MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2024 - Uniform Holidays
Here we are - Presidents’ Day 2025. Growing up, we had Lincoln’s Birthday (February 12), and Washington’s Birthday (February 22). I think we celebrated both days in Elementary School.
The Uniform Monday Holiday Act of 1968 moved several federal holidays to Mondays. The law's purpose was to create longer weekends for federal employees. Midweek Holidays are nice, but having long weekends made more sense.
I had a retired chaplain friend who objected to moving Memorial Day to the last Monday in May. His views were that nobody would remember those who died and instead would have a long weekend to go camping, fishing, or playing golf.
Some holidays did not change. Christmas is always December 25th - whatever day of the week that is - and likewise a week later, New Year’s Day. Independence Day is still on July 4th - wherever it falls. And one fixed day - is somewhat different - Thanksgiving is the Fourth Thursday in November. (Many offices and schools take the whole weekend - and we have the informal “Black Friday” shopping on the day after Thanksgiving.)
As an academic, the Monday Holidays messed with our schedules. If a class only met on Monday evening in the Fall Semester, you “lost” Labor Day and Columbus/Native American Day. In Spring Semester, you “lost” Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day - and maybe Memorial Day.
I liked the University of Nebraska schedule - Monday AND Tuesday for Labor Day; then Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for Thanksgiving - no other days off in the fall. Likewise in Spring - no Monday holidays - but with a full week of spring break. If (say) you had a section of CIS 101 on Monday night and another section on Wednesday night, both classes got the same number of class nights.
Yes, in my opinion there is less attention to what the holiday is about. You don’t have special events for President’s Day, or Martin Luther King Day. Memorial Day? It’s just the start of Summer. (Hey what are we memorizing anyway?)
So, for President’s Day today - ALL presidents are to be remembered - not just Washington and Lincoln. That might water down some significant days - like Jimmy Carter Day where we could honor a President who showed us what service and volunteering can do. Or Lyndon Johnson Day - where a Southern somehow managed to get Civil Rights approved. Of course, Washington and Lincoln were Presidents during wartime - how about Franklin Roosevelt - President during World War II (or Wilson for World War I). I’m not sure we will want to honor Richard Nixon for the Vietnam War. Or Dwight Eisenhower for the Cold War.
And, to give President’s Day a spiritual underpinning - 1 Timothy 2:1-2
“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. “
Our world changes. Over the years, I know many friends who have bemoaned that their “candidate” lost, and the incumbent President is a jerk. Prayer makes sense.
Karen Anne White, February 17, 2025
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