Monday, September 12, 2022



This week I’m writing about strokes.  In particular, it goes back to a friend describing how life has changed since her spouse had a stroke.

Yesterday, we saw high blood pressure, tobacco, heart disease, and diabetes are the major causes of strokes.  


High blood pressure (HBP or hypertension) is when your blood pressure, the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your blood vessels, is consistently too high.  

The primary way that high blood pressure causes harm is by increasing the workload of the heart and blood vessels — making them work harder and less efficiently.

Over time, the force and friction of high blood pressure damage the delicate tissues inside the arteries. In turn, LDL (bad) cholesterol forms plaque along tiny tears in the artery walls, signifying the start of atherosclerosis.

The more the plaque and damage increases, the narrower (smaller) the insides of the arteries become — raising blood pressure and starting a vicious circle that further harms your arteries, heart, and the rest of your body. This can ultimately lead to other conditions ranging from arrhythmia to heart attack and stroke.

If you have diabetes, your chances of having a stroke are 1.5 times higher than in people who don't have diabetes.

Repeated studies estimate that each unit increase in body mass index (BMI) increases the risk of stroke by 5 percent. With a baseline BMI of 20, this means that a person with a BMI of 30, for example, increases their risk of stroke by 50 percent.  (The “norm” for BMI is between 18.5 and 24.99)  Here is a link to a BMI calculator:

My BMI is about 25.5 so I have a few more pounds to lose.

BUT, BMI is just a measurement.  Keeping your weight down also helps with diabetes and a slew of other health issues.  



Both physical and psychological factors play a role in health and well-being. Stress is often linked to increases in the risk of stroke. Studies show people who are impatient or aggressive, like those with a type A personality, are more likely to experience a stroke than those better able to handle high-stress situations. Some reports claim chronic stress can significantly increase the risk of stroke and it also increases the likelihood of heart attacks. Relaxation exercises such as meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness can help alleviate stress.

3. Depression

Multiple studies indicate people who experience depression are more likely to have a stroke, and may even increase the chance of dying from the event. Though doctors are not sure if the mental health condition causes stroke directly, many support the connection between the two. The physical effects of depression are getting more scientific attention recently, and the condition has also been linked to chronic fatigue and muscle pain, insomnia, and heart disease.

4. Heart Disorders

Hardened arteries and atrial fibrillation, as well as other cardiac issues, can increase the chances of developing stroke. Moreover, stroke is a risk factor for conditions such as coronary heart disease. High blood pressure, low levels of HDL cholesterol, and smoking all contribute to both stroke and heart disease. In general, people who have had a heart attack or coronary heart disease are twice as likely to have a stroke as people who have not.

5. Alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol poses various significant health risks including an increased chance of stroke. Alcohol contributes to many other factors that raise one's risk of strokes, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. In general, alcohol is considered the fourth most common cause of preventable death in the U.S.


The article I am using lists ten causes for strokes.

Today I copied the first five (and tomorrow I’ll give the last five).

But the main theme is “You can do something about the potential for a stroke”


Get your blood pressure down - through medicines, nutrition, and a change in lifestyle.  In my case, it is some of both approaches.  I try to eat healthily - but I do slip.  (Okay, true confession time - in the last two weeks I’ve allowed myself to have ice cream - and peanut butter.  My weight is down to 200 pounds (from 243) - hey, I need a reward.  But, I’m not done - my BMI suggests that 195 is the highest weight I should be.  


Control your stress and depression.  When I had my major health issue in 2017, I allowed stress to build up in my life.  No, I am not perfect, but I personally believe that mentally living the LOVE WINS message - loving ALL people helps me.  

I can control only one person - me.  I cannot change anybody else.  If I have an issue with somebody, I need to let it go.

I also control depression with a low dose of an anti-depression drug.  I’d prefer not to be on so many medications, but I’d also prefer to avoid a stroke, avoid diabetes, and avoid heart attacks!!!


Someday my heart will stop beating - and my brain will lose consciousness - and I will die.  I can add years to my life, or I can add life to my years.  I need to be happy, doing things I like.  A book from a few years back was titled “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and It is all Small Stuff”.  There is an expression “like water off a duck’s back”.  If a duck got hyper because of some rain rolling down his (her) head, neck, and back, it would be a neurotic duck!!!  

Yes, I’m retired - but I need to let go of some things that can raise my blood pressure.  I have commented about being estranged from my family.  If I dwell on that, life goes poorly.  If I turn it over to God (The Force, The Infinite, even Karma), my life is better.  I am still human - and I still make mistakes.  I am imperfect!!!  (My daughter has a t-shirt that says “I am a Prefectionist” and that’s a good comment - I am NOT a perfectionist, I am flawed, I am weak.

To me, agape love is the answer - maybe I’m alone in that - maybe that is simplistic thinking - but for a person who loved to make mountains out of molehills, I need to let it go.

“I can only love God as much as the person I love the least” (LOVE ALL!!)
“What does God expect of me, to love justice, show mercy, and walk humbly with God”

“Nothing great was ever achieved without ENTHUSIASM!!!”


Karen White, September 13, 2022, © 

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