Saturday, December 3, 2022





Okay friends, it is your “patriotic duty” to go out and spend a lot of money in the next three weeks.  The economy needs you!!!

Well, that’s probably “hype” - or “hyperbole”.  


In 2022, holiday retail sales in the United States were forecast to reach about 942.6 billion U.S. dollars. This figure was given as a conservative value; retail sales over the holiday season was projected to be between 942.6 billion U.S. dollars to 960.4 billion U.S. dollars in 2022. Holiday retail sales have risen substantially since the turn of the century, with holiday retail sales amounting to approximately 416 billion U.S. dollars back in 2002. Holiday retail sales are a fraction of total retail sales in the United States which were around 6.6 trillion U.S. dollars in 2021. Holiday season e-commerce is also on the rise, with increasing numbers of retailers and consumers going digital.

What is the importance of television advertising?

A brand's presence on TV can lend credibility. It exposes that brand to a much larger audience initially than online advertising. TV advertising drives all other forms of promotion. Viewers may be using multiple devices while they watch TV but they are far from being disengaged with the content.

For power and attention, it's tough to top the many advantages of television advertising. No other advertising medium combines sight and sound and has such a grand impact. But television advertising has disadvantages, too, including a glaring disadvantage: Cost. TV ads are expensive to produce and expensive to run. Weighing the strengths and weaknesses of TV

 advertising will help you decide if it's right for you.

No one quite knows what to make of this year’s holiday shopping season. But billions of dollars are riding on it.

After two pandemic holiday seasons messed with doorbusters, party plans, and supply chains, retailers were hoping that this year would be a return to sanity. But just as it started to appear that families and stores could pull out their old playbooks, along came near-record inflation and the war in Ukraine, only increasing general unease about the state of the world.

Some things are looking up. The pandemic has receded, supply chains generally stabilized, and the labor market is strong.

But in March, the Federal Reserve started raising interest rates to slow down inflation, just as retail executives were making plans for which toys, wreaths, and fuzzy socks shoppers would buy come winter. To try to ensure a robust shopping season, retailers leaned in early and often. Christmas trees showed up at Costco in August. Amazon threw what amounted to a second Prime Day in October. And it seems every day has brought ads for Black Friday deals, like the ones that Target offered throughout October.



I’ve said some of these (or similar things):

1. I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.

2. She’s as old as the hills. (Or She looks like a million dollars - old and wrinkled)

3. I walked a million miles to get here.

4. She can hear a pin drop a mile away.

5. I died of embarrassment.

6. He’s as skinny as a toothpick.

7. She’s as tall as a beanpole. (can she play basketball???)

8. It’s raining cats and dogs.

9. His brain’s the size of a pea.

10. New York is the city that never sleeps.

11. I have a ton of papers to grade.  (I said that at the end of most semesters)

12. That runner’s faster than the speed of lightning.

13. My parents are going to kill me when they find out.

14. That was the easiest quiz in the world.

15. I’m dying of starvation, when’s dinner?

16. That documentary went on forever.

17. Our car cost us an arm and a leg.

18. It’s so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.

19. She was so mad she was spitting bullets.

20. She’s so sweet you could get a cavity from talking to her.


Remember the Christmas Movie - Jingle all the way?  Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sinbad fighting to get the last “TurboMan” toy for Christmas.

In today’s world, Arnold and Sinbad could go online to find the desired “TurboMan” toy!!  They could get into a bidding war 


Maybe 38 years ago, our son wanted an “Ewok Village” from Star Wars for Christmas.  My parents wanted to get it for him - and I think they looked at several stores - much like the Jingle All the Way movie!!!

(Now, it is in his attic with a lot of other Star Wars action figures and toys)


Last weekend I watched too many college football games - “Rivalry Games”.  The announcers made each game seem like a ‘game for the ages’.  Oh well, Texas beat Baylor and Nebraska beat Iowa.  

My college in South Dakota wasn’t very successful until the coach started playing a different schedule.  It was tough, but we won the game against the “School for the Blind”, “The Little Sisters of the Poor”, and “The South Dakota College for the Physically Handicapped” (the last game was close - their players were hitting our players with their canes and crutches)


INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTEER DAY - December 5, 2022 - National Today

I know some of you do volunteer - so celebrate helping others out!!!  (And, there are always many more opportunities to volunteer. )

NATIONAL MICROWAVE OVEN DAY - December 6, 2022 - National Today

Okay, one of my first “major” purchases, when I moved into my apartment, was to get a microwave.  I use mine almost every day!!!  Do you use your microwave a lot?  I used to scoff at those who reheated their coffee in the microwave, but, alas, I’ve fallen into that category!!!


“A day that will live in infamy” was Franklin Roosevelt’s statement.  It was the start of a bloody world war - and a somber event.  I’m sure some of you have been to Pearl Harbor and honored our fallen soldiers (and sailors).

NATIONAL BROWNIE DAY - December 8, 2022

Yup.  For some reason, I’m not a brownie with a-nuts person, but I love brownies (although some think I am nuts!!)!!!

CHRISTMAS CARD DAY - December 9, 2022 - National Today

I’ve downsized and I send Christmas cards to only my family and will greet many friends on Facebook.  (But, I do LOVE getting cards - especially with family pictures.  My refrigerator door is still full of last year’s cards and pictures!!!).  But, it is time to write and mail those cards!!!


Saturday, December 10th - First Christmas Concert for the BlueBonnet Philharmonic Orchestra - Glenn High School - Leander 7 p.m.

Sunday, December 11th - The “Local Concert” - Sunday at 3:00 p.m. at First United Methodist Church in Round Rock at 3:00 p.m. - Good fun Christmas Music!!!  It WILL BE THE ABSOLUTELY BEST CHRISTMAS CONCERT WE PUT ON IN ROUND ROCK THIS MONTH!!!


So, here we are - in this season of gift giving - in loving our families and being reminded “that it is better to give than receive”.  Last week had “Giving Tuesday” - but there are charities and activities that need our help and support year around!!!


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