Tuesday, January 24, 2023



This is shaping up to be a health week at Information Education with Dr. White (and karens2019.blogspot.com).  Monday, we talked about gut and nutrition, Tuesday was coffee, and today yogurt.

So, what is yogurt anyway?

“On a basic level, yogurt is a dairy (or, nowadays, even plant-based) product made through the process of fermentation. By combining heat, certain naturally occurring bacteria, and (often) thickeners, producers can create a variety of yogurts that vary in texture and flavor.

Okay, so yogurt is a dairy (or non-dairy) fermented process.  It can use cow milk, goat milk, or sheep milk in the natural formulation - and each type of milk can give a different taste and texture.  And, if that isn’t enough, there are varieties from Iceland (skyr), India (dahi), kefir and many others.

“But what’s the difference? Greek yogurt is yogurt that has been strained to remove its whey, resulting in a thicker consistency than that of unstrained yogurt, while preserving yogurt's distinctive sour taste. Is one better than another? 

Greek yogurt contains as much as 17 grams of protein, compared with around 9 grams in regular yogurt, Ewoldt says. Double the protein! More protein in your diet is beneficial for muscle recovery and growth, and it helps keep you feeling fuller longer.

“Greek has a lower amount of sugar (around 5-8 grams, compared to 12 or more grams) than the regular yogurt, while still having the high levels of vitamins and minerals,”


Okay, so there is some difference between regular yogurt and Greek yogurt.

I haven’t been a big yogurt eater.  

So, I got the peach flavored regular yogurt - which was a sweet semi-solid snack.  I liked it - yum.  (And I thought I was doing something good for my body)

But I take a friend who doesn’t drink to the grocery store, and she always buys yogurt and lately she buys Greek yogurt.  

I wasn’t so sure about the Greek yogurt.  (And there wasn’t a peach flavored Greek yogurt at my store).  I sure didn’t want just plain yogurt - BORING!!!


So, why have yogurt and especially Greek yogurt?

1-” It is higher in protein.  This can be important if you are eating less meat.  I have friends who are vegetarians or borderline vegetarians - and they need to get protein.  

I got some tofu two weeks ago - but I haven’t cooked it yet.

2- “Greek yogurt is a good source of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus – minerals essential for bone health. Indeed, studies suggest that diets which include foods like yogurt may support bone mineral density.”

Okay, last fall I had a bone density test - and my bone density is low.  For me, that means a fall could easily mean a broken bone, a broken hip, or other such disasters.  My doctor said, “get more calcium”.  So, maybe I need yogurt!!


-3 “Greek yogurt labeled as containing live cultures provides beneficial bacteria known as probiotics, which when eaten regularly may support gut health. Regular inclusion of fermented foods, such as yogurt, appears to increase the bacterial diversity in the gut. However, be sure to select unsweetened yogurt because sugar may have a detrimental effect on gut diversity.”

Darn - there goes my ideal yogurt - my peach yogurt sure tastes better than unsweetened yogurt.

-4 “Greek yogurt provides iodine, a mineral important for health. Iodine is essential for thyroid function, as well as for growth and metabolism. Have additional needs for this mineral, because it’s important for the development of a baby’s brain during pregnancy and breast-feeding.”

I choose iodized salt because of the iodine.  (Of course, I remember as a kid when I had a scrap, my mother would coat it with iodine - which would sting, but help it heal).

-5 “The high protein content of Greek yogurt makes it an ideal post-exercise snack or component of a meal. This is because its bioavailable protein content promotes muscle repair and recovery.”

Okay, guilty as charged.  After a granny basketball practice or game, I want a snack.  Chocolate might be my first choice.  But this suggests that Greek yogurt might be a good snack as it brings available (bioavailable?) protein to the muscles.  


So, yes, I bought some Greek yogurt.  To make it palpable - I choose the honey and vanilla version (and as I read the material for today, I guess that means less sugar and thus more good gut bacteria!!!).  Not wanting to leave that alone, I did add some cinnamon and vanilla to help it go down.

Am I healthier?  Well, I haven’t been doing this long enough to know.  I’m trying to help my gut get better with more healthy fiber, and now with Greek Yogurt.  (So, where is my chocolate when I really want it?  Of course, I like the milk chocolate (aka - the sweet chocolate) - not the dark chocolate that is healthier!!!! I guess I’m still learning!!)

At age 75, I’m trying to be wise in terms of my eating and exercise.  (And, as I’m writing this, my body is suggesting it is also time for my power nap!!!)




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