Thursday, September 29, 2022



Watch out - I’m selfish.

I was thinking this morning that I really am selfish.  Maybe not is big overt ways - but in subtle ways.  And, maybe forgetting others.  

I was going to the grocery store.  And, what selfish things I wanted:

First I wanted a good parking spot.  Yes, I walk about five miles most days, so I could park farther away and get a nice walk to the store - but NO - I have to drive up a couple of aisles because I saw a close parking place two aisles over.  (Yes, I can rationalize that - I’m 75 and a senior citizen - I “deserve” a close parking place!!!).  

Second, I want the shortest checkout lane.  Actually, I generally go through the self-checkout lane - the lines aren’t so long.  After all, my time is SO valuable that I must be home quickly!!!

And, of course, going through the store I am very selfish.  Yes, I need food to keep my body going.  And, yes, I generally get the store brand (that is the cheapest brand).  But then my brain (Satan) starts whispering “You’ve been good this week, get yourself some candy, pick up the giant jar of peanut butter - you “deserve” it!!!  Then, I think I should get some ice cream - it tastes so good (and justification - it has calcium) and cools and soothes your throat.  

And I can even be judgmental.  As I’m waiting for the self-checkout, I notice a man with maybe 25 items in his cart.  I’m thinking “CAN’T HE READ?”  The self-checkout says “Ten items or less”.  What’s wrong with these people?


Okay - I know (and have quoted frequently) “Love is patient, love is kind (1 Corinthians 13:4a) 

I can walk in from farther out!!  I can wait patiently in the checkout lane. “(Love)  it keeps no record of wrongs.” (1 Corinthians 13:5c).


I’ve devised a way not to be a ‘road rage’ person.  

That guy who zoomed around me, who was speeding and weaving in and out of traffic - he isn’t being a jerk.  He just got a phone call that his mother (who is on life support) is in her last moments of life and he needs to get to the hospital before they take her off life support, to tell her how much he loves her, and what a great mom she has been.  (Or, alternatively, he just got a call from work that his wife went into early labor and should be delivering their first child in the next half-hour).

Can I ‘rationalize’ that the person who takes the handicapped parking spot, or is taking their own sweet time at the checkout lane is okay and doesn’t need me to judge them?  Don’t I exclaim “Love Wins” and then I don’t always love others?

“Go the second mile, give your shirt to one who doesn’t have one, give a drink to a thirsty person, give a meal to the hungry” - but no - I COME FIRST!!!  

Who am I to want to be first, the one who wants to win the grocery store race?  Get honest with yourself Karen.  Don’t be a jerk!!!


“A slip is not a fall”.  

I remember a sign like that from the past.  It was referring to dieting (I think) implying that if you are dieting and you go out to eat with a friend, you can eat anything - not just a plain lettuce salad. 

Yes, I look in the mirror and see that I’m still a work in progress.  

I’ve written about having too much ego and trying to be humble - and - whoosh - there I am - ego bursting out, humility forgotten.  

But, you can be reassured, that when I become perfect, I’ll let you know!!!  (Just don’t hold your breath waiting for the announcement).

Yes, Karen - LOVE WINS - and Karen, you still have a long way to go to be a truly loving person!!!


Karen White, September 30, 2022, © 

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