Thursday, June 20, 2024



I committed to a local dentist for dental implants. The price is slightly less than what I paid for Sparky (three years ago). [Sparky is my Chevrolet Spark].

Do I need dental implants? Should I spend the amount compared to gifts to various charities? 

When I was divorced, I was already frugal.  Then, I became frugal. I needed the food pantry a couple of times. My clothes are generally from a thrift shop.  I do some shopping at Dollar Tree.  Most of my groceries come from ALDIs (a reasonably cheap store)


So, back to dentistry. My teeth problem is of my own making.  My parents had a candy shop from when I was five to eleven.  (And I liked candy).  I remember going to Dr. Cryill Lehman as a kid. They have kid magazines!  And I also always have a cavity (or two).  I had wisdom teeth removed when I was 17.  I don’t remember going to the dentist in college teaching in Prairie du Chien or Keokuk. In Oregon, I had a dentist who tried to get me on track.  In Madison, SD, Bernie Schuurmans did a great job on me.  Kevin O’Brien was great in Hamden, CT.

But I hated to floss. I didn’t always brush my teeth every day, and now I’m paying for that.

And, with good dental insurance, I joke that I paid for dentists to have new cars, send their children to private schools, and have boats and lake houses. 

But my recent experiences indicate I have poor teeth.  I’ve already had six pulled and have a partial denture.  I have two broken teeth.  My last dental hygienist suggested removing more.

So, on Monday, I’m having some of my weak remaining teeth pulled and dental implants placed. Yes, I’ve seen the ads. But no, I’m not excited about the process.  

My last dentist gave me an estimate that tries to save some of the teeth -and it was significant. I’m opting for the implant route.  I think this will be the most effective solution in the long run (assuming I live many more years).  

I have many more resources than some of my senior friends.  How do people at the poverty level get dental help (or medical help in general)?  Medicare and Medicaid are programs to help seniors. 

Paul writes in 1 Timothy 1

“For bodily exercise profits little: but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come” 1 Timothy 4:8. In this verse, the apostle Paul is encouraging his younger son in the faith, Timothy, to keep his priorities straight. Paul compares physical training for an athlete with spiritual training for godliness, stating that physical conditioning is less critical than a Godly life. He says that godliness is more important because of its eternal value. 

I need spiritual exercise - living a life of LOVE WINS. (Be ready to preach the Gospel and if necessary, use words) 

With the hope of having dental implants by late next week, I'm looking forward to a pain-free mouth. Is it a wise use of my money? Only time will tell. But it will enhance my ability to speak without issues, allowing me to smile broadly again. Perhaps I’ll even be able to whistle again.  

Having nice teeth will help my self-image. Will my spiritual well-being improve because of my physical well-being? I hope so. 

I may be missing a few days next week.

And my blog contributions might be slow for a few months. (ouch)



Karen Anne White, June 21, 2024

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