Wednesday, June 19, 2024



I'm on the top of the world lookin' down on creation

And the only explanation I can find

Is the love that I've found ever since you've been around

Your love's put me at the top of the world.

(The Carpenters - 1971)

While the song doesn’t quite fit, the concept of being on top of the world.

I’ll call that Euphoria.  

I’ve experienced euphoria many times. My heart is so full!  

When I held my twin granddaughters for the first time, I was euphoric, tears of joy running down my cheeks. I remember thinking, “You can take me home now, God!”  

Maybe it is like floating on a cloud,  I know physiologically that my heart doesn’t make those decisions- my brain does.  But it does gladden my heart! ❤️ 

It doesn’t work mathematically.  If my attitude, joy, and euphoria were on a scale, it might be 100%, But at those moments, my euphoria is 200% (yes, it can’t reach that level.) I still get to the level where the endorphins flood my body and the joy is awesome, amazing, fantastic- and euphoric.  

Aside - will Heaven be so Euphoric? Will I be in a state of permanent bliss?  Will my joy never fade or end? 

There are some small moments of euphoria daily for me.  

I anticipate such joy and euphoria in my life.  “Elan” - energy, style, and enthusiasm.

Of course, I’ve also adopted Ralph Waldo Emerson’s quote - “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” 



Karen Anne White, June 19, 2024

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