Monday, February 28, 2022



We made it through January and February in 2022 so far - 2 months out of 12 (or 1/6th of the year completed - or 16.66%).

March used to be the first month of the year and thus October - which is our tenth month was really the eighth month - with the prefix OCT meaning eight; December - which is our twelfth month - back then was the tenth month - with the prefix DEC meaning ten.

Things I’ve learned watching the Weather Channel.  The astronomical calendar changes seasons on the basis of the four significant sun events.  The Winter Solstice is on December 21 or 22 - when the sun reaches its lowest point.  (And, of course, that starts astronomical winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere). Summer Solstice is on June 21 or 22 - when the sun reaches its highest point - starting summer in the northern hemisphere (or winter in the southern hemisphere.  The two dates where the sun’s rays cross the equator are the equinoxes - spring equinox and fall (or autumn) equinox.  

But, the concept of seasons (at least on the Weather Channel are December, January, and February for winter (in the northern hemisphere); March, April, and May for spring; June, July, and August for summer; and September, October, and November for fall months.  (Note that my voice means much, but I like this definition of seasons better).  

Of course, the sun is where it always is, it is because of that wonderful 23-degree tilt of the Earth’s axis that we do have seasons.  If the axis was 0, the sun would be over the equator every day and there would be no seasons - just boring days.  And, without seasons what would people have to complain about?  (And, face it, we love to talk about the weather - it is a nice “ice breaker” for conversation starters.)

There would be little growth over the equator as the sun would beat down on it every day.  There might be little changes in the weather too as the sun’s heating would be pretty uniform so no major weather fronts marching across the globe. 

The sun (approximately 93 million miles away - but the earth’s orbit is more of an ellipse than a perfect circle. “The Earth is closest to the Sun, at its perihelion, about two weeks after the December solstice and farthest from the Sun, or at its aphelion, about two weeks after the June solstice.”

So that tilt of the Earth’s axis makes it seem as if the sun is moving while it is really the Earth’s position is changing.  


So March - with somewhat arbitrary planning has 31 days.  There are the thoughts that March can “come in like a lion and exit like a lamb”, or “come in like a lamb and exit like a lion”.  March starts the big change in seasons with cold (and snow) giving way to warmer temperatures.  With the rotation and heating and cooling of the planet we see cold fronts and warm fronts, we see tornado season starting (with more tornadoes over the south of the Great Plains more prevalent in earlier spring and then moving north.  Storm chasers will be in Oklahoma in March and April and move north to Kansas and Nebraska as the year moves on. 

There are discussions about global warming with the depletion of the ozone layer around the earth allowing the sun’s rays to be brighter (and hotter) and thus powering more dangerous storms and weather fronts.  Humans are like ants - and don’t see the big picture.  Our fuels are supposedly interfering with the environment and the ozone layer.  Likewise, our trash makes up the Great Pacific Plastic dump and other environmental troubles.  

My little plastic uses are insignificant to the overall picture.  My trash and plastic that will never break down in landfills is probably less than 0.0000000000001% of the problem.  But with billions of people using plastic, fossil fuels and loading up the landfills, it does add up.  Can we use more renewable energy?  Sure but at what cost?  Solar panels do cost to make and collect the sun’s energy.  Wind turbines do kill birds that fly into the blades.  Hydropower (water) dams do generate electricity but are costly to build.  


I hate to say this, but sometimes I don’t care very much.  I’m 74 years old and I’m going to die in the next 40 years.  It’s not going to be my problem.   Let the next generation figure out how to replenish the ozone layer and how to be better users of Earth’s resources!!!  (But, that isn’t loving thinking - and LOVE WINS).

Will the Earth die someday?  Yes.  Will the sun burn out someday? Yes.  

And, some bigger questions - is there life on other planets?  Are there UFOs and aliens?  Who knows!!  (Just the Science Fiction writers seem to know this).

Will intelligent robots and artificial intelligence take over?  Who knows!! 

From the 1969 rock music hit, “In the year 2525” we have these (partial) lyrics:

In the year 2525, if man is still alive

If woman can survive, they may find

In the year 3535

Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie

Everything you think, do and say

Is in the pill you took today


So, March - with Ash Wednesday (tomorrow), the Ides of March (March 15), Pi Day (3.14), St. Patrick’s Day (March 17)’ and more (see my Sunday blogs about National Days).

May March 2022 be a fantastic month for you!!  May you love more, share more, smile more, laugh more, and be generous!!!



March 1, 2022

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