Tuesday, June 14, 2022



I’m writing this while the January 6th Congressional Hearings are continuing.  I’ve had two friends comment on the hearings. One said “Interesting, Democracy at work”; the other said, “Just political theater, I didn’t watch it, it’s already been decided.” 

Realize that you are most likely not going to change anything by watching and might be upset and grow angry.  

Heavenly Father, Grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed; courage to change that which can be changed, and wisdom to know the difference.

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. (1 Timothy 2:1-2)


So, if you are caught up in political stress - some suggestions:


Figure out how much time you spend on political issues.

Do you turn on the news first thing in the morning?

Do you watch TV news all day long?

Do you have a favorite station?

Are you hearing balanced coverage - or only one side (aka - Fox News or MSNBC)

And - an important question - does the news make you anxious or depressed?  Does your coverage “hammer” home issues like inflation (that might make you depressed), gas prices (also depressing), blunders from one political side or the other, immigration, border wall, baby milk formula, Russia/Ukraine, the “Big Lie”.  

If you are getting stressed out, anxious, or depressed from the news - turn it off.  I don’t have a television largely because of this (and - in my opinion - there isn’t much on TV I’d like to watch).   


Be aware of your surroundings when watching a political show or discussing a political issue.  If you have children and you are being bombarded about inflation, the children might worry if you will have enough money for gas for your summer vacation or food.  

I play in a social bridge group.  Some time ago, one person made a political comment - and that got other opinions to flare up.  The old adage- “Don’t talk about politics or religion” is good when you are in a social group.  Change topics.  


Be open-minded.  I used to believe that one political party was right and the other was wrong.  But, I’m learning that although the rhetoric can be inflammatory at times, you might learn something.  We are ALL Americans - and generally have good reasons for our views.  Be nice!!

For example, global warming.  Some of my friends are fanatics of worldwide warming and moving away from fossil fuels.  But, I also have friends who take the other side of the issue - we don’t have enough energy because the global warming idiots are stopping pipelines and pumping oil.  (Be careful of labeling anybody an “idiot” or a “jerk”!!!)

Is fracking good?  Is fracking bad?  Learn - without being a jerk.  

Are wind turbines good?  But they do kill birds (which is bad).


Step away from conversations (and television)

If the political discussions are making you depressed or anxious, change the channels.  If you are in a room and two people are fiercely arguing politics - walk away.  


Know when to say when.

While that is good for beer and alcoholic drinks - that is ``know when to say ‘when’” don’t overdo political watching and discussions''.  If you are losing sleep and watching too much news - walk away.  Give your television set to me (and I’ll never use it)!!!

I’ve used (overused?) GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out in the past.  If you let a particular point of view go into your brain over and over and over again - all day long - you are going to become a political zombie.  (Okay, my friend RP - I think you are getting close).  


Watch out for biases.  I have looked at Fact Checkers to see if a commentator is pressing an issue too far.  Realize that data and facts can be skewed.  For example, an incumbent some years ago was being attacked because he only made an important committee assignment about 50% of the time.  “John Doe only goes to the Ways and Means committee 47% of the time.”  But, that may or may not tell a story.  Congressmen have a lot of committee assignments and do rely on assistants to attend some committee sessions.  The assistants can fill in the congressman on what happened.  

I’ve also heard the broad stroke statements - that are like this - “All <party-affiliation> people are <some attribute>.  “All Democrats are socialists”. and “All Republicans are white racists”.  When I gave true/false questions on tests, any statement with an “all” or “none” was probably wrong.  “All dogs have four legs'' is a generally true statement, but I know of two dogs that have three legs (lost a leg in an accident).  


Be loving, friendly, and forgiving, don’t judge until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.  



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