Saturday, June 22, 2024



SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2024


You have five apples in a basket.  You give all the apples to friends and there is still one apple in the basket.  How can this be?

You gave the BASKET and APPLE to the last person.


Two boxers are in a boxing match (not kick boxing). The fight is scheduled for 12 rounds but ends after 6 rounds after one boxer knocks out the other boxer. Yet no man throws a punch. How is this possible?

The fighters were women!!!


You go on RED - but stop at Green.  What’s going on?

You are eating a watermelon - eat the red part, but stop at the green part!!


I am the first on Earth; and the second in heaven; I appear twice in a week, but you only see me once in a year.  What am I?

The Letter “E”


A window cleaner is cleaning a window on the 25th floor of a skyscraper when all of a sudden, she slips and falls. She has no safety equipment and nothing to soften her fall, and yet she is not hurt. How can this be?

She was cleaning the inside windows on the 25th floor!!!


What kind of coat is best put on wet?

A coat of paint!!


Born in the ocean and white as snow. When I fall back to water I disappear without a trace. What am I?



Jimmy’s Mother had three children.  The first she named Monday, and the second she named Tuesday.  What is the name of the third child?



Can you name three consecutive days without naming any of the seven days of the week?

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow


Steve, George, and Helen are drinking coffee. Bert, Karen, and David are drinking soda.

What is their friend Peter drinking?

Peter is drinking coffee. The letter ”E” appears twice in her name as it does in the names of the others that are drinking coffee.


The more of me there is, the less you see. What am I?



A woman gave birth to 2 sons, born on the same hour, same day, same year. And yet they weren’t twins how can that be?

They are two of a set of triplets


A barrel of water weighs 60 pounds. What must you put in it for it to weigh 40 pounds?

A hole in the side to drain some of the water!!!


Mr. Blue lives in the blue house.

Mr. Yellow lives in the yellow house.

Mr. Black lives in the black house. Who lives in the white house?

The President


Tomorrow I’m surely here, yesterday I’m found as well. Today I’m gone. What am I?

The letter “R”


Mr and Mrs Smith have four Children

Yankee is the oldest Girl
Astro is the oldest boy.
Dodger is the second girl.
What is the name of the second son.

Note - the last line has a period - not a question name, so the last child is “What”



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