Thursday, October 31, 2024


Finally, it is Halloween!!  But today’s blog has a bit of a serious side to it.

On Halloween, we dress up in masks, costumes, colored hair, house (apartment) decorations, and parties.

But do we wear costumes and masks all the time?

It wasn’t quite a costume, but I wore a suit and tie most days while teaching.  I’d walk into the classroom, loudly say, “WOOO,” and then take off my coat.  I did allow for some individuality as I had a whole set of cartoon ties.  Rocky and Bullwinkle, Boris and Natasha, Bugs Bunny (as a football player in green and gold with #5 - I thought it was Brett Fahre), Daffy, Christmas ties, and most holiday ties.  It wasn’t so much of a costume as the “real me.”

Was it me - or a costume for who I want to appear to those around me?

Now, I wear a lot of dresses and skirts.  I ALWAYS prefer bright colors (and did as a professor).  I like red and orange as active colors.  Various studies indicate that the pastel's blue and green colors are calming, with the red and the orange subtly making us want to be active.  (The cover on my dissertation is orange!!)  

Over the years, I’ve asked myself, “Who am I?” I still do!!  Am I a man acting like a woman?  Am I a woman? Am I deranged?  Am I normal?  Am I unique?  Am I a beacon of agape love, forgiveness, and understanding?  

We do get to choose who we are.  

There is an old story about a soldier who thought he was average, but the army made him take an intelligence test, and he scored in the top two percent of all people. In effect, he was a genius. Before that test, he dressed as a normal, average man, but after the test, he dressed as a genius.  

My senior artist friend that I see in the nursing home (TL) was (is?) a MENSA person.  MENSA defines itself as: “Mensa is the world's largest and oldest high-IQ society. It is a non-profit organization open to people who score at the 98th percentile or higher on a standardized, supervised IQ or other approved intelligence test.”  What skill or personality trait puts you in the top 2%?

So, who am I, and what is my ordinary mask and regular costume?  


By my personal definition, I am a lover - agape (not eros).  I also have some ego left, although I am working on humility.  I like being funny and bringing joy to others.  While I don’t have a regular mask, I “wear” a smile (or a grin) most times.  I think I can really be an introvert, but over 77 years, I have become an extrovert in public.  (I’m writing this at my apartment in a very subdued, introverted manner.)

Who do I want people to see when they see me?  

I hope they see an upbeat, happy woman.  I hope they see somebody they can trust who is friendly and will go out of their way to be helpful.  

Am I hiding behind a mask?  I don’t think so (and don’t want to be).  


But I always tell the truth.  I don’t say, “Boy, are you ugly,” “You’re fat,” or “You’re stupid.”  I rarely give advice (unless asked for).  “Gee AB, you would look better if you didn’t wear clothes like that,” “Hey MJ, don’t be so judgmental,” and “You’d be happier if you stopped smoking.”  

Some of those suggestions can be of value, but the person might need more time to hear them.  I’m not implying that I don’t love you, but I think it is inappropriate to impose upon another.  Suggestions are one millimeter from judging the person - and judgment is for God.

As a dean and department chair, I had to give staff evaluations- I hated doing that.  I remember a story of how a boss was upset with one of his employees and, on the annual performance review, was ready to fire him.  The boss asked, “What did you work on this last year?”.  The employees instantly gave a full list of great activities they did for the company, such as improving processes and products.  The employee went on for a few minutes - not bragging but appropriately commenting on their accomplishments. By the end of the half-hour annual performance review, the boss was ready to promote the employee.  The employee was doing many things, but not in an obvious way.  


But today, Halloween, I will be sporting a costume, having fun, and encouraging others to laugh. I will be seeing my nursing home residents and staff tonight. I hope to put a smile on their faces.  

(Aside, I make people happy - sometimes I make them happy when I enter a room where they are, and sometimes I make them happy when I leave the room!!!)


On my performance evaluation, I hope to hear the manager say, “Well done, Good and Faithful Servant” (Matthew 25:21).  

LOVE WINS (and humor and laughter wins on Halloween)

LOVE TRANSFORMS (Scrooge changed from a greedy person to a loving person).

Happy Halloween!!!

Karen Anne White, October 31, 2024

Wednesday, October 30, 2024



Halloween originally came from “All Hallow’s Evening” (or All Hallows Eve). The day after Halloween (November 1st) in the Catholic Church was known as “All Saints Day.” There are many recognized Saints and almost infinite unrecognized saints.  

So, the ‘eve’—like Christmas or New Year’s Eve—is the day before a Holy Day. Even the Catholic Church still counts All Saints Day as a Holy Day of Obligation (that is, a day of obligation to attend church to honor the memory of all the Saints).  

Selecting a person as an official Saint of the Catholic Church is a controlled process.  For example, Dorothy Day is being considered as a Saint.

Research says:

“Dorothy Day is not yet a Catholic saint, but she is a "Servant of God," and the Vatican is considering her cause for sainthood: 

  • Servant of God: The first step toward sainthood, the Vatican gave Day this title. 

  • Cause for sainthood: The Vatican is considering Day's sainthood, which opened in 2000. The process includes gathering evidence of her holiness, such as eyewitness interviews, letters, and FBI files. 

Support: The Catholic bishops of the United States unanimously recommended Day's canonization in 2012. Pope Francis has called Day a "great American" and a "great witness to faith, hope, and charity." 

Day co-founded the Catholic Worker Movement and its newspaper, The Catholic Worker. She was known for her social justice work and criticism of capitalism, consumerism, war, tyranny, and vengeance. “


I have frequently used Dorothy Day quotes, most notably this one:  “I really only love God as much as the person I love least.”

Day was a Catholic social activist who demonstrated her love for God through her actions. She participated in protests, served food, and offered shelter. Day believed that people cannot love God unless they love each other.


Are you on your way to sainthood or Sainthood?  Is there going to be “Saint Paula,” “Saint Paul K,” “Saint Lynette,” “Saint Ron,” “Saint Tony,” “Saint Beth,” “Saint Martha,” “Saint Blanche”, or even “Saint Karen”?

Or Saint Julie, Saint Marcia, Saint Nora, Saint Mary N, Saint Rita P, Saint Rita B, Saint Janice, Saint Marek, Saint Nadia, Saint Leyla, Saint Leila, Saint Mohammed, Saint Buddha? 


I like another expression - “Love God and do what you want”!!!  (Think about it - if you really LOVE God, what you want to do is in alignment with loving God”!!!)


So, on All Hallow’s Eve, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day (the 2nd of November), we will be LOVERS!!!

We are to be lovers because:



Karen Anne White, October 30, 2024

Tuesday, October 29, 2024



I like the fun part of Halloween.  I am not a fan of goblins, zombies, and other monsters.  I can accept witches (especially fun witches).

Over the years, I have dressed up for Halloween as a professor (and many of the faculty members did, too, when I was at Dakota State).

I’ve been to Zorro (maybe my favorite).  While Zorro is fictional, he is a good guy.  Like Robin Hood, he takes from the rich and gives to the poor.  He outsmarted the establishment of old California.  He was an expert swordsman and could leap across ravines on Tornado. (And, every good hero of the old west had a horse with a name).

I bought a ketchup costume.  It was fun to dress up as Ketchup.  At Quinnipiac, the Food Service manager was Mustard, and another employee was a hot dog.  

I used paper mache over a large inflated balloon, a Giant Pumpkin. With my black Zorro cape, I was the “Great Pumpkin” from the Snoopy cartoon.  I reflected on that recently - I don’t take a newspaper, and there are few paper items, so paper mache is almost a lost activity.  I made a paste, used paper strips, and wound it around the balloon.

I’ve been a cowboy, a farmer, and other things.

Maybe the best (or worst) was Miss White, Dr. White’s spinster sister.  I got an oversized dress at Goodwell, high heels (ouch), and a cheap wig.  I won’t say that started me on my transition.  One colleague at Quinnipiac said I scared him. He had been at a different college and watched a male faculty member transition to being a female.  (At the time, I thought that was awful.)

I bought an actual Drindl dress two years ago (mainly for playing at Oktoberfest.  So, I’ve been Maria from the Sound of Music a few times.  

I bought a clown outfit at a thrift shop.


For me, the goal is to brighten everybody's day by making them laugh.  At the nursing home, the seniors have little to laugh about - they are facing death.  Having an aide dress up can be silly and funny - and maybe make them forget their future.

Lately, I’ve been trying more to be funny and less serious overall. Sometimes, I think I am trying too hard to be light and humorous. I do get serious at this blog on occasion. I used to be more serious, but now I can be free and attempt to be funny.

I also think of Smokey Robinson and the Miracle's song “Tears of a Clown.”

Now, there's some sad things known to man

But ain't too much sadder than

The tears of a clown when there's no one around

I do have tears - but I believe in LOVE, JOY, PEACE, AND HAPPINESS.



Karen Anne White, October 29, 2024

Monday, October 28, 2024



Well, I’m “home” from basically a month of cat-sitting.  And (ouch), I stepped on the scale and am up about eight pounds.

I have been fighting my weight most of my life.  I got down to 212 before the first cat-sitting, and am now at 2020.  

Looking at it, I ate packaged food and a lot of sugary stuff.  In the last stay, I finished a box of (sugary) breakfast cereal.  I had other mistakes.  I went out to lunch with my friend MN, used the soda machine (for friends up north, that is the pop machine), and had Dr. Pepper, and not the diet variety.  C’mon Karen - you’re smarter than that.  (Yes, Dr. Pepper, with about 400 calories per serving, is my favorite (and pretty much only) soda.  I got some tortilla chips and melted Velvetta cheese over them - yum. (But probably not healthy).. 

(I have three bags of chippy snacks - two bags of cheese puffs, and tortilla chips.  Because I am frugal, I will keep them tightly sealed and out of sight.)

Back to what works for me: cut out the sugar and flour, increase vegetables (especially beans), walk more, eliminate distractions, and clean up the apartment.  

Eggs for breakfast, chicken and rice (or chicken with beans and barley) for lunch and dinner.  Boring yes!!  How about Halloween candy (No, Karen, No)!!  

Yes, I was busy for three nights last week.  On orchestra nights, I get home at about 9:30, and then I snack (and then I snack (and then I eat)).  Same with playing at Walburg.  On Friday, I got home at 10:30 and stayed up until midnight (ouch); on Saturday, I “snuck” out after our second set (I didn’t help with loading our trailer) and got home about 10:00 an stayed up until 11:30 (and also snacked).  

The reality is that I am tired, and food (and especially junk food) hits the spot. I may need to time-lock my refrigerator door so it does not open from 7:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m.  

Before the first cat sitting, I bought a watermelon. I haven’t cut into it yet, and it might be bad.  Watermelon do have some natural sugar, but also good nutrients.  

(I viewed my cat sitting as going to an Airbnb and using a “vacation” house - and I let the idea of vacation sneak into my brain).



(God loves overweight and underweight people!!)

Karen White, October 28, 2024

Saturday, October 26, 2024




Hey, Cats, I’m working on a groovy thing this week.  It is really copacetic and far out. I'm on quite a trip.  You know, “If this van is rocking, no need knocking”.


Slow down, you move too fast

You got to make the morning last

Just kicking down the cobblestones

Looking for fun and feeling groovy

Ba da-da da-da da-da, feeling groovy

(Simon and Garfunkel - 59th Street Bridge Song - 1966



Wouldn't you agree?
Baby, you and me got a groovy kind of love
(Mindbenders 1966)

Link: Mindbenders - Groovy Kind of Love 

Working on a groovy thing baby
Working on a groovy thing
Working on a groovy thing baby
(Fifth Dimension  - 1969)

Link: The 5th Dimension: Working on a Groovy Thing



Remember the good old days, when radios plugged in and toothbrushes didn’t?

Pretty soon we’re going to be a transistorized, battery-operated, muscleless society. Yesterday a kid showed up for his first Little League game. They gave him a bat and he wanted to know where to plug it in.

I can see it now. Hundreds of years from now, archaeologists will be poking around in the dust of what once was New York—trying to determine what caused the decline and fall of the American civilization. And all they can find is a battery-operated pepper mill.

Do you know what’s wrong with living in a world that exists on the brink of atomic destruction? When you give up that hour in April—you’re never sure you’re going to get it back again in the fall.

I love the way they keep stressing a low-yield atomic bomb. That’s the military version of being a little bit pregnant.  I don’t know what a low-yield bomb is. Sounds a little like my wife.

The nice part about watching color TV is that if the good guy calls the bad guy a yellow belly, you can verify it!

Watching color TV is nothing new to me. I’ve got a wife who dyes her hair… She’s dyed it so many times. She’s the only woman I know with plaid dandruff!

Would you believe it? Some of these color TV sets sell for $599, and there aren’t enough to go around. Not the sets—the money!! (*$599 in 1969 is about $3,910 in 2016 dollars.)

I know a fella who bought a $99 color TV set. Now every Tuesday night he watches Green Skelton.


And, to think we lived through it!!!  That’s “far out” folks.  


Early voting is happening. I voted last Tuesday. (If the amount of money raised and spent on the political campaign was the same, there would be no national debt!!!)


Karen Anne White, October 27, 2024

Friday, October 25, 2024



I am subscribed to “Quote of the Day.” Every day, a meaningful quote arrives in my mailbox. 

Some Recent Quotes of the Day:


“Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations,” Henry David Thoreau.
I grew up with books - and still “read” (or listen).  [George Pacific paper company in the 1960s had a slogan “Send me a man who reads” - of course, some pundits modified this - “Send me a man, who reads” for a woman who wanted a man in her life)

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Always try, always do your best. 

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Albert Einstein
Never stop learning, never stop questioning. I recently heard a TEDx talk in which the speaker encouraged us to be curious. Keep asking, keep looking, and keep expanding your comfort zone.

What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. Ralph Marston
Be lifelong learners

Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree long ago. Warren Buffett
Leave the world a better place - pick up your trash, plant flowers, and mow your grass.  Okay - maybe not cool - but I use a public restroom in a large store frequently - and sometimes there is paper on the floor - or other trash, and I put it in the trash container.

Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after will be sunshine. Jack Ma
There is a Bible verse - Galatians 6:9: "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up". 

Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! Dr. Seuss, You are unique - live authentically

You can escape tomorrow by evading it today. Abraham Lincoln  There are times we might need to “face the music” - it is best (my opinion) to get it over with

Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present. Bil Keane  I like presents (that is gifts). 

Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. James Dean   I dream a lot at night.  I try to remember the dreams (and generally I don’t) - and I dream about what good can happen.

Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. Melody Beattie  Have an attitude of gratitude!!

If you fell down yesterday, stand up today. H. G. Wells   Get up - get going.  I’ll admit I was always a morning person, but I’m slowing down. 

Every breath we take and every step we make can be filled with peace, joy and serenity. Thich Nhat Hanh  Attitude is everything


We need to take time to reflect on who we are periodically.  Where are we going? 

I like to watch Facebook videos (others might like TikTok or another platform).  The main character takes twenty years to dig out of Shawshank prison.  TWENTY YEARS OF chipping away at rock walls, twenty years of nothing - to get his freedom.  There had to be days when he wanted to say, “This is never going to work.”

I get tired of trudging along day after day.     I see seniors at the nursing home - waiting for God.  Ned was a successful lawyer, but now, he watches television daily in bed.  (Now, in fairness to Ned, I only see him for a few seconds when I come to work and leave.  Maybe his mornings are spent in the gym, maybe he is writing his memoirs, or he communicates with young lawyers and teaches an online class.  This was an active, intelligent man - now it seems he has turned his attitude off.

Yes, I know I will die - I feel a compulsion to keep going - keep working and driving.  




Karen Anne White, October 26, 2024