Monday, August 24, 2020

Volunteering - part I

 Serving - with a smile - volunteering

Many (many, many) activities are run by volunteers.  As I start to write, I immediately thought of youth programs - Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Youth Soccer, Kid’s League Baseball, and Softball.  4-H programs, Church programs - from Religious Education through cleaning the church/synagogue.  Even as we get into adult programs, many programs that benefit our communities are led by dedicated volunteers.  

My life has been greatly impacted by volunteers or by being a volunteer.  I’ve coached, been a scout leader, played in community music organizations.  I’ve been a volunteer religious education teacher, a greeter, usher, and more.  I drive seniors who no longer have cars in the Faith in Action program.  In some respects, writing this blog is a form of volunteering (I sure don’t get financial rewards from it - I don’t sell advertising or products). 

Maybe I saw volunteering modeled by my parents and grandparents.  I saw volunteering modeled by my Boy Scout leaders, my baseball coaches, and by so many others who were giving their team. 

So, why do we volunteer?

Benefits of volunteering: 4 ways to feel healthier and happier

-1 Volunteering connects you to others

-2 Volunteering is good for your mind and body

-3 Volunteering can advance your career

-4 Volunteering brings fun and fulfillment to your life

-5 Volunteering addresses needs in the community

-6 Volunteering helps those that need help

Let’s look at these ideas:

Volunteering connects you to others.  

No man is an island (John Donne).  Some have suggested that it takes a community to raise a child.  I get connected to others when I say “yes”.


I want to shift gears for a minute.  Even though volunteering is SO WONDERFUL - sometimes it is not so wonderful.

I have known program directors who “need” a live body to teach religious education and often use guilt as a motivator.  “It's only one night a week.  Your child is in class.  You would do fine.  We will give you help”.  

But, not all people are good at religious education (or at being a scoutmaster or a baseball coach or a <whatever>).  It might be better sometimes to leave a position open instead of forcing a person to volunteer through guilt to be a lousy person in that position.  You might be doing more harm than good by putting a dad who yells and screams and uses profanity to be a little league baseball coach.  

And, sometimes, once the coordinator has got you to volunteers, he or she ‘forgets’ you and the promises that he or she used.  “I will have an aide for your class” might be nice - but once you are signed up - they ‘seem’ to forget that promise!!!

Yes, the organization does “need” a person for a slot - but an inappropriate (such as a person who yells or uses profanity) as a scoutmaster or leader or teacher or whatever can be worst than having no person.  If you cancel the baseball team because you couldn’t find a coach - that might be better than a coach that is a pedophile or a drug dealer!!! 

More tomorrow!!!




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