Wednesday, December 30, 2020



Here we are - the last blog of 2020

This is a personal view of the year 2020

I found this to be a year with some personal highs and some lows.


In 2019, I spent four days in the Rock Springs Mental Hospital for depression.  While I had some minor depression, in general, 2020 was a happy year for me - emotionally.

There were some down times - as the economy tanked with the COVID-10 virus, with too much time spent inside, with isolation and quarantines.  There were times this year, I thought about getting a television set.  (I’m still happy that I don’t have one)


I walked a LOT this year.  I used the Health App on my iPhone to track my steps.  I took 2000 steps to equate to 1 mile.  I walked about 1,560 miles this year or about 3,200,000 steps (3 million steps!!!)  WOW!!

Enabling the walking was that so many of my other activities were on hold for COVID-19.  No bridge group, no Granny Basketball, no Williamson County Symphony Orchestra rehearsals and concerts,  My walking was also made possible by friends (especially AP - who I walked with four or five times a week for 6 to 8 miles in spring).  

I wrote a blog each and every day for 2020.  That is 366 blogs (with leap year/leap day).  There were some blog posts I was really happy with, and some blog posts that were so-so.  

Aside.  Yes, I do write for myself and my sanctity - but I GREATLY APPRECIATE all the people that read my blog.  I try to keep it to two typed pages - or about 750 to 800 words.  

I did get a little tired of writing, so made Friday into a “Love Wins” day - where I got more into philosophy about loving one another.  I use the quote from Dorothy Day “I can only love God as much as the person I love the least”.  I am to LOVE ALL, and I believe that LOVE does WIN!!!

Saturday became a day for short stories (some going into five or six typed pages).  Many followed a social awareness theme.  (And, I have called myself a “Pollyanna” and many of these stories have happy endings).

Sunday became “Sunday Funday” - where I tried to use some puzzles, looked at the National Days (Today is “New Year’s Eve” and “National Champagne Day”).  I had some jokes, some puzzles, and just some things that I found fun.  (I can’t say these were amazing literary works, but … I had fun with them).

(Aside - I did a weekly blog for the Bridgebrat bridge card game group.  About September, that blog (on Thursday for my bridge-playing friends) and my Sunday Funday blog started to intertwine a little)

More personal

In February 2020, the Great State of Texas recognized me as a female and legally changed my name.  That has had a mixed reception.  I didn’t want to hurt my many friends from 72 years of Bruce White.  I am on a new adventure in my life - my comfort zone is increasing, and I am learning so much.  (Aside more on this next week)

In September, I legally became a single person as my marriage to a wonderful woman came to an end after 46 years of marriage.  She was correct when she said, “You are not the man I married”.  Honestly - that hurt.  I still love my wife and my family.  

It also has been since September 2018 that I saw my grandchildren in person.  My daughter slammed a door in my face on Mother’s Day when I knocked on her door to say “Happy Mother’s Day”.  

More on attitude:

By taking an attitude of LOVE WINS, I have tried to block out the negative and live the positive.  

I have read through the Bible in 2020 (again) - about the fifth time I have done that.  I use a Bible App and the “Walk Through the Bible (month)” and I'm finishing Malachi today.  The app finished the New Testament about the first of October and circled back through the Gospels, and likewise back through Psalms again.  I will do that next year.  I am faithful in my church attendance.  I hope to get back to service in 2021.  (A church member complained about my serving as a greeting/usher, and an EMHC person.)  It has been a year of spiritual growth for me.  I hope I didn’t go too far in some of my blogs.  I don’t want to push my values on others, but I like sharing what has worked for me.  

I have been in two Bible Studies this year - a Catholic one on Wednesday night - that went to Zoom sessions in March and continues in Zoom.  A friend invited me to a Saturday morning (used to be Men’s Group) group.  It was online but has been meeting in a Mexican Restaurant on Saturday mornings for the past two months (that is sometimes scary as we don’t wear masks and we don’t practice social distancing).

I’ve had coffee with friends almost weekly.  I generally have a weekly coffee session with AP, but also LH, NB, DL, JO, JW, and others.  I do get out - and God has blessed me with keeping me free from COVID (so far).

I have “read” oodles of books this year (okay, listened to a lot of books on my iPhone).  Of course, if you are walking a lot, listening to books is a great distraction.  I’ve read heavy things and light things.  I’ve ‘read’ Tarzan, Pollyanna, Zorro, Swiss Family Robinson, Robinson Crusoe, and even Brave New World (in the last few days).  I have books on my shelves - but I find I love to listen to books.  I’ve gotten into feminine books - Untamed by Glennen Doyle was very good.

I have done some so-so crochet projects.  I gave my friend AP a potholder for Christmas (except it was to be for last year’s Christmas!!  I will try to get better at this.

I mastered my Duolingo German Course and was in the top 1% of Duolingo users this year (see what you do when you don’t have a television).  

I made artwork for my walls!!  I’ve done several online meetings (mostly Zoom).  The first ones were with me at my desk in my small apartment (582 square feet according to the apartment complex’s website).  The background was my kitchen (not so scenic)!!  So, I have put up a single blue/white striped sheet and changed the picture.  Currently, it is the “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace” that was in my blog the week before Christmas.  I also made a “LOVE WINS” poster, an “In Everything Give Thanks” (handmade poster), a purchased Van Gogh Starry Night, and a purchased World map to hang up - plus a real painting - one of a kind by a real artist that I have used (SC is a friend in the bridge group and ‘loaned’ this to me while she creates something unique for me).  

I have made my bed every day!!  I go to bed about 9:30 and get up about 5:30.  I will not be winning the “Best Housekeeping” award this year, but generally, it is clean (but occasionally kitchen dishes do set in the sink for a few hours). 

I have a full closet of clothes.  Many clothes have been given to me - and others have been purchased at Thrift Shops.  I have maybe 40 pairs of earrings - almost all given to me, plus necklaces, and bracelets.  (again given to me).  I have been blessed over-and-over again.  I have been humbled by the love that many have poured out to me!!  (It does help overshadow the loss of my family).

I led an awesome life.  I love who I am and where I am going!!!  GOD IS GOOD!!!  LOVE WINS!!!



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