Tuesday, June 21, 2022



12 Foods That Cause Dementia 2021 - ReaDementia

Last week I looked at an interesting article about dementia.  Continuing that, twelve foods to avoid:

1. White Foods

The article suggests:

“White foods feature prominently on the list of foods that cause dementia. These include foods like white pasta, rice, and other foods that cause a spike in insulin.

“Worth noting is that spikes in blood sugar usually cause inflammation in the body and it also sends toxins to the brain. This is one of the suspected causes of dementia.

(Aside - in my house I eat nothing but “White” foods (says Karen WHITE))!!

But, in reality, I generally avoid “white” foods.  I don’t eat much bread, I do use a little sugar, and I try to use whole wheat pasta and brown rice/wild rice.

2. Sugar
“You should avoid eating too much sugar if you want to protect your brain.  This is because excessive sugar consumption leads to inflammation in the brain. It can also increase your blood sugar levels depriving the brain and the body of the energy they need.”

Comment:  I like sweets - and it is hard to find a sweet without some form of sugar.  So, I’m largely going without sweets - and largely without sugar!!  I’ve been using some Stevia for sweetening.  A source says, “When used in moderation, stevia is associated with few side effects and can be a great substitute for refined sugar.”

3. Processed Meats

“Processed meats are a favorite for many. What you may not know is that these foods are rich in nitrosamines. This is a carcinogenic chemical compound that makes the liver produce fats that are poisonous to the human brain.

“The fats interfere with the blood-brain barrier which causes damage to the brain cells. This also results in insulin resistance.

Lately, most of the meats I’ve eaten have boneless chicken breast or boneless pork loins (both in bulk packs for a better price).  I suppose I could buy chicken breasts with bones - and then debone it - so I am yielding to convenience.  I can throw a couple of chicken breasts, some barley, wild rice, and other things (like onions, garlic, and colored peppers) into my slow-cooker and in six hours I will have plenty for several days.  

The pork loins I can cook in the oven and then fork spread them for pulled pork.  I have to watch a little as most barbecue sauces are heavy with sugar.

I also have used turkey hamburgers for spaghetti (whole wheat thin spaghetti).

4. Processed Cheese:

“Cheese is also among the foods that cause dementia. These include mozzarella sticks, American cheese, Laughing Cow, and Cheez Whiz. Consuming processed cheeses leads to a protein build-up in the body which has been linked to the development of dementia. Cheese is also a source of saturated fat that clogs heart and brain vessels.

Karen comments:  I am not a big cheese fan.  BUT, I like American cheese - and put it with my pulled pork.  I also like queso (from American cheeses - like Velvetta).  Okay - just one more 

thing to avoid!!!

I bought a 3-pound package of the HEB grocery store brand of Velveeta two weeks ago - so I’m not going to throw that out!!! 

5.  Microwave Popcorn:

“This is known to have diacetyl, a chemical that is suspected to increase the number of amyloid plaques in the human brain.

“There has been a lot of research linking the build-up of these plaques in the brain to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

I have been using a lunch brown bag, with whole kernel popcorn (straight out of a 100% popcorn bag - no additives) for a snack.  It is better with real butter and a little salt!!!  I’m trying to eat this natural popcorn without butter or salt, but it sure tastes better with it!!!  (And popcorn has a goodly amount of fiber!!)

6. Alcohol

“Taking too much alcohol is known to have grave effects on the brain.  It can lead to metabolic changes, reduction in brain volume, and disruption of neurotransmitters or chemicals that the brains use for communication. Individuals who suffer from alcoholism usually have a deficiency of vitamin B1 which can result in brain disorders that can develop into Korsakodd’s syndrome.”

I do have some alcohol in my apartment.  I bought a red wine two months ago that is still half full (after reading an article on the benefits of red wine!!!).  I also have a six-pack of beer with five bottles left.  


This is halfway through the list and a good spot to close for today.

I was surprised by the article last week on other aspects of dementia (link: 7 Surprising Signs of Dementia | healthy-aging - Sharecare) - like eating hard foods (like apples) and the impact of teeth and dental work might have on mental health; slower walking; different sleep habits; trouble finding words; and loss of your sense of smell.

More tomorrow!!!



June 22, 2022

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