Monday, January 2, 2023



I found this on a friend’s web page (so I’m “borrowing” it [aka - “stealing” it).

Get into the habit of asking yourself honestly, “Does this support the life I’m trying to create?”  If not, release it!!!

This struck me between the eyes.  I’ve gotten television (not cable).  It is a distraction honestly!!!  

Sure, it is kind of nice to get some football games (I am a sucker for football).  Fortunately, I can’t get ESPN (which has most of the college football bowl games).  To watch those games, I went to my apartment complex exercise room, and while on the treadmill getting my exercise,I could watch some of the bowl games. It was a satisficing noise in the background.


I worked Sunday night, and when I got home, I turned on the television (intentionally) to see part of the Sunday Night Football game.  (As I write, I’m not sure who was even playing - it wasn’t one of my “favorite” teams.).

So, as I was catching up on social media, reading email, and doing some writing, this game was on.  I found myself turning to watch the game rather than doing my regular activities.  “Does this support the life I’m trying to create”.  Yes, it was entertaining - (as I have mentioned, I like watching football).  But this was a distraction.  I turned it off and did my activities.

There are (few) times when I am not busy at home.  I have some things that I’d like to think support the life I am trying to create.  I have a three-plus-year streak on Duolingo learning German.  I’ve read that learning a language keeps the brain active and fends off some aspects of dementia.  So, yes, I can allow some time to Duolingo.  

I love people, so I interact with former students, friends, relatives, colleagues, and whoever is on Facebook and Twitter.  That is an activity that supports the life I am trying to create.

NOTE - ‘everything in moderation’.  Facebook (especially) pops on ads and stories.  They are interesting stories.  I enjoy watching some of the stories - but they don’t always support the life I am trying to create.  The distractions are good - really good.  There was an ad for “This is the oldest living actor at age 103”.  My inquiring mind wants to know - who is it?  I could go “down a rabbit hole” if I click on it and see who it is (do I really need to know who it is???).  There are ads for trips on email.  I took a Viking trip over four years ago, wouldn’t it be nice to take another?  But, does it support the life I am trying to create?

I had a vision of next week’s blogs last night (it was a little scary - maybe TMI - too much information).  I should be writing.  I haven’t started my Bridge Brat/Granny Gazette blog yet and that takes at least three hours a week.  Is that an activity that I am trying to create?  

Years ago when I was a freshman in college, I was scared I’d flunk out.  In my first semester, I allowed almost no distractions.  After dinner, I went to my room and studied.  I had a paper spreadsheet (no personal computers at that time, no Excel spreadsheets) that listed my classes, my activities, and my study times.  For every hour in class, I studied three hours at ‘home’.  I was great at eliminating distractions and focusing on what I needed to do, the life I was trying to create.

Now in my senior years, I abhor those easy distractions.  As I sit and look around my apartment, I get so many ideas that pop into my head.  But, they don’t always create the life I want.  I don’t want to be an hours-on-end television watcher - and I know that I can slip into that mode if I am not careful.

WHAT DO I WANT TO BE AT AGE 75.  A used up, “has-been”?  A viable human being with ideas and thoughts?  A philosopher (wait until next week)!!! 

Get into the habit of asking yourself honestly, “Does this support the life I’m trying to create?”  If not, release it!!!

I have trouble saying “NO”.  I am most embarrassed for the last few years at Quinnipiac where Monday night was Cheshire Symphony Rehearsal, Tuesday night was Pep Band Rehearsal, Wednesday night was Brass Quintet Rehearsal, Thursday night was Hamden Symphony Rehearsal, and Friday and Saturday (at least during the winter) were pep band events playing for hockey or basketball games.  (At least I had Sunday night free!!!)  

Did all that tuba playing support the life I was trying to create?  Not really.  I needed to say “no” more forcefully.  Yes - I enjoyed being out and playing tuba, and being in Orchestra.  (There is a statement “What part of ‘NO' didn't you understand?”  

I enjoy watching football, I enjoy watching television, I enjoy playing games on the computer, I enjoy a lot of things - but not all of them support the life I am trying to create.

So, what is that life I am trying to create?  After all, I’m retired (or I think I am!!).

My life goals at age 75 - Thinking, Writing, Keeping Healthy, Exercising, Being Social, and Spending Time With God.  Yes, those goals need to be supported by things like cooking, eating, sleeping, and some relaxing.  I like my part-time job with seniors - I really do.  Yes, I like the money.  It isn’t much - especially compared to being a full-time professor.  It pays for my Pandora - no ad subscription (I listened to ads too long), it pays for Sirius radio in the car, and it helps me contribute maybe 20 to 50% of my income to things I want to support.

Back to my point: “Get into the habit of asking yourself honestly, “Does this support the life I’m trying to create?”  If not, release it!!!”

I’ve slipped greatly from those college days when all I did was study!!!  

Another focus is that LOVE DOES WIN


And that GOD IS PART OF MY LIFE - even though I have 0.0000001% understanding of who God is!!


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