Saturday, June 11, 2022

Sunday Funday, June 12, 2022


JUNE 12, 2022


Yes, it's been a long time since I was a kid.  But, I do have memories.  I’m sure I’ve forgotten some (mostly the negative ones - like the rainy days staring out the window).

My neighborhood had lots of kids (after all we were ‘baby boomers’).  The neighboring lot had an empty field.  We played softball there for many days.  We invented “little kids up” - where the younger kids of the neighborhood got to bat, and the older kids got to be in the field.  We set up a racing track and had relay races.  I remember a time playing hide and seek when nobody could find me (I was deep underneath some bushes - getting scratched, but well hidden).

There were oak trees and we found some boards that we could use as steps and nailed them on the trunk so we could climb up into the tree.  A few boards for sitting and we were “kings and queens” in our castle.  

My mother had a whistle.  When it was nearing dark, she would go on our front porch and blow the whistle.  Some of the other kids laughed at me to get called home - but I’m glad she let me know.

We rode bikes everywhere.  We explored.  

One of our exploration trips (only three of us - with flashlights) was when a little creek went underground to end up at the Cedar River.  We traversed the tunnel in the dark and down to the river.  Another trip was to where there was a long vine hanging from a tree overlooking a gully.  We managed to get the vine to the edge where we could swing out over the gully.  

I was tan - but everybody was tan!!  We spent 10 hours outside - of course, we were tan.  (That was before tanning was cool).  

Nobody had a pool - and no neighborhood pool.  One of the neighbors had an oscillating sprinkler that we could run through.  

I remember the day we played Monopoly for hours (it was a rainy day).

And, I read.  The library had a summer reading program - and when I wasn’t outside, or eating, or sleeping, I was reading.

We laughed, we fought (not much), and we were carefree kids.  (So, why can’t we do that again as seniors?)

(And, my only visit to the Police Department.  One hot summer night a group of us were camping out.  For some reason, we went the four blocks to the junior high school (I’m not sure we even needed a reason).  As we got closer to the school, a squad car was driving around the school. We panicked and ran across the baseball field - where an officer was waiting for us.  Seemingly there were some kids throwing rocks at the school windows - so we were driven to the police department.  We had to call our parents to come and get us.  Needless to say, we didn’t camp out again!!!)



Sunday, RACE UNITY DAY - June 12, 2022 - National Today

The Declaration of Independence says “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Now in Colonial times “all men” are created “equal” wasn’t the case.  Only free, land-holding males could vote - and definitely not slaves.  (Have we made progress?)

SUNDAY, RAGGEDY ANN AND ANDY DAY - June 12, 2022 - National Today

Like most kids of our era, we did have Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls.  

MONDAY, WORLD SOFTBALL DAY - June 13, 2022 - National Today

At Quinnipiac University, I somehow became the coach for “The Profs” - the coed faculty softball team in the slow pitch intramural league.  That meant getting the team out to the field on time.  We were required to have 5 men and 5 women (or have an automatic out).  The student teams LOVED beating us.  I sometimes caught and would harass the batters that we would give them bad grades if they beat us.  (And, very rarely would we win).  We were old, slow, and couldn’t bat or throw well!!!  

TUESDAY, Flag Day (

Flag day commemorates when Betsy Ross (supposedly) finished the first American Flag - with 13 stripes and 13 stars in a circle. 

In South Dakota, the local Elks club had a Flag Day program on the courthouse lawn, and the Madison Community Summer Band played patriotic music for the event.  

WEDNESDAY, NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY DAY - June 15, 2022 - National Today

At one time, I was a pretty good (at least in my estimation) nature photographer.  I had a good camera and would figure out the best vantage point, the best light, and ways to make the shot better.  Now, my only camera is my phone - and I just take pictures.  

THURSDAY, NATIONAL FUDGE DAY - June 16, 2022 - National Today

My parents made the best fudge ever (okay - that is hyped up) in the candy shop they ran for five years.  I like fudge without nuts!!!

FRIDAY, NATIONAL EAT YOUR vegetable DAY - June 17, 2022 - National Today

We had corn and green beans for our veggies at home.  I was once with my cousins and I had to choose between cooked spinach or beets.  I wasn’t allowed to leave the table until I had one of those.  Finally, I choose the beets and washed them down!!!  I do like spinach greens now and also beets.

SATURDAY, INTERNATIONAL PICNIC DAY - June 18, 2022 - National Today

My family loved to have picnics.  My mother would pack a picnic basket and off we would go someplace.  I liked going to the Wapsipinicon State Park where there were caves you could go in!!  I also remember going with family friends, and the lady was very susceptible to poison ivy.  Later I became that way - very susceptible to poison ivy.  Two years ago outside my apartment, I got some poison ivy oil on my skin and it took weeks to get over it!!!


It took three minutes for the TV to warm up. 

Nobody owned a purebred dog.  

When a quarter was a decent allowance and made with real Silver!

You'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny.

Made with real copper! Looking to see if it was a 1943 steel penny! 

You got your windshield cleaned, oil checked, and gas pumped, without asking, all for free, every time.   And you didn't pay for air? And, you got trading stamps to boot. 

When a 57 Chevy was everyone's dream car...  to cruise, peel out, lay rubber, or watch submarine races, and people went steady. 

No one ever asked where the car keys were because they were always in the car, in the ignition, and the doors were never locked.  

Lying on your back in the grass with your friends and saying things like, 'That cloud looks like a...'. 

Playing baseball with no adults to help kids with the rules of the game. 

Stuff from the store came without safety caps and hermetic seals because no one had yet tried to poison a perfect stranger. 


We are in summer - and it is going to be hot and dry (standard Texas summer weather).

And, a request.  Might anybody have a small tent they would loan me for the summer?  I’m thinking I might want to do a little camping.  (I’ll be getting a pad, air mattress, sleeping bag, and other gear).

And, a second request.  I’m in a brass quintet this summer - and we need places to play (free!!!).  Probably about 30 to 45 minutes for our concerts.  Probably in the evening or on weekends.



June 8, 2022

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