Monday, February 17, 2025



While yesterday was National Random Acts of Kindness DAY, this week is Random Acts of Kindness WEEK

Okay - being kind is a good activity.  But how do you do the “Random” part?

How can you celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day? 

  • Compliment people you meet

  • Buy coffee for someone in line behind you

  • Send a positive text message to several people

  • Say hello to someone next to you on the elevator

  • Send a gratitude email to a coworker

  • Pick up trash along the road (or in a neighbor’s yard)

  • (For me) If you play online games and are too competitive, “let” the other person win sometime.  (Aside, I played my sister in Words With Friends for several years - and I could be brutal.  I needed to prove to myself that I had a large vocabulary.  She finally said she wouldn’t play with me anymore.  Hey Karen - it’s a GAME - and games are to be fun!!!

  • Make a casserole and take it to very shut--in friends.  (Or a dessert, or take them out to eat)

  • Give a plant to a friend who loves plants.

  • Take your busy neighbor’s dog for a walk so they can continue what they are doing

  • Rent a movie and invite a friend in to watch is (and pop some popcorn)

  • Forgive somebody who wronged you (“Forgive us our trespasses/sins/debts, as we forgive those who trespassed/sinned against us”)

  • Color a page in a color book and give it to somebody

  • There are an infinite number of random acts of kindness you can do.

Most of my suggestions (above) are nice - but not necessarily “random”.  It is easy to do things for friends - but to strangers?  

Work on it.  

Kindness is part of LOVE

And, being kind has its benefits:

  1. Kindness gets rid of stress
    People who are naturally kind have 23% less cortisol, which is the stress hormone.

  2. Being kind increases stamina
    In a research study, 50% of the participants reported that they felt stronger and more energetic after helping people.

  3. Being kind can reduce your blood pressure

  4. Kindness stabilizes our mood
    It stimulates the production of serotonin, which is basically a mood stabilizer.

  5. Being kind makes us happy
    Performing an act of kindness triggers elevated levels of dopamine in the brain and a natural high is produced, often referred to as ‘helper’s high.’

And, when you do kind tings for friends, neighbors or strangers - guess what, they feel good - and they start being kind to others too!!!



Karen Anne White
February 18, 2025

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