Saturday, September 24, 2022



SEPTEMBER 25, 2022


Ah, tis fall - autumn - the transitional time between summer and winter.  The time that the heat of summer is forgotten.  I think (hope?) those days with temperatures over 100 are over for this year.  In the forecast, there are nights with temperatures in the 60s!!  You might be able to turn your air conditioning off for a while!!


For thirteen years I lived in Southern Connecticut.  In less than two hours, I could be in Vermont - and be a “leaf peeper”.  The little villages with the white-steepled churches, and colorful trees are real.  The valleys rich in red, orange, and yellow are real.  The charm of Vermont and New Hampshire in the fall is also real.

One feature of Vermont and New Hampshire that was inspiring was covered bridges.  There are over 140 covered bridges in Vermont, but New Hampshire has only 54 bridges.  

Here are some pictures (sorry, I couldn’t find the ones I had taken).


  1. What do farmers wear under their shirts when they’re cold? A har-vest.

  2. How do trees get on the Internet? They just log on.

  3. What can a whole apple do that half an apple can’t do? It can look round.

  4. ​​Why shouldn’t you tell a secret in a cornfield? Because the corn has ears.

  5. How do you fix a broken pumpkin? With a pumpkin patch!

  6. What happened when the turkey got in a fight? The stuffing was knocked out of him.

  7. What is it called when a tree takes some time off? Paid leaf.

  8. What kind of music did the Pilgrims listen to? Plymouth Rock.

  9. Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn so much? Because he had a great fall.

  10. Why did the pumpkin lose the boxing match? He let his gourd down.

  11. What do lumberjacks shout at the start of fall? Sep-timberrrrrr!

  12. Why do trees hate going to school in the fall? Because they’re easily stumped.

  13. What’s the best band to listen to in autumn? The Spice Girls

  14. What did the leaf say to the other leaf? I’m falling for you.

  15. Why do birds fly south for the fall? Because it’s quicker than walking.

  16. Why did the tree decide to start taking art classes? She wanted to branch out.

  17. What’s the biggest fall phenomenon in Australia? The Great Barrier Leaf.

  18. ​​Why are trees so carefree and easygoing? Because every fall, they let loose.

  19. Why did the scarecrow win a Nobel Prize? He was outstanding in his field.

  20. What’s the best thing to put into a pumpkin pie? Your teeth.

  21. What do the leaves say before they hibernate? Rake me up when September ends.

  22. What happens when winter arrives? Autumn leaves.

  23. Why did the Jack-o’-lantern look after the pie? They were pump-kin.

  24. What is it called when a tree doesn’t think it’s autumn

  25. What’s the saddest side dish? Sweet potato cries.


Fall (Autumn) starts on September 22 at 2:21 (central time).  This is when the sun is exactly over the equator.  (I think that disregards the 8 minutes and 20 seconds it takes for sunlight to get from the sun to the earth).  

So, fall is always either September 22 or 23 - right?  

Wrong - Generally speaking, the autumn equinox always falls on either 22 or 23 September, but not always.

Because the Gregorian calendar is not quite in perfect symmetry with the Earth's orbit, the autumn equinox will very rarely fall on September 24. This last happened in 1931 and will next happen in 2303. (So, in 281 years from now, people will observe the first day of fall on Wednesday, September 24, 2303!!!  Wake me up to tell me if it happens!!!)

Equinox comes from the Latin equi (meaning equal) and nox (meaning night)

In the United States, fall has some automatic signals - the start of school, the new season for television shows, football returns, and harvest season. 


National Daughters Day — September 25, 2022 (

I know several of us have daughters - this might be a good day to call them and say “I Love You”!!

NATIONAL PANCAKE DAY - September 26, 2022 - National Today

Yup - time to make those Pumpkin Spice pancakes!!!  (And cover your stack of pancakes with oodles of syrup and butter!!!)

NATIONAL CHOCOLATE MILK DAY - September 27, 2022 - National Today

Hmmm - there weren’t many good choices for today.  I do like chocolate milk (and even more when I put some vanilla ice cream in it!!!

NATIONAL GOOD NEIGHBOR DAY - September 28, 2022 - National Today

I think I’m a good neighbor - and I get along well with my neighbors.  How about you?

National Coffee Day - September 29, 2022 (

Some coffee shops are giving out free coffee today!!!  

​NATIONAL LOVE PEOPLE DAY - September 30, 2022 - National Today

I say “LOVE WINS” - I follow a Jewish Rabbi of the first century who said “Love your neighbor as yourself”, “Love your enemies”, and “Love one another”.  I like a quote “I can only love God as much as the person I love the least” (and I take that I can’t even dislike a person).



I’m playing at the Walburg German Restaurant on October 15, 22, and 29.  Our group (the Brushy Creek Brass Band) plays German pieces at 7:00, and then Big Band pieces at 8:20.

The Central Texas Orchestra plays a matinee at the First Baptist Church in Round Rock on Sunday, October 16th at 3:00.  The program is “On Broadway”, with The Sound of Music, Oklahoma, Phantom of the Opera, Hamilton, Beauty and the Beast and more.  (You’ll enjoy it!!!)  The church is about a block west of Round Rock Donuts - in old “downtown” Round Rock - on highway 620 across from Golden Chick.



Karen White

September 25, 2022

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