Thursday, December 17, 2020



Love is an attitude (and, Next Week - Christmas is an attitude)

One of my favorite Henry Ford Quotes is “If think you can or if you think you can’t, you are right”

If I think, believe, ‘own’ that I can do it - get a degree, learn a language, lose weight, stop smoking, etc - if I REALLY think and believe - it will happen

But, on the other hand, if I think I CAN’T do it, I’ve already talked myself out of the concept.  I’ve heard seniors say “I can never learn about computers”, “I can never understand phones”.  And, thus, they don’t even really try.  

If something they don't understand happens on their computer, they call in a friend, or a relative, or a computer service person.  


You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.

I’ve used the 1 Thessalonians 5:18 verse “In everything give thanks”.  Things DO happen to us - many are outside of our control.  Almost two years ago, my car was rear-ended.  The driver behind me didn’t stop and ran into me.  What options did I have?


But, guess what, that just isn’t a good approach for me.  It happened - so, I am to ‘give thanks’ for that event.  “Hey God, thank you for letting this driver run into my car”.  

What good happened from this?  Well, neither one of us had injuries.  But, for him, he learned he had to pay closer attention when following a car (like me), and give himself some space between the car he is following.  For me, I need to watch cars that get too close behind me.  I gave thanks for the event - because I am supposed to!!!  (In EVERYTHING give thanks)

2020 has been an interesting year.  We’ve had a pandemic (as if you hadn’t noticed).  Can I give thanks for this?  Well, I have to give thanks - (in EVERYTHING give thanks).  For me, it meant I learned more about sharing germs and being careful in a potentially dangerous time.  

Maybe COVID gave me time to do work walking?  Maybe COVID gave me time to experiment more with cooking?  Maybe COVID gave me time to pray and meditate more.


I’m trying not to allow the negativity of the world affect me.  There was (and still is) a lot of hate in the United States from the election and from the pandemic.  People lost jobs, the economy took a tumble, education has suffered.  Should I be upset and tell everybody how mad I am on social media?  Should I reply and throw mud at another person's opinion?  

At 73, I am closer to dying.  I’m not going to let those little things get under my skin (or, I’m going to try not to let those things get under my skin).  In the big scheme of things, does my attitude affect me?  Yes!!  Does my attitude affect others? 

So, as a “LOVE WINS” day - should my attitude be of love?  Another quote “If you can be anything, be nice”.  

In this Christmas season, it isn’t if you are ‘naughty’ or ‘nice’ - you always should be nice, you should always give thanks, you should always be positive!!

So, yes - LOVE WINS

YES - be nice, be kind, be loving, be patient



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