Saturday, December 5, 2020




Some Jokes first:

Q: What kind of Christmas music do elves like? 

A: “Wrap” music

Q: How can Santa deliver presents during a thunderstorm? 

A: His sleigh is flown by raindeer

Q: What do you call a snowman with a six-pack? 

A: An abdominal snowman

Q: How does a snowman get to work? 

A: By icicle

Q: What do snowmen call their offspring? 

A: Chill-dren

Q. What's St. Nicholas's favorite measurement in the metric system? 

A. The Santameter! 

Q. Where do Christmas plants go when they want to become movie stars? 

A. Holly-wood!

Q. How do Christmas angels greet each other? 

A. "Halo!"

Q. What's red and white and falls down chimneys? 

A. Santa Klutz!

Q. Which of Santa's reindeer has the worst manners? 

A. RUDE-olph, of course!

Q. What's a sheep's favorite Christmas song? 

A. "Fleece Navidad"!

Q. What does the Gingerbread Man use to make his bed? 

A. Cookie sheets!

Q. Why do Dasher and Dancer love coffee? 

A. Because they're Santa's star bucks!

Q: Where do you find reindeer? 

A: It depends on where you leave them!

Q: "Why didn't Rudolph get a good report card?" 

A: "Because he went down in History."

Q: What cars do elves drive? 

A: A toyYoda.  

(Jokes from Reader’s Digest at 

What’s going on in the next week:

Monday, December 7 - National Pearl Harbor Day

“A day that will live in infamy”

It seems as I grow older I become more peace-oriented.  War is Hell is the old expression.  Greed, hate, injustice still flourishes.  Germany and Japan were enemies of the United States in World War II, but are now favored nations and trading partners.  

I hope that there will never be a World War III - because I don’t think mankind could survive it!!!


National Brownie day - December 8th

(Do you like your brownies with nuts or not? I might be nutty but, please, no nuts in my brownies!!!

National Pastry Day - December 9th

The first line on that day says it all, “We don’t know about you, but we’ve never met a pastry we didn’t like.”  I don’t indulge myself as much as I used to.  But, when somebody brought a box (dozen) donuts to our early voting, I would take two!!

National Gingerbread House day - December 12th

Oodles of sugary frosting

National Ice Cream Day - December 13th

You scream, I scream, we all scream for Ice Cream!!!

I somehow thought this would have been in June (National Dairy Month) or July or August when it is hot.  


Daily Happiness


Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the

happiness that you are able to give.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Be happy with what you have. Be excited about what you want. 

Alan Cohen

I’d far rather be happy than right any day.

Douglas Adams

Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.

Albert Schweitzer

It’s enough to indulge and to be selfish but true happiness is really when you start giving back.

Adrian Grenier

Happiness is something that comes into our lives through doors we don’t even remember leaving open.

Rose Lane

I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today.  I can choose which it shall be.  Yesterday is gone, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet.  I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.

Groucho Marx

Making decisions based on where you want to be, moves you closer to happiness naturally.

Jake Smith

Happiness is a how; not a what. A talent, not an object.

Herman Hesse

If you are too busy to laugh, you are too busy.



So, 2020 is coming to a close.  In most years, during the last weeks, news programs worked on Year-in-Review programs.

This year, it seems like there will be two themes - sometimes overlapping and sometimes not:  COVID-19 and the American Election.  

A while back, I wrote about vaccines and if I would take the new vaccine when it becomes available.  Part of me says “YES - let’s control and get rid of this pestilence”; the other part says “NO - it hasn’t been tested long enough.  Let’s make sure there aren’t any terrible side effects.” 

I’m more and more on the “yes” side.  At age 73, any side effects would just add to the ails still before me in old age (even though I am healthy now, I am getting older and will die someday).  But, let’s stop this crazy pandemic soon and have a semblance of a ‘normal life’.  I want to play bridge, I want to play tuba, I want to play Granny Basketball, I want to hug friends, I want to smile (and let my smile be seen)!!!  I’m not sure the vaccines can do all of that, but we can see.

Yes, I did have a favored candidate in the elections.  But, sometimes I feel like we could elect a rock and not much would change.  The bureaucracy would just keep floating along.  The IRS would still expect us to pay taxes.  The department of Health and Human Services will still try to push healthy processes on us.  

Yes, we can debate military and defense spending.  Yes, we can debate giving free education to community colleges.  Yes, we can debate fracking, wind turbines, oil pipelines, and environmental policies.  Sometimes I’m optimistic that we can get to be better humans, and sometimes I’m pessimistic that we can make enough changes to solve all the ills of the world. 


May 2021 be a much better year for all of us!!!


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