Thursday, August 13, 2020

LOVE WINS - August 14, 2020

 LOVE WINS - Friday, August 14, 2020

Hi Dr. White blog readers!!!

I am continuing to grow and change.  In the past, I mentioned that I have blogged for several years.  I find I like writing, with comments on news, motivation, self-help, and health.  Recently, I added “Saturday Stories” and “Sunday Funday”.   Without sounding like a whiner (since I really am a “Pollyanna”) coming up with a 1000 word blog every day after many years presents opportunities and challenges.  As I thought about this last Tuesday night at 3:00 a.m., I seem to be led into “Friday Love WIns” as a theme for Friday.  (Who knows if the other four days of the week will have themes or not!!)

So, LOVE WINS FRIDAY.  What might I be envisioning?  There will be some relationship analysis - how to be a better spouse, a better friend, a better parent, a better child.  How to relate to God (as I see Him/Her - in a generic sense).  How to love one another.  (In other words, I have NO IDEA where I’m going to go!!!!)

So, let’s start!!


(By-the-way - when I put some asterisks together - generally five ***** I’m changing something.  I’m going from a quote into my comments, or I’m changing direction, or I got bored and decided to put asterisks into my text!!!  I wish I could use some emoticons - I might have to work on that!!!


So, why do I write “LOVE WINS”?  

Because ultimately LOVE does win.  I write from the Judeo-Christian viewpoint - where eventually we do die, where eventually there will be some kind of judgment (and, that is out-of-my-hands), and where eventually there may be a heaven or a hell.  Without too much depth here, heaven is a place of pure love.  Taking part of a verse “For God so LOVED the world”.  God is infinite - beyond my understanding.  

And, please forgive my simplicity on this point.  God is so unlike us.  Can you understand infinity?  Maybe just a little.  Can you understand Omega (which is infinity raised to the infinity power), can you imagine Omega raised to the Omega power?  Can you imagine that result multiplied by itself even millisecond of every day for infinite days - and if you can grasp that just a little - that is the smallest part of God as I view God.  

The biggest problem for humans with God (in my opinion) is TIME.  We are so stuck on time.  I was conceived at a specific date and time, I was born at a specific date and time, I will die at a specific date and time - but God does NOT conceive of time as us finite humans conceive of time.  I have a watch, I have three clocks (plus the microwave clock) in my apartment.  

God (in my opinion) is everywhere - at the same ‘time’.  God is omnipotent, God is omnipresent, God is Omniscience  (All-powerful, all-knowing, and all-present).

And, next, you have to forgive me for another tangent.  I learned about God through the Bible - but the Bible was written by humans - following the dictates of God on their heart and mind.  So, humans (finite) being directed by God (infinite) to write words (finite) to share with others.  2 Timothy 3:16 says “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,” But those are man’s words that God put into Paul (writing to Timothy) written in Greek (or Aramaic or some other tongue and language) back in the first century.  Even if the words are what God put on Paul’s heart to write - they still are human words.  

I tend to have a BIG view of GOD!!  If he (or she or it or ‘the Force’ or whatever) wants to be gracious to any human creature and show them His mercy and grace he sure can (as if I could stop Him).  If He wants to show mercy and grace to a Muslim or Hindi -that is HIS choice - not mind [by-the-way, I will follow convention and use ‘He’ and ‘Father’]

But, back to GOD IS LOVE:

“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.”

1 John 4:7-8. 

I really don’t know much of heaven (do I need to?)  I don’t know much of Uzbekistan - having never been there, not sure I could place it on an unmarked map - but I believe Uzbekistan does exist and I believe that Heaven exists!!!

LOVE WINS!!!  In the long run, LOVE does WIN.  I can practice love here - by loving all peoples - by being kind, forgiving, generous, merciful, and many other great adjectives!!!


So, LOVE WINS - let’s see if we can meet here next Friday to see where I’m headed!!!  

Hugs!!!  LOVE WINS!!


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