Tuesday, January 31, 2023


 Wednesday, February 1st, 2023 - National Heart Month

Yes, we are going to die.  We also get to think about the longevity of our lives.  

Now, we have options.  Let inertia take its toll and let us slowly lose our functionality and physical fitness - or fight the battle (knowing that we will NOT win the war).

I’m on the side of fighting the battle.  We have twenty-four hours a day.  Let’s say you walk for an hour a day - or you sit and watch television for that hour - which one will be better in both the short term and the long term?  

As you may know, I’m working at a senior living complex.  Seniors who are relatively healthy live in “independent living”.  There is a very nice cafeteria, and an abundance of activities - like choir, putting green, bean-bag baseball, cards, aerobics, swimming, and more.  For those with some infirmities, there is assisted living - with aides and nurses to help with some ailments (like diabetes testing); a memory care unit for those with dementia, and a skilled nursing center for those with more severe health issues.  It is well done with good staff people, good facilities, and a caring philosophy (in a Christian worldview, although the residents don’t have to have any particular religious bent.)  

But, all of these will die.  In my year and one half, maybe six people I have known and helped have died.  I have sat with people in hospice - who are close to death.  I assisted a lady who swung from being a fantastic and nice individual to being a mean, cruel lady in the dementia section.

The biggest killer of people in the United States is heart disease.  

National Heart Health Month is observed in February. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular disease is the world’s number one cause of death, killing over 17 million people every year. The month is a very important period during the year. Awareness is created about the various heart conditions, and it goes a long way to help reduce the rate at which heart-related diseases are taking the lives of people. We need to use this month to take extra care of our heart health and help those who already suffer from heart disease.

We all get choices in our lives - from the simple choices of what should I wear today, to the tougher choices of whether should I exercise and attempt to keep my body functioning longer.  I have friends who have opted to keep smoking, although multiple studies have proven that smoking is detrimental to a person’s health. In some respects, they are opting for an earlier death by enjoying what pleasures there are in smoking.  

Should I choose a heart-healthy diet?  Should I exercise?

My daughter spent a night in the hospital when she was 14.  In the same room was a 78-year-old woman who had a heart attack.  I was young and naive and looked at the lady and was thinking “Hmmm if she would exercise a little, and lose some weight she could be healthy.”  But, I didn’t walk a mile in her shoes.  Maybe her life was happy, maybe she had wonderful children and grandchildren and activities in her life that brought her joy -and also brought joy to others.  Or maybe she was alone - her husband having died, no children, no reasons to live?  I’m not going to play “God” on that issue.  

A friend has an interesting sister.  The sister seems to have seen every doctor in her area for a variety of real (and maybe not so real) ailments (I don’t know the exact details).  Lately, this lady has determined she wants to die and was starving herself according to my friend’s last report.  

I take two of my shut-in friends to the Advanced Pain Clinic.  Both need medications to keep living.  Both have daughters (and grandchildren) in the area and both want to live to see their grandchildren grow up, get married, and have good lives.  

But, one of my former patients at the senior living facility has no family.  His wife died of cancer some years ago, they had no children, and his relatives are gone other than a nephew that is not all that close.  He has talked about why he should live longer with some major health issues in his life.

So, why should we try to live longer?  That can be a tough question.  Some societies have options for people to choose death.  Dr. Jack Kevorkian was a prominent physician of the last generation who promoted death on demand.  

There are various religious and philosophical issues with allowing death on demand. Generally, most religions view suicide as immoral.  But as mental health and extreme pain issues, I’m sure that discussion (assisted suicide) will continue.


Back to the main topic - National Heart Month.

Diseases relating to the heart and the blood vessels are generally referred to as ‘cardiovascular diseases.’ Their risk factors include high blood pressure, obesity, smoking, and high cholesterol levels. The majority of them are noncommunicable and related to lifestyle and other factors, becoming more prevalent with age. The diseases frequently do not have clear symptoms and can grow for months unnoticed; until after diagnosis is done through the taking of medical history, ultrasound, and listening to the heart sounds with a stethoscope.

I was feeling lousy in April 2017, and almost by accident, it was determined that I had major aorta problems because of high blood pressure.  As I understand (and my understanding is limited), I was getting an MRI of my heart. Seemingly the imaging went a little wider than just the heart and the image showed significant extra “channels” (aneurysms) in my aorta (main blood vessel).  Aneurysms are like balloons - and could pop almost any time.  And, in this case, any one of the multiple aneurysms would have meant a quick death.  (My surgeon said I was lucky to be alive)

People, families, and organizations are encouraged to actively participate in the activities of this month.  We can work on heart-healthy meals - with more fiber and less “junk food”.Cafeterias can have healthy eating days. and just plain encouragement of one another to eat healthier, work out, and mainly develop healthier habits. 

I’m already trying to eat healthy (but I do cheat way too easily).  But, in February 2023, I’m going to be thinking more of heart-healthy ideas.



(And, if long life and abundant lives matter, then taking care of our hearts is a win-win situation!!!)


Monday, January 30, 2023



Continuing thoughts about STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics - and today STEAM- Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics


But, what about STEAM - when the Arts are included.  I tend to think of myself as a STEAM person.  I have a bachelor's and masters in Mathematics, and a Ph.D. in Information Systems.  But along the way, I picked up a minor in history/social science.  Now in my retirement, I am more of a philosopher (right brain area).  I also do musical arts.  

At one point, there was talk of the “renaissance man” (or “Renaissance person”) - the person who could cut across left brain activities and right brain activities. 

I find myself doing some interesting mathematical things but more and more creative things.  

This past weekend I attended the play “Kiss Me Kate” at the local high school. (Aside, one of my friends had a  grandson in the/musical).  I enjoyed my drama activities in high school and college.  (No, I was never a star - but did some bit parts and contributed to the productions). 

Does my logical, mathematical left brain communicate with my creative right brain?  I’m not too sure.  When I write my Saturday blog posts, I think I am trying to be creative in writing fiction.  (And, maybe not always so good with fiction).  

Did my brain divisions work together as a professor?  I think they did!!!  

I learned to be more creative in class, with more imagination.  I would classify “LOVE” as more of a right-brain activity - a humane, creative, and thoughtful concept.  I moved from the left-brain activities of programming to systems analysis and design.  Design can be very creative.  Trying to see how a system might fit a company and be innovative tends to be more of a right-brain activity (at least in my brain).  

I remember a few professors I had who were totally left-brain. They walked into the classroom, faced the blackboard (or whiteboard), wrote, talked, gave canned examples, didn’t do much interaction - and left when the class was over.  There is a concept that sometimes you learn BECAUSE of the instructor, and sometimes you learn IN SPITE of the instructor.  I wanted to be a mentor, an encourager, and a professional friend.

I also believe that I can work on my right-brain skills. There have been times I have been an introvert (okay, Bruce, just blend into the wallpaper).  One particular example was at my first ISECON conference.  Here are all these intelligent professors and here was me - at age 40 a “newly minted” Ph.D.  I was in awe of some of the leaders that I met.  

There was a social hour on the first evening of that ISECON conference (1990 in Chicago).  I went, stood around, smiling, (although I sense now that my body language was awkward), and a half-an-hour into the reception, I slipped out.  (And, nobody noticed).

I went back to my hotel room and watched television.

When it was time for my next ISECON conference, I realized that either I had to get out of my shell and become an extrovert - or not attend.  They were calling for people to run for the board of directors for the parent group (EDSIG), and I put my name in - and got elected.  [Note, it is easy to get elected when nobody else is running!!!].

I started to fit in.  I was on the board of directors!!  I got an extra ribbon on my conference tag.  It was a “fake-it until you make it” situation - and (as a high school actor), I could act the part.  Within ten years I chaired FOUR ISECON conferences, I was a “big deal” (little did they know).  

ISECON is (was) a conference for professors of information systems (technically an acronym - Information Systems Education CONference).  And, many of the attendees were nerds (geeks?) who knew and could teach programming and technical subjects but were introverts.  Bruce White got to be known as the person who walked into the room and yelled “WOOO” (if appropriate).  

I learned to balance my introverted left-brain mathematical, logic, and science with creativity, imagination, and innovation.  (I don’t think any other ISECON chairs ever held a football game at our annual awards meeting luncheon!!!).  


Back to the question - can we make STEM into STEAM by introducing “A” - artistic/creative ideas into the curriculum?  

Karen says “ABSOLUTELY”. 

Right-brain traits are given as recognizing faces, expressing emotions,  creating music, and reading emotions. appreciating color, using imagination, being intuitive, and being creative.

In computing we’ve sometimes referred to these traits as “soft skills”  And, it is good to integrate those soft skills with the technical skills of left-brained individuals.

I also believe that naturally over time, left-brained people become more right-brained.  


What skills do you possess?  Can you hone those skills to be excellent?  And, then can you add skills from the other side of your brain?  If you are right-brained (creative), can you learn math and reasoning?  If you are left-brained (science/math), can you add artistic/creative aspects to your skill set?

From a person who was almost totally left-brained to one who has a stronger brain balance, I suggest that you can become a stronger person with a STEAM approach!!




Sunday, January 29, 2023



In the 1950s, the United States faced the reality that the USSR (aka “Russia”) put a man into space. There was almost an instant rush to increase our math and science curriculum.  In the last two decades, there has been an effect to add or increase science, technology, engineering, and math (aka “STEM”).  

“In 2012, the United States National Research Council proposed STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) as a new form of teaching K-12 science education, seeking to promote curricular integration between science, technology, engineering,”


Years ago, there was research into left-brain and right-brain aspects.  The most recent view is that the left brain controls the right side of the body (so, as a right-handed person, my left brain is probably stronger.  The research suggests that left-brained people are stronger in logic, science, time, language, and mathematics.  And then the right brain is supposed to be stronger in creativity, arts, intuition, and imagination.  

The concept from the National Research Council was that encouraging integration across brain functions is positive.


Max is an introverted computer programmer.  He loves math and science.  He majored in computer science with a minor in math.  He likes to do Sudoku and Logic puzzles.  He is most likely a left-brain person.

June is a fiction writing author.  She loves being creative in her characters and plots.  She plays with a string quintet (as a cello player).  Her apartment has copies of Van Gogh’s Starry Night, and Renoir’s Afternoon Party of the Boaters.  She is most likely a right-brain person.


The first approach was STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.  In our world today, technology seemingly is the driver of innovation.  Computing seems to be at the bottom of more new developments - autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, databases, and even 5G communication.  Having a background in the sciences and math, then coupled with technology and engineering we can produce a lot of exciting and beneficial products and services for business.  

In order to put a man on the moon by the end of the 1960s, STEM became a priority.  The science of escaping Earth’s gravitational pull, getting into an orbit around the moon, and then being pulled down to the moon and land was significant.  But, maybe more significant was the science involved to launch off the moon, hook up with the spacecraft that was circling the moon, and then get back to the Earth.  (If we had to leave a man on the moon to die, that would have been unthinkable).

There were many technology steps, suborbital flights, flights around the Earth, unmanned spacecraft to the moon, and more.  How much thrust and lift was needed to escape Earth’s gravity?  

And, then engineering - precision engineering.  A disaster happened when a simple “O ring” failed on a mission because of the cold.  Murphy’s Law suggests that whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.

And, science, technology, and engineering were based on a particular language - mathematics - including the binary mathematics of computers.

That was STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.  

First, as a student, I learned math, science, and technology.  (I didn’t do any direct engineering).  Then I got to teach math.  

I liked math - so I was largely a left-brained individual.

I remember my first college math course, I knew it down cold.  I aced the tests and was the top student in the class.  Left-brained - logical skills.

But, someplace along the line, I picked up some (gasp) right-brain skills.


My parents wanted me to be well-rounded.  In elementary school, I was in the church children’s choir and the school choir.  I took piano lessons, and by fifth grade started to play the trumpet (and in seventh grade, the tuba).  Throughout junior high school and high school, I was in both band and choir.  

I got active in plays and drama.  Thinking back I was still a little “stiff” in my acting - as a math/left-brain person might act out a part.  


In college, I was a double major - with math as my first major and social science/history as my second major.  I also developed a strong left brain (technical and mathematical), but with some right brain balance (creativity, imagination).


For the next two days, I’m going to look more at the left and right brain concepts - especially between STEM, and STEAM (basically STEM with artistic overtones).  I will take a detour on Thursday with Groundhog Day, and Friday with American Heart Association’s heart health issues. 

At times, having some balance has been a blessing, and at times, that right side of creativity has gotten in the way of the logical, mathematical left side!!!.






Saturday, January 28, 2023





We are back to more normal winter weather.  We were spoiled.  And, the forecast has some rain!!!  Let’s see.

I’ve written about winter up north in my notes.  Let’s find some FUN!!  It isn’t only shoveling snow!!!


The St. Paul Winter Carnival is going on now through February 4th.

SAINT PAUL WINTER CARNIVAL - January 26 - February 4, 2023 

From the description:

January in Saint Paul, Minnesota, is always the coolest time on account of the annual Saint Paul Winter Carnival that’s taking place from January 26 to February 4 this year. Taking inspiration from their Canadian neighbors, the people of Saint Paul show the world just how fun the icy winter can be. This carnival — holding the distinction of being the oldest winter festival in the United States — has been held almost yearly ever since its inception, except during World War II.

New York reporters visiting Saint Paul in the fall of 1885 made the mistake of likening it to Siberia, also calling it unfit for human habitation. And so, the Saint Paul Chamber of Commerce decided to prove their city was not just liveable but fun too. Seeing their neighbors over in Montreal hold a Winter Carnival sparked an idea. Saint Paul decided they would host their own carnival, basing it on their neighbors’ model. They worked with the city of Montreal, adapting their tradition of creating ice sculptures, among other activities.

All year round, volunteers dressed as characters from this legend visit local and national festivals, nursing homes, schools, and hospitals, on behalf of Saint Paul’s Winter Carnival and the city of Saint Paul.


Maybe we should schedule a trip to St Paul next winter for the Winter Carnival.  (I do have a warm parka - but not much else from my cold weather life!!!) 



What do snowmen call their kids?  Chill-dren.

What did the icy road say to the car?  “Want to go for a spin?”

What falls in the winter but never gets hurt?  Snow.

What does a gingerbread man put on his bed?  A cookie sheet!

Knock, knock.  Who’s there? Icy. Icy who? Icy you!

How do mountains stay warm? They put on their snowcaps.

What do you call it when a snowman throws a temper tantrum?  A meltdown.

What is a snowman’s favorite snack? Ice Krispies treats.

What does December have that no other month does?  The letter D.

Where do snowmen put their money? Snowbanks.

What’s the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the regular alphabet?

The Christmas alphabet has Noel.

What is the best breakfast cereal to eat in the winter? Frosted Flakes!

Where do snowmen love to dance? At a snow ball.

What’s a snowman’s favorite drink? Iced tea.

What did Jack Frost say to Frosty the Snowman? “Have an ice day!”

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite.

What can you catch with your eyes closed? A cold.

How do you know you are still fast? You can catch a cold.

Why did the girl keep her saxophone out in the snow? She wanted to play cool jazz.



Another recent study suggests that coffee is healthy (as long as you drink it black without cream or sugar or other additives).


SUNDAY, MARCH 5TH - BLUEBONNET PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA AT KLETT AUDITORIUM - GEORGETOWN HIGH SCHOOL - FREE.  The program includes music from Frozen, Beauty and The Beast, The Lion King, Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars, and Night on Bald Mountain!!!  Sunday at 3:00 p.m.

(Matinee - local, nice time, and great music!!) - Isn’t it about time you went to a concert!!!


January is almost over.  

We are healthy

Life is good

Love Wins!!


Friday, January 27, 2023



On Saturdays, I write fiction (and I’m going to keep trying until I get better!!! <grin>)

My life has been with the “good people” - people who go to church, who are nice and kind, and well educated.  I have heard of some of the “not-so-good people” and I’m going to try to work with that.  (And, I’m writing this before starting, I’d be surprised if I don’t have a happy ending (Pollyanna Karen).


Arterio Disu had dropped out of high school at age 16.  Not that high school was doing anything for Arterio.  His attendance was spotty (at best).  His mother couldn’t take care of him (or his four younger half-brothers and half-sisters).  He had joined a gang when he was 10.  Most of his education was with the bros in the gang.  He started as a delivery boy, moved up to marijuana sales and distribution, and was an alcoholic and drug user by age 13.  

In school, Arterio had wallopped his math teacher in seventh grade and was on in-school probation.  By ninth grade, he was in the district’s alternate school.  The concept was to try to give the kids off the streets some skills to be productive and try to show them a better life.  But, in his sophomore year, he was gone - back on the streets.  Street smart, but not book smart.


Femme Gutierrez might have been the female Arterio Disu - with some changes.  Her mother was locked up in the state penitentiary and was being raised by an aunt (if being “raised” means that there was a bed on the floor of a cheap apartment for her).  Auntie Aaliyah was generally strung out on dope and what little money she made by being a prostitute. Like Arterio Femme was in a gang.  Auntie Aaliyah made sure that Femme was on birth control and had an IUD because pretty much every boy in the gang had sex with her.  She also was a high school dropout and had spent some time in the female juvenile corrections system.  


Femme had some problems with her IUD and was not wearing it one night when she hooked up with Arterio.  And, a month later she missed her period and a pregnancy test showed she was pregnant.  

In Texas, Femme couldn’t get a legal abortion, she didn’t have the money to travel to another state, so, with some help from a Women’s Clinic she carried this unwanted baby to term and gave birth to a girl that she named Shaylee, Gutierrez.  Arterio was long gone and Femme didn’t even try to find him to tell him he was a dad. The birth changed Femme some - but not enough.  Having a baby with you on the streets limits your ability to make money.  She asked about putting the baby up for adoption, and so Shaylee Gutierrez was a baby without a family, and without a caring mother.  Adoption wasn’t easy for a baby like Shaylee.  Some potential adoptive parents weren’t sure if Shaylee wasn’t already addicted to drugs and the questions of “nature” (heritage) versus “nurture” (family)  popped up.  A black couple took Shaylee on a pre-adoption trial.  Things were good for a few months until the man lost his job in a technology slowdown, and the couple had to move to Silicon Valley California.  Shayless was back to being an orphan.  A couple in their 50s took Shaylee in as a foster child.  But with two children already in the family, Shaylee was just a hair too much for the couple to handle.  The other two children in the family were in school, and having an infant at home cut into the lady's work as a programmer/analyst at Dell Computers.  

Placement number three lasted five years.  A white couple who had a son about three months older than Shaylee took her in.  Things went well for two of those three years.  Then the boy started to bully Shaylee.  (Some of the boy’s friends used inappropriate words starting with N.  Shaylee withdrew and the boy started to taunt her.  The mother recognized the boy as the aggressor, but when faced with sending Shaylee back to the Department of Services to Children or disciplining her son, The son won out.  

The next several years were similar couples took Shaylee in - largely for the money that they got as foster parents.  Just when Shaylee was making friends, something went wrong, and back to being a state of Texas orphan.  

Shaylee was lost in the system.  In seventh grade with her fifth foster family, Shaylee started to run track.  Running was frequently her way to be alone. The coach noticed her ability and started to work with her.  The coach’s praise did a lot for Shaylee’s confidence.  Not only was she a good runner, but she had a supporter.  Without really trying, Shaylee’s grades and academic success got better.  

Her foster mother had also been a runner and still did running for fun and exercise.  Soon Shaylee and Kyndall, her foster mother, were running on Saturdays and Sundays.  And, Shaylee found two people who supported her - her foster mother and her track coach.  

By ninth grade, Shaylee was running cross country in the fall and then track in the spring.  Her middle school coach took a job at the high school and was able to still help Shaylee develop.  Her legs seemed to have springs and early in the track season, Coach Wilson tried her on the long jump.  She set a record for the ninth grade on her first jump.  

And, a word that didn’t exist in Shaylee’s vocabulary was starting to be used - “college”.  

Meanwhile, Kyndall and Marcus Rice started talking about adoption behind Shaylee’s back.  On Shaylee’s birthday after a barbecue party in Rice's backyard with the track team and Coach Wilson, when things were settling down. Marcus and Kyndall had Shaylee sit down and Marcus directly said to Shaylee.  “You’ve made our lives fuller, and we have learned to love you.  Shaylee, if you are willing, we’d love to adopt you as our very own daughter.

Shaylee cried happy tears as the three of them hugged.

Four months later, there was an official announcement and a grand party with both sets of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins at the official ceremony.


Karen writes.  I write “Love Wins” and “Love transforms”.  Today’s story had a girl who was an “untouchable” - labeled a loser from her birth, but through love was transformed into a daughter - a real daughter for real parents.  

(I read a recent news article about a similar situation).

How can we love the unlovable?  How could anybody love Arterio and Femme - her birth parents?  

My friends TF and JF have two awesome adopted children, and other friends BW and LW have two adopted children.  It isn’t always easy - but love can win - if you work at it.


Are there people that you know who have fallen through the cracks?  How can you love them?  





(and, yes, it became a Pollyanna story)

Thursday, January 26, 2023



I’m blatantly ‘borrowing’ material from my You Version Bible Plans today.  



Love is demonstrated through your patience and kindness.

In 1 Corinthians 13:4, Paul says -

“Love suffers long and is kind…”

In his writings about the love of God, Paul points to love as being the more excellent way, and he says that it is something that we must pursue and follow through and go after. 

He describes to us how this love would express itself. How can we know that we are walking in love, that we are motivated by the love of God? First of all, love is patient and love is kind. Love is thoughtful and does deeds of kindness for people.

Love is patient. This means you are willing to give others a long leash. It means you are being tolerant; you are being gentle; you are willing to accommodate others and extend grace to them. Patience and kindness go hand in hand, because being patient with people means that we do not retaliate but we do things that would bless them, things that would encourage and lift them up. We would speak words that would comfort and inspire them. In this way, we show kindness through our words and actions. 

So, love is patient and love is kind. The expression of spiritual gifts, the doing of charitable deeds must all be prompted and accompanied by love which is patient and kind. When we are ministering spiritual gifts, the goal is not just to express or manifest that gift, but the goal is to love the person first and then release that gift served with love, with kindness and with patience. The same thing applies when we are doing good deeds, when we are giving to the poor, or helping meet someone’s physical needs. The goal is not just to do good deeds but to wrap those acts of charity and generosity with love, patience and kindness. 

So, whatever we do, it must be motivated by love. Love is being patient; love is being kind to those around us. We need to ask ourselves whether we are showing patience in the way we relate to people or in whatever we are doing. Are we showing kindness? Are we understanding their needs, their situations and struggles? Because love is patient, love is kind.

How would we like somebody to deal with us? What is the extent of patience and kindness we would like somebody to show to us? We need to extend that to those around us. 

Walk the more excellent way of love by walking in patience and kindness.

(End quote)



We (humans)are rarely patient people.  We yell “I want patience, and I want it NOW”!!!  

Delayed gratification is not part of our lives (generally).  We understand that college generally takes four years - so I have to wait four years until I get my job.  (Then for some of us, we got graduate degrees and had to wait longer).  

It takes about nine months for a child to go from conception to birth.  That’s way too long!! I’ll just adopt!!

We waited until we were 16 to get our driver’s license.  We waited until we got married.

As children it was hard to wait for Christmas.  It was hard to wait for our birthday - and then - whoosh - it flew by so quickly we didn’t have time to enjoy it.  We waited until summer vacation - and then we sometimes by the first of August were waiting for school to start again.  

So, I can be patient (and kind).  I might have to wait years!!!  Some prisoners have been convicted of crimes they didn’t commit and have to wait for years to get paroled or our sentences overturned.  

(Okay, personal note).  I’ve been waiting five years to see my grandchildren again.  I love them so much - and at times I get impatient.  

I’ve prayed - so God, c’mon - let’s work this situation out - NOW!!!  

But I’m learning patience, I’m learning humility, I’m learning that LOVE does win!!!  Biblically, many of the Israelites waited to see the Promised Land and yet, never saw it.  Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  I’m hoping for reconciliation NOW, I’m believing in reconciliation NOW.  But it (reconciliation) will come.

2 Peter 3:8 says, 'With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day'.  God doesn’t wear a watch.  God does things on His perfect timing.  Who am I to suggest that my time schedule is better than His? 

Isaiah 55 says, “"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

So, the God of over a trillion galaxies, over many trillion stars, and many trillion planets does things His ways.  Yup - He is in charge and I’m not!!!  


Can you imagine if I was in charge?  I think it would be chaos.  Jesus said, 

Likewise, Jesus in the Garden prayed, “Yet not as I will, but as you will…. may your will be done.” 


End result - whether I learn patience, or I don’t learn patience, the result is the same.  “In God’s Time”.

So, guess what Karen, check your thinking - and become patient!!!