Wednesday, July 5, 2023



Happy July 6th friends!!!  We are just over halfway through the year.

Have you made some significant memories through the first half of the year?  My most significant memory so far is my trip to Big Bend National Park.  The scenery was fantastic.  And, even with forgetting the tent poles (and having to tie my tent to tree branches to keep it up), it was memorable.  Even the long drive to get there was a significant memory.  

Two days ago the United States celebrated our National Birthday - the Fourth of July - Independence Day.  I’ve highlighted the words from the Declaration of Independence - We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

Can we really be happy?  

There are many websites with suggestions for happiness.  We can go from the Charlie Brown / Peanuts quote “Happiness is a Warm Blanket” (pointing at Linux who always has his security blanket with him).

As it happens, science shows that happiness is partly determined by our genes. Researchers claim that happiness is 50 percent dependent on genetics and 10 per cent on personal circumstances (like our financial position, where we live, family ties, etc.). That means that the remaining 40 per cent is down to us, and that happiness is a state of mind that can be reached through the right choices and attitude. 

As best-selling author and behavioral scientist Steve Maraboli once said, "happiness is a state of mind, a choice, a way of living; it is not something to be achieved, it is something to be experienced." So, let’s look into how you can adjust your way of living and find happiness in things you experience.

1. Trick your brain with a SMILE

You can trick your brain into thinking that happiness is a state of mind with one single gesture: a smile. Indeed, there are several studies showing that smiling sends positive feedback to the brain, even when you're forcing it!  Other studies show that smiling calms us down by slowing our heart rate. So, simply putting on a grin can improve your mood at times when you need it the most.

2. Count your blessings

Happiness is a state of mind when you feed your brain positive thoughts! Count your blessings - name them one by one.  Count your many blessings and see what God has done!!

3. Start your day the right way

Do some meditating and thinking in the morning.  Couple this with the count your blessings concept. Pray, read scripture, sip your first cup of coffee while you look out the window.  Take time to think about the day.  Use visioning to picture your day and your successes.

4. Change perspective

Happiness is a choice - Believe in yourself, love yourself. You get to choose your attitude!!!

5. Find and give support

I’ve mentioned that the United States Surgeon General has said that isolation and loneliness are like smoking 17 cigarettes a day.  Visit people, smile, be upbeat, be positive!!!

Sharing feelings can help build stronger bonds and feel supported and creates positive feedback loops in yourself and in others. Why not plan exercise or meditation sessions with friends, or take up a new hobby together?


6. Do a kind act a day

I hide some money in a friend's apartment.  It gives them a smile and a positive thought.  It isn’t much but “it’s the thought that counts!!! 

Do something nice!!!. Science shows that the power of kindness is real – being nice is proven to boost your mood, lower stress and reduce anxiety among other benefits.

7. Find meaning and purpose

What makes you tick?  What is your meaning and purpose?  Or in the Baldrige lingo, what are your mission, vision, and values?  Don’t go through life haphazardly - be intentional

8. Cut down sources of unhappiness

Happiness is a state of mind that must be nourished with good habits, and spending too much time on social media is not one of those.  If you want to be on social media - get on, comment positively on some friends posts - and get off.

Avoid negative people.  Try to avoid stress.  


So, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness - go after happiness - own it - choose it - life it!!!


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