Saturday, February 19, 2022




We’re over halfway through February 2022.  The “Cold Moon” full moon was last week. yesterday - but is still almost full.  The forecast calls for some windy days with some low 80 degree temperatures upcoming.  


MEMORY - The making of a Nerd

Last week I talked about being a paperboy.  In my “Carrier of the Week” honor I said I wanted to be a math teacher.

When asked about high school subjects math had the most positive and most negative scores.  “I love math” and “I hate math”.  History was kind of a “so so” - students didn’t love it or hate it. I LOVED MATH!!  (I didn’t like English, and I kind of liked history and the social sciences)

I remember my high school Geometry teacher - Lynn Schwandt.  Somehow, he saw some promise in me - and so encouraged me.  I was ‘ripe’ for encouragement (at least in math), so I got to do extra problems, and tackle the “C” problems.  Some math books had “A” problem set, the ones most students would get; the “B” problem set - challenging but workable, and the “C” problem set that was to challenge the top students.  And “I got” to do extra problems!!!  (That sure sounds like a nerd!!!)

And, Mr. Schwandt encouraged me to start a chess club.  OOH!!!  DOUBLE NERD POINTS!!!  I didn’t have a slide rule but I knew how to use one, and I never had a pocket protector - but I was a nerd!!!  There was an algorithm for calculating the chess club rankings.  If you beat somebody with a higher ranking you got more points (because you weren’t expected to win), if you beat somebody with a lower ranking you got fewer points (because you were expected to win). 

I did a little chess reading - but unlike my friend Bobby Wayne - I didn’t memorize openings (I should have!!!)  In my junior year of high school, I went to a United States Chess Federation event at the Montrose Hotel in downtown Cedar Rapids.  I played five rounds and lost four and tied one!!  (Not an auspicious outcome).

There was a chess group at an Eastside senior center and I went there maybe every two weeks.  With my “superior” logic skills, I realized that chess was a young person’s game - people over 50 just weren’t as talented as a 17-year-old kid.  (That was when Bobby Fisher was the United States Grandmaster!!)  I was nice as I beat the 70-ish gentleman who came every week.  I was not a “wunderkind” but thought I was.

Since I had done the paper route in junior high school, I hadn’t done athletics - so I didn’t play football or basketball.  (I did sit on the basketball bench for a while - but I was awkward and slow - not good attributes for a basketball player!!)

I participated in band, choir, theater, and chess club.  And, I think I should get extra nerd points for playing tuba!!! (Yes, for a high school male, those were kind of nerdy activities!!) My high school took part in the annual American Mathematical Association math contest.  In my junior and senior years of high school, I was the top student from my high school at that event (and, not anywhere close to a real top student).  I even beat out my cousin - who was even more of a nerd than I was).  “Top Nerd” of the Class of 1965 at Jefferson High School in Cedar Rapids Iowa!!!  WOOOO!!!  (No, they didn’t have senior day awards for that honor!!!)

I was kind of an average student.  Both of my children and ex-wife were members of the National Honor Society, but I wasn’t!!  My English grades kept me from that honor.  I graduated about 93rd out of 525 at about a 2.82 GPA - so I was in the top 20% of my graduating class!!  To be even more of a nerd, I didn’t take chemistry but loved Physics.  Physics and math go hand-in-hand - and who wanted to be mixing smelly chemicals together. I have been sorry that I didn’t take chemistry.  I think I would have liked the math of bonding and the Table of Elements!!!

Yup - that was me!!  I’m so glad to shed that high school nerd image and become the beautiful, sexy woman that I am!!  (Or, that I only think I am!!)



There were two brothers - one a fairly ordinary guy - who drove a Nissan Altima, and the other was a stock car racer.  The stock car racer kept challenging his brother to a race.  Finally, the non-racing brother said, “okay, but I get to pick the date and time”.

A few months passed, but then the non-racing brother called the racer about 5:00 a.m. and said “Today, 8:00 a.m. at the race track”.

The non-racing brother won handily.  How could this happen?

Answer at bottom



The attorney tells the accused, “I have some good news and some bad news.” “What’s the bad news?” asks the accused. “The bad news is, your blood is all over the crime scene, and the DNA tests prove you did it.” “What’s the good news?” “Your cholesterol is 130.”

Did you hear about the monkeys who shared an Amazon account? They were Prime mates.

Autocorrect can go straight to he’ll

Q. What is the musical part of a snake? A. The scales.

Q. Did Adam and Eve ever have a date? A. No, they had an apple!

Q. What did the flame say to his buddies after he fell in love? A. "I found the perfect match!"

Q. Where do polar bears keep their money?  A, In a snowbank

Q. Why is the grass so dangerous?  A. It is full of blades

Q. What do you call an angry carrot? A. A steamed vegetable

Q. Why do bears have sticky hair?  A. They use a honeycomb!



NATIONAL RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS DAY - February 17 - National Day Calendar

Really this should be every day.  Do something nice or kind for others.  Going through the drive-thru restaurant, pay for the person behind you.  Inline at the grocery store, let the person with one or two items jump to the front of the line.  



“National Caregivers Day on the third Friday in February honors the health care professionals across the country providing long-term and hospice care.

“Around the nation, dedicated health care professionals serve those who require long-term or hospice care. They provide vital services, reassuring patients and the families who care about them. Often loved ones require care we are not able to provide. We are either not physically able or do not have the skills or means to provide them. Expert caregivers are trained to provide round-the-clock services in safe environments. Their care enables the family to focus on their loved one’s healing process. In hospice care, a caregiver allows the family to spend time with their loved one without worrying about medical responsibilities.”

I’m working part-time at the Wesleyan Independent Living Facility in Georgetown.  Most of my residents are in their 90s and need some help (some more than others).  I also have a 95-year-old lady who I do arts-and-crafts, play gin rummy (modified version), and help her with other activities.  

Most are getting a little forgetful (“Say, what day is this?”).  Some have major health issues.  And, some have family and friends who never visit.  


I know that some evenings when I get home I am so tired.  Did I really help anybody today?  I try to be cheerful and positive.  


NATIONAL CHOCOLATE MINT DAY - February 19 - National Day Calendar

And, did you know that Mint Chocolate Chip is the 10th most favorite variety of ice cream?


NATIONAL CHERRY PIE DAY - February 20 - National Day Calendar

Can she make a cherry pie,

Billy Boy, Billy Boy?

Can she make a cherry pie,

Charming Billy?

She can make a cherry pie,

Quick as a cat can wink an eye,

She’s a young thing

And cannot leave her mother.

(And, Abby and Leah’s birthday - my twin granddaughters - turning 9 years old today)


PRESIDENTS DAY - Third Monday in February - National Day Calendar

Originally we celebrated Washington’s Birthday and Lincoln’s Birthday in February as separate days - so why not make one big day.  (And, don’t expect mail today!!)


NATIONAL MARGARITA DAY - February 22 - National Day Calendar

I am not a big margarita fan - but I know many who are.  If you enjoy margaritas, then celebrate today!!!


NATIONAL BANANA BREAD DAY - February 23 - National Day Calendar

I like banana bread - but it seems like it only gets made when you have bananas that are too ripe to eat!!!



(Unpaid advertisement)
The Central Texas Symphony is playing on Saturday, March 5th at Klett Auditorium (Georgetown High School).  We start at 7:30 and it should be about an hour.  Our theme is “A Night at the Movies” (and no, no movies will be shown, and no popcorn will be available).  And, it is FREE!!!!  WOOO!!


Star Wars (from the first movie) - Opening, Closing theme, and Darth Vader theme

James Bond - various themes

Schlinder’s List

And more.  (I think you’ll like it!!)


To me, this is kind of the “in-between” time for sports.  Super Bowl is over, baseball hasn’t started, college basketball is cruising towards March Madness and the 64 team selection process.  The Olympics are still going (does anybody want to form a curling team?) 

And, of course, college hockey teams are jockeying to get to the NCAA Frozen Four tournament!! (I played in the NCAA Division I Frozen Four!!!)

Life is good!!

Love Wins!!

Karen White

February 17, 2022

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