Thursday, December 15, 2022



As we approach Christmas, my spiritual thought today is the Star of Bethlehem and the Stable where Jesus was born (at least according to the books of Matthew and Luke)

The Star of Bethlehem first.

In “We Three Kings” we have this line in the chorus:

O star of wonder, star of night

Star with royal beauty bright

I’ve looked at the night sky and been amazed many times.  Last summer when camping at Black Mesa State Park (and Oklahoma high point), the park is a ‘no-light’ place.  The heavens were bright with stars.

Now, picture the heavens with a star of “wonder”, or with a “star of royal beauty”.  Can you imagine such a star?  It was a star that inspired wise men, sages, and magi, from some far land to travel to Israel.  

Now picture, what would cause YOU to travel on camelback for days to find something that you weren’t quite sure of.  “Forty-niners” heard of gold in California and travels days (and months) to reach that place, even though they weren’t sure what they would find.

It (the star) must have struck these Wisemen so profoundly that they HAD to make the journey.  They were compelled.  Awestruck.  Flabbergasted. Profoundly Moved. I can only imagine getting up one morning, kissing their wife and children, and saying “Goodbye Dear, I’m going on a trip to follow that star.” 

Did they pack enough clothes, food, water, warm blankets, bedding, a tent, windbreakers, and raincoats?  

What might have happened if the star didn’t appear on a given night?  Would they have turned around and we wouldn’t have known anything about them?  But - this star stayed in front of them - leading them.  

From my limited knowledge of astronomy, stars are “fixed” in the sky and as the earth turns in the early evening a star (or planet) might appear in the eastern sky but as the night progresses, it moves to the west (as the Earth rotates).  Did this star remain fixed in the sky - always ahead of them? (Otherwise in the early evening they might travel east and in the late evening they would go west).  Was the star visible during the day?  

Did the wise men sometimes doubt that the star was significant?  Did they ever say “Let’s turn back”? 

They arrived at the capital city of Jerusalem - only to be told to go to Bethlehem.

And, when they reached Bethlehem, the star was over the barnyard.  It wasn’t over the mayor’s house, it wasn’t over the finest building in the little town.  The star was over a place with hay, sheep, cows, donkeys, horses, camels, and animal droppings (manure).  

Did they know that the magnificent star would lead them to a stable?  Did they expect this new “King of the Jews” wouldn’t be in a fine mansion?  

And, “they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” (Matthew 2:11). 

So, their journey was from the brilliant star to a lowly, smelly stable.  Is our journey like that?  Will we follow our star even if it isn’t to a palace or a beautiful place?  (Or … even if following our star leads to a horrendous death on a cross).

May God Bless and Keep you; May he make His face to shine upon you, and give you peace!!!

Merry Christmas



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