Tuesday, January 31, 2023


 Wednesday, February 1st, 2023 - National Heart Month

Yes, we are going to die.  We also get to think about the longevity of our lives.  

Now, we have options.  Let inertia take its toll and let us slowly lose our functionality and physical fitness - or fight the battle (knowing that we will NOT win the war).

I’m on the side of fighting the battle.  We have twenty-four hours a day.  Let’s say you walk for an hour a day - or you sit and watch television for that hour - which one will be better in both the short term and the long term?  

As you may know, I’m working at a senior living complex.  Seniors who are relatively healthy live in “independent living”.  There is a very nice cafeteria, and an abundance of activities - like choir, putting green, bean-bag baseball, cards, aerobics, swimming, and more.  For those with some infirmities, there is assisted living - with aides and nurses to help with some ailments (like diabetes testing); a memory care unit for those with dementia, and a skilled nursing center for those with more severe health issues.  It is well done with good staff people, good facilities, and a caring philosophy (in a Christian worldview, although the residents don’t have to have any particular religious bent.)  

But, all of these will die.  In my year and one half, maybe six people I have known and helped have died.  I have sat with people in hospice - who are close to death.  I assisted a lady who swung from being a fantastic and nice individual to being a mean, cruel lady in the dementia section.

The biggest killer of people in the United States is heart disease.  

National Heart Health Month is observed in February. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular disease is the world’s number one cause of death, killing over 17 million people every year. The month is a very important period during the year. Awareness is created about the various heart conditions, and it goes a long way to help reduce the rate at which heart-related diseases are taking the lives of people. We need to use this month to take extra care of our heart health and help those who already suffer from heart disease.

We all get choices in our lives - from the simple choices of what should I wear today, to the tougher choices of whether should I exercise and attempt to keep my body functioning longer.  I have friends who have opted to keep smoking, although multiple studies have proven that smoking is detrimental to a person’s health. In some respects, they are opting for an earlier death by enjoying what pleasures there are in smoking.  

Should I choose a heart-healthy diet?  Should I exercise?

My daughter spent a night in the hospital when she was 14.  In the same room was a 78-year-old woman who had a heart attack.  I was young and naive and looked at the lady and was thinking “Hmmm if she would exercise a little, and lose some weight she could be healthy.”  But, I didn’t walk a mile in her shoes.  Maybe her life was happy, maybe she had wonderful children and grandchildren and activities in her life that brought her joy -and also brought joy to others.  Or maybe she was alone - her husband having died, no children, no reasons to live?  I’m not going to play “God” on that issue.  

A friend has an interesting sister.  The sister seems to have seen every doctor in her area for a variety of real (and maybe not so real) ailments (I don’t know the exact details).  Lately, this lady has determined she wants to die and was starving herself according to my friend’s last report.  

I take two of my shut-in friends to the Advanced Pain Clinic.  Both need medications to keep living.  Both have daughters (and grandchildren) in the area and both want to live to see their grandchildren grow up, get married, and have good lives.  

But, one of my former patients at the senior living facility has no family.  His wife died of cancer some years ago, they had no children, and his relatives are gone other than a nephew that is not all that close.  He has talked about why he should live longer with some major health issues in his life.

So, why should we try to live longer?  That can be a tough question.  Some societies have options for people to choose death.  Dr. Jack Kevorkian was a prominent physician of the last generation who promoted death on demand.  

There are various religious and philosophical issues with allowing death on demand. Generally, most religions view suicide as immoral.  But as mental health and extreme pain issues, I’m sure that discussion (assisted suicide) will continue.


Back to the main topic - National Heart Month.

Diseases relating to the heart and the blood vessels are generally referred to as ‘cardiovascular diseases.’ Their risk factors include high blood pressure, obesity, smoking, and high cholesterol levels. The majority of them are noncommunicable and related to lifestyle and other factors, becoming more prevalent with age. The diseases frequently do not have clear symptoms and can grow for months unnoticed; until after diagnosis is done through the taking of medical history, ultrasound, and listening to the heart sounds with a stethoscope.

I was feeling lousy in April 2017, and almost by accident, it was determined that I had major aorta problems because of high blood pressure.  As I understand (and my understanding is limited), I was getting an MRI of my heart. Seemingly the imaging went a little wider than just the heart and the image showed significant extra “channels” (aneurysms) in my aorta (main blood vessel).  Aneurysms are like balloons - and could pop almost any time.  And, in this case, any one of the multiple aneurysms would have meant a quick death.  (My surgeon said I was lucky to be alive)

People, families, and organizations are encouraged to actively participate in the activities of this month.  We can work on heart-healthy meals - with more fiber and less “junk food”.Cafeterias can have healthy eating days. and just plain encouragement of one another to eat healthier, work out, and mainly develop healthier habits. 

I’m already trying to eat healthy (but I do cheat way too easily).  But, in February 2023, I’m going to be thinking more of heart-healthy ideas.



(And, if long life and abundant lives matter, then taking care of our hearts is a win-win situation!!!)


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