Wednesday, October 25, 2023


National Pumpkin Day - October 26th

“National Pumpkin Day recognizes a favored autumn decoration and food on October 26th. Not only do they make incredible fall decorations, but the pumpkin also completes a variety of tasty recipes. Join a pumpkin competition or visit many fall festivals featuring beautiful gourds.

“By October 26th, we’re in a frenzy of pumpkin obsession. We cannot wait for the big November holiday for pumpkin pie. No, siree, we need pumpkin everything! Bars, cookies, coffee, cheesecake, pasta, and oatmeal. Pumpkin Chunkin’, pumpkin patches, festivals, bake-offs, and television specials. Let’s remember jack-o-lantern carving, too! This fruit grabs Americans’ attention.

“As it should! This squash is native to North America. The oldest evidence of pumpkin-related seeds dates back to somewhere between 7000 and 5500 BC to seeds found in Mexico.

“Within recent years, white pumpkins have become more popular in the United States. The United States produces 1.5 billion pounds of pumpkins, with Illinois producing more than any other state.

“Travis Gienger is a talented gourd-grower, and he’s used to earning accolades for his colossal pumpkins. Since 2020, he’s won three of the past four World Championship Pumpkin Weigh-Off competitions—and this year’s entry topped them all. Weighing in at 2,749 pounds, Gienger’s gourd has set a new world record for the heaviest pumpkin.

“Nicknamed “Michael Jordan,” the pumpkin took the crown during the annual championship in Half Moon Bay, California.

“I was not expecting that. It was quite the feeling,” says Gienger, a 43-year-old landscape and horticulture teacher at Anoka Technical College, to the Associated Press. “Gienger grows his pumpkins in his backyard, “right outside in Minnesota, with all the weather and storms and all that.” To cultivate his 2023 behemoth, “I pretty much just upped what I was doing before and used better fertilizer and biology,” he adds. He also used a new type of seed called a 2365 Wolf, known for producing big squash.

Gienger won $30,000, in addition to a ring and a jacket, for his latest championship title. (It might have taken him that much money to transport the giant pumpkin to California!!) 

Certainly, orange is the traditional, most popular color. However, they come in many other colors, too. You can find green, yellow, red, white, blue, and tan pumpkins.

Pumpkins have been associated with Halloween - as the fruit ripens about Halloween time. At one point, pumpkins were hollowed out, and a candle was inserted. Holes were made in the shell for light and used as lanterns. Various shapes were used to scare the evil spirits away. 

Pumpkins are also associated with Thanksgiving as the default pie for the traditional Thanksgiving feast.  

You may remember the “Pumpkin Chunkin” contest about catapults hurling pumpkins. The televised contest was canceled after spectators were injured. Some of the pumpkins reached almost a mile!!! (I will admit I can throw a pumpkin five or six miles - by throwing it over the edge of the Grand Canyon <smile>).

I used to grow gourds for fun. I like the colors and shapes. They can also be dried and used as table settings (after a shellac is used).  


Pumpkins help celebrate the season. It can be hard to go into winter’s shorter and darker days after the long summer days.  

Pumpkins can remind us that love wins (water, fertilizer, and excellent growing conditions can also win in pumpkin contests).

Love transforms - just like a pumpkin seed transforms into pumpkins for carving, pies, or giant pumpkins.

Karen Anne White, ©, October 26, 2023

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