Wednesday, January 4, 2023




Let’s say I have a problem (and, yes, I have plenty of problems).  Let’s say I eat too much.  

How motivated am I to change?  Highly motivated? Motivated? Not motivated?

What would make this a highly motivated situation for me to eat less (or eat healthily)?

Would knowing the consequences of too much fat and sugar deter me?  The complications of diabetes (and having to take blood sugar readings by poking my finger)?  The chances of a heart attack?  The probability of a stroke?  The stress on my legs and feet so I need a cane, a walker, or a wheelchair?  

The concept of PAIN and GAIN is that you make the existing situation so painful and the desired situation so wonderful that you MUST change.  Change is hard - but change is inevitable.

Would that motivate me to stop?  (or would I justify it by saying “a lot of people have diabetes, a lot of people have heart attacks, I’m going to die anyway”)


How about money?

If for every pound I am over my BMI (body mass index) each month, I have to give $10 to a charity (or even to a charity I don’t support?)

Or for every pound I lose, I get $10.

Maybe I can enter into a contract with my accountability sponsor.  If I lose a pound he gives me $10, and if I gain a pound I give him $10.  (And, he starts with $1000 of my money in his pocket).  

(Aside, my health insurance has a program that if I walk about 4 miles every day for ten days a month, they pay me $10 at the end of the month (on a gift card).  For me that is a motivator!!!)

PAIN - spending money that I don’t want to spend, GAIN - getting money - but I have to earn it!!!  


The vacation.  If I can reach 195 pounds by March 1st, I can book a vacation to Hawaii.  (Might be in combination with the money, if I don’t reach 195 pounds, my accountability partner gets the trip!!!


The clothes.  If I can reach 195 pounds, I can get new clothes, a new hairstyle, get a mani-pedi, and get a new bathing suit for next summer.

The concept is Pain or Gain

If I don’t set my goal, I get pain, if I reach the goal, I gain something.

(Parents did that with their kids - get an “A” and you got 25 dollars; $10 for a “B” and nothing for a “C”, and they took $20 out of the kid’s savings account for a “D” or “F”).


I’m a big proponent of SMART GOALS - A SMART goal is used to help guide goal setting. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

I want to lose 10 pounds might sound like a good goal, but it isn’t.  It is a wish!!

Let’s put that losing 10 pounds as a SMART Goal;

By the first of March, 2023, I will weigh no more than 200 pounds as measured on my bathroom scale (standing naked).  I will be allowed to take an Alaskan Cruise if I reach this goal.

Specific - specific dates (March 1, 2023), specific amount (no more than 200 - so I get down to 194 that would be okay), on my bathroom scale - so I have a specific device, and naked (so I don’t have to mess with clothes).

Measurable - did I reach my goal - YES or NO.  On March 1st, as I step on the scale in my bathroom, naked, does it read 200,0 or less?  Then that is a “YES”.

Achievable - can I reach the goal.  I’m at 210 now, it is the fifth of January, yes, I can reach that goal.

Realistic - it is up to me.  It makes sense for me.  It gets me in a good BMI range. It isn’t for anybody else.

Timely - yup.  Get going today!!!  


I can set additional goals - by February 1st, I’ll be at 206 pounds or less; by February 15th, I’ll be at 203 pounds or less.  If I make it early, I need to be careful that I don’t “bounce” back up.


I can do motivational things.  I can plaster my apartment with post-it notes about my weight. I can put something on (or around) my refrigerator saying “No snacking after 6:00 p.m.”

I’m guessing there are videos of fat people that I must watch at least one fat person video every day - and then say “I WILL lose the weight”.  


I WILL REPORT to an accountability partner about my successes (and failures).  If I am open I might let them watch me step on the scale on March 1st.  

Note - for those who want to stop watching pornography there are software packages that will report any inappropriate viewing to your accountability partner.

Getting more than one sense involved helps:  Reading my list of goals daily outloud gets my eyes reading the list, my mouth saying the words, and my ears hearing the words.  (I might even jump up and down while reading the words to involve motion!!!).

Aside - for me, last year I did reach 200 pounds (hurray)!!  I felt good - and then I slacked off.  November and December were brutal on my diet.  There were too many lunches and dinners out.  There was too much freedom in the grocery store (“Gee Karen, you’ve been doing good, why don’t you buy a carton of ice cream”).  



Yesterday I wrote, “it is mind over matter”.  I can do this.  I can do this.  Accent the positive - keep going.  There might be some bumps in the road.  Correct and move on!!!


And, LOVE involves loving yourself for who you are - an overachiever, a winner, a champion!!!



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