their horses into the Austrian Empire as far as Prague and then take the train to Vienna. The second was more direct and cheaper than taking the train all the way to Vienna.


Gottfried and Edward decided the weather was good, and they would get on the road the next Monday, March 5th.  The road was generally good, there were inns along the way.  It should take two days to get to Prague and then they could take the train to Vienna, the capital of Austria.


The goal for the first day was to Usti Nad Lebem just over the border from Saxony into the region of Bohemia.  

Gottfried and Edward started out of Donner (Gottfried’s horse) and Koenig (Edward’s horse).  They would follow the Elbe River valley for most of the first day before cutting south into Bohemia.  

The River Road, as it was known, was fairly flat.  The Elbe was a slow-flowing river as it flowed northwest towards the North Sea.  Most of the river was iced over, but there were some patches of open water.  

Some of the early trees had pregnant buds promising to open in the next few weeks.  There were even some birds chirping as the men followed the river.

Gottfried and Edward had cold weather gear, just in case, they got caught in a storm. They passed some houses and other travelers and kept going.  The road was well traveled and they met some farmers bringing wagon loads of hay, straw, and oats into Dresden.  

Gottfried was still a country boy.  He was getting used to Dresden, with its churches, architecture, beautiful parks, and activities.   

Gottfried and Edward talked as they journeyed. Edward was a Dresden native and knew a lot about the region.  An uncle farmed on the east side of the Elbe River near Leuben and Edward had visited him frequently as a child.  They talked of farming, of the city, and even of their dating.  Edward had a girlfriend and they were getting close to being engaged; Gottfried was shy around women and had little experience with dating.

They stopped at Pirna at an inn on the river for lunch.  After lunch, the terrain would turn hilly and the road would leave the Elbe River valley and go south toward Bohemia.  The inn had about ten people for lunch, and Edward even knew one of the men who was a cousin to his uncle.  The innkeeper asked where Gottfried and Edward were heading and they indicated they were going to Vienna, but would take the train from Prague.  The innkeeper said, “Be Careful today, I am predicting snow and wind today.”.  Edward laughed, but Gottfried knew that some people just seemed to have a knack for predicting the weather.

But, within an hour after leaving the inn, the weather started to change.  Thick, heavy snow came almost horizontally at their backs.  The road was covered soon.  Gottfried's horse, Donner, was rarely scared of any weather.  Gottfried was walking next to Donner, and whispering in Donner’s ear.  Edward was starting to lag behind a little.  The wind was swirling and snow drifts seemed to appear in a matter of seconds, only to be blown farther away.  Gottfried slowed up to walk beside Edward.  

Gottfried said, “This won’t last long” - as an encouragement to Edward, but Gottfried had seen blizzards on the farm many times.  The road went over some low mountains, and Gottfried who had never been this far from Heckendorf before didn’t know the road and safe places.  

Cold, and iced over, they saw a faint wisp of smoke ahead mixed with the heavy snow - a cabin.  

Gottfried yelled at Edward in order to be heard over the wind, “Let’s head for that cabin”. 

Leading Donner by the reins, Gottfried tried to find a path to the cabin.  You couldn’t see much of anything.  Edward yelled out “Help”.  Gottfried whispered in Donner’s ear, “Stay here” and went back several yards to help Edward.  He had tripped over a rock that was hidden by the snow, and fallen into a pond, breaking the ice, and getting soaked.  Gottfried pulled the older man out and wrapped his arms around him to guide him, then inched towards the cabin.  Edward must have sprained his ankle as he didn’t want to put any weight on his right leg. What seemed like hours but was more like ten minutes, they reached the door and pounded.  Another few minutes and finally a sound “Who’s there”.  

Gottfried answered “Lost travelers.  We need some help”.  

The door opened a few inches and an old grizzled man peered out.  “What in tarnation are you doing out in this weather?”  

Gottfried and the old man helped Edward hop into the cabin, and then Gottfried excused himself and went out into the storm again to get the horses into a stable or corral.  Blinded, he stumbled and led the horses into a sheltered building.  He cleared the snow from the backs and heads, threw the saddles over the bench, and used the saddle blankets to wrap the horses up.  He brought out some oats from the saddle bags and put some feeding bags by their mouths.  Grabbing the rest of their bedrolls, he fought his way back into the house. He stumbled on a rock and fell, but landed on a snow-covered bush.  

This time, he didn’t knock, but opened the front door, stood on a mat, and shook off his mantle of snow. 

The old man was by the fireplace pouring hot water into a mug for Edward.  He added some leaves and herbs before giving the drink to Edward.  Gottfried could see that Edward was in quite a bit of pain.  

Kneeling next to the wooden chair where Edward sat, Gottfried slid Edward's wet boots, socks, and pants off him.  Standing next to them, the old man grabbed the items and put them on a clothes tree near the fire to dry out.  

The old man stood and said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t welcome you properly.  I’m Henry Bauer.  Welcome to my humble cabin.”

Gottfried introduced himself and Edward.  “I’m Gottfried Quaas and this is my friend Edward Bauer.  We’re from Dresden and going to Vienna.  But it seems like we picked a bad day to start out.”  He gave a little laugh with his comment.

Henry replied, “Hmmm, Edward Bauer from Dresden - maybe we’re related.  But, the surname Bauer is pretty common in Germany.”

Gottfried nodded.  The name Bauer meant “farmer” and was a familiar name.

Gottfried asked, “Where are we?”

Henry answered, “Well you are still barely in what is considered Germany.  You’re in Bad Gottleuba.  We’re about three miles from the Saxony-Bohemia border and maybe 20 miles from Usti Nad Lebem.  


On a typical day, it wasn’t late about mid-afternoon, but on this day, Gottfried felt like it was midnight.  The wind was howling.  The snow was heavy, Edward was ailing, and they were in a strange cabin someplace in southern Germany (or was it in the Bohemia area?).

Within minutes, Edward fell asleep. Whatever Henry had in the tea that he gave Edward, it had put him to sleep.  Henry said, “We’ll let him sleep for a while and then check his leg.  Right now, the sleep and warmth of the fire are the best medicines.”

 Henry continued, “So what caused two men to travel to Vienna in the midst of winter?”

Gottfried had been anticipating this question.  He wasn’t sure whether he should lie or be forthright.  

“Well”, started Gottfried tentatively, “I guess we are kind of ambassadors.  After last year's uprisings, Edward and I seem to have been picked to help unify Germany.  I’m originally from Thuringia.”, Henry nodded, “but have been living in Saxony for a while.  King Francis of Saxony has sent us to Vienna to see what the thoughts are in Austria towards a unified Germany.”

Henry nodded again.  

Gottfried continued, “We wanted to be on the road and see how Austria is on this issue.  It seems like the smaller states like Thuringia and Saxony will be seeing how Prussia and Austria view unification. We speak the same language, have the same culture, and are being bypassed by a unified England, a unified Spain, and a unified France in terms of colonies and power.”

Henry listened intently and then when Gottfried stopped, commented.  “Here on the border of Saxony and Bohemia, we’ve been all around over the years.  We’ve been independent, but we’ve been part of the Holy Roman Empire - which,” Henry grinned at this, “wasn't holy, wasn’t Roman, and wasn’t much of an Empire.”  Austria had joined with Hungary, and other states over the years.”

He paused, “Please stay here until the storm passes.  Edward needs some rest and healing.  I think he’ll be okay and that his leg is just strained and not broken.  Why don’t you take a nap and we’ll wait for the storm to pass.”

Gottfried welcomed the nap.  But, instead of sweet dreams, he had a nightmare of snow and wind, and falling off cliffs, but that passed and he slept for a couple of hours.

It was growing dark when Gottfried woke up.  He first shook himself awake to get his bearings.  He was in a cabin on the road to Prague with his friend Edward and with an old man named Henry Bauer.  

Quietly, Gottfried looked over at Edward who seemed to be still asleep.  He didn’t see Henry.  He stretched and stealthily walked over to look at Edward.  But, Edward must have sensed that Gottfried was there and opened his eyes.  

Edward asked, “Where am I?”

Gottfried said, “We’re in a cabin on the road to Prague.  The nearest village is Bad Gottleuba and we’re about three miles from Bohemia.  There’s been a huge snowstorm.  You twisted your ankle and the cabin’s owner is Henry Bauer.  You twisted your ankle and have been sleeping for a while.”.

Edward said, “Could you help me up?”.  

Gottfried grabbed Edwards’s hands and gently pulled him up to a sitting position. He sat this for a couple of minutes while Gottfried looked over Edward’s legs.  Kneeling, Gottfried touched Edward’s legs and noted when he flinched and where he said “ouch”.  

“It doesn’t seem to be broken, but it will be sore for a while,” Gottfried said.  “We’ll take it slowly, but for tonight, we’ll let the storm blow out and stay the night here if Henry will have us.”


The front door flew open and a snowy Henry Bauer came in and shook off the snow.  “It is still coming down at the pace of a couple of inches an hour and doesn’t seem to be letting up.  You guys will just have to stay here for the night.”

Gottfried laughed.  “That sounds like a plan”.  

Henry made more herbal tea and Edward was feeling better.  Gottfried excused himself to check on the horses again.  

Gottfried found that his tracks to and from the barn had been filled in by the snow.  It was still hard to see much because of the wind swirling and blowing the snow around.  He put some oats in the feed trough, found a shovel, and cleared a path back to the house.  

He heard a noise from the barn - a cracking noise - and went to investigate.  One of the support poles on the northwest corner was taking a beating by the wind.  Gottfried remembered a couple of poles in the northeast corner on the floor, and grabbed one and carried it to the other side to see if it would work.  No, just a few inches short.  He went back to the stack and found a longer pole.  

He fit it into the northwest corner, but he couldn’t wedge it tight enough.  Finding a length of rope, he lashed the new pole to the old pole and that seemed to help.  Having a barn fall down on the horses and equipment wouldn’t be good.

As the daylight ebbed, and his hands and feet were almost blocks of ice, he shoveled the path to the house again and went in and collapsed.  He was thinking that he was becoming soft.

Henry made a cup of herbal tea for Gottfried.  Henry and Edward had been talking and figuring out how they might be related.  Edward’s leg was less swollen, and his spirits had been raised with the hot tea and the nap.  


The wind seemed to subside and the three men buckled down for the night.  Henry lit some candles, Gottfried carried in some logs, and with some excellent homemade bier, they relaxed and talked until none of them could stay awake.  


In the morning, a brilliant sun came out, which seemed brighter because of the snow.  Gottfried picked up the shovel and reopened the path to the barn and shoveled out around the cabin.  Edward was hobbling, but better.  Henry made them some muesli with clove and nutmeg.  The fragrance filled the house.  As they were finishing their breakfast, there was a knock on the door.  Henry went to see who it was.

Opening the door, a beautiful young lady entered.  Henry gave her a hug and introduced his granddaughter to Gottfried and Henry.  She lived with her parents about a quarter mile down the road.  Gottfried was immediately struck by her beauty, and seemingly she was interested in the blonde farmer’s son from Heckendorf. 

Lily grabbed a chair and sat at the table with the three men as they all drank their herbal tea.  Henry seemed to be a herbal tea wizard with concoctions of hackberry, slippery elm, parsley leaves, clove and nutmeg, and other things that Gottfried didn’t recognize.  This morning it seemed to be a little harsh tasting.  Henry indicated that he had used some dandelion leaves, and they were getting old.  


There we are - another episode of Gottfried the great.  I wonder what is going to happen next!!!  Come back next Saturday!!


Karen White, October 29, 2022, ©