Sunday, June 23, 2024


 MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2024 - UFO

On June 24, 1997, U.S. Air Force officials released a 231-page report dismissing long-standing claims of an alien spacecraft crash in Roswell, New Mexico, almost exactly 50 years earlier.


So, twenty-seven years ago, the Air Force said, “It was nothing.”  

I could have gone through Roswell, New Mexico, on my return trip from Arizona.  My GPS wasn’t working well, I was on “Off-line maps” and was having basic directions so, I continued on to Lubbock, Texas (and Post, Texas).  

I’m not sure what happened in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. Did a UFO land? Were there aliens? Some reliable reports say they saw aliens. Are they real? Can people from other planets visit Earth?


It did put a small New Mexico town “on the map” regarding discussions. 


Two things today:



Yes, hype is “extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion.”  I’ve seen hype - and maybe tried to generate some hype for my orchestra group concerts. (And, unfortunately, it doesn’t work.  Only three of my friends have been to one of our concerts.

I’ve heard hype like: “It’s the greatest thing since sliced bread”.  I never thought much about unsliced bread.  When home bread makers became popular in the 1990s, the bread was unsliced.  When I baked bread years ago, it was unsliced, but I sliced it.  (Generally)

My parents had a candy shop in downtown Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  Next to the candy shop was a bakery.  One day, my mother gave me money to buy a loaf of bread at the bakery.  I ordered the desired bread, and the clerk picked out a loaf, then <OH MY> ran the loaf through a slicer.  I understood the expression: “It’s the greatest thing since sliced bread”!!!  WOW.  One local store makes unsliced bread - then the buyer must slice it home.  Maybe you are making French Toast and you want thicker pieces of bread - then buying unsliced bread works.  

My father was a jokester and had some backward hype. At the dinner table, he might say, “This is the best dinner I’ve had today.” (This was not much of a compliment, as it was the only dinner he had that day.)

But hype is all around us.  Sports have many hype moments.  (Announcer:  I wouldn’t be surprised that these two teams will play in the Super Bowl next February).  

Politics has an abundance of hype. If I believed my local congressman’s political flyers, he would be the most important person in Congress (“The House of Representatives”). He has sponsored this wonderful bill on XYZ. He has my local district’s views at the forefront of his voting (maybe not—he voted the way his political party voted on almost all issues).  And, at age 82 (he’ll be 83 in November), I sense he just wants to finish out his life as a congressman - not look out for central Texas or Texas in general. But, his campaign hypes how wonderful he is.


Roswell has done well on hype.  My congressman has also done well on hype.


‘The second issue I want to discuss is not based on actual facts.

Scientists estimate that there are over eight trillion galaxies in the universe. Each galaxy can have millions of stars and even planetary systems (like our sun and solar system).

Now, my mind jumps and suggests that with eight trillion galaxies, might there be at least one planet with life? Or more than one? Can these beings look like us—or might they be all shapes and sizes? (Like Star Wars). Might there be spaceships like the Millennial Falcon? Might the yellow light of our star (the Sun) have affected a ship and caused it to land at Roswell? Can we travel at light speed? (Sounds like hype).

I don’t know. It isn’t in my mind. Maybe the hype is real. Maybe there are aliens. I don’t know.


Is the hype about LOVE WINS real? 

(No, I truly believe that LOVE is real and that LOVE Wins - or will win someday.


Karen Anne White, June 24, 2024

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