Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Being Genuine

Twelve Habits of Genuine People!!


Are you real?  Are you genuine?

I think all of us know people who can put on a bright - but phony - smile.  But, we also know others that do light up with a legitimate (aka “genuine”) smile!!  This article struck me as a good one to read and reflect upon!!!

And, hand-in-hand with Genuine is Emotional Intelligence (EQ).  The article states,

“There’s an enormous amount of research suggesting that emotional intelligence (EQ) is critical to your performance at work. TalentSmart has tested the EQ of more than a million people and found that it explains 58% of success in all types of jobs.

People with high EQs make $29,000 more annually than people with low EQs. Ninety percent of top performers have high EQs, and a single-point increase in your EQ adds $1,300 to your salary. I could go on and on.

WOW - read that statistic again - people with high emotional intelligence (aka genuine) make $29,000 more a year than those with low EQ!!!  

The article continues with this comment,

“A recent study from the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington found that people don’t accept demonstrations of emotional intelligence at face value. They’re too skeptical for that. They don’t just want to see signs of emotional intelligence. They want to know that it’s genuine—that your emotions are authentic.”

So - a triangle - emotional intelligence, being genuine, and being authentic!!!


Let’s see:

-1 Genuine People don’t try to make people like them.

I’m thinking of Cristina, who runs a local dress boutique.  She lights up in genuine delight when she sees me - and she doesn’t see me as a dollar sign who is going to spend a lot of money with her.  Although she is in business, her authentic and genuine personality comes through.

The article suggests that genuine people don’t clamor for your attention - but the aura around them speaks more than their words. They don’t try to show off.  They are real!!  They are friendly and confident.  If they don’t know an answer they won’t try to make up an answer - but to honestly say “I don’t know”.  (They might even add, “But, I’ll see if I can find out”!!!

-2 Genuine People don’t pass judgment

There is a story of a man dressed in a suit that comes into a car dealership looking at the top-of-the-line models.  The sales clerk jumps up to show him the car, takes the person for a test ride, and “knows” that the man will be a high priced car.

Meanwhile, a man dressed in jeans and a casual shirt looks at a similar car.  This time, the sales clerk assumes this person can’t afford the top-of-the-line model and suggests a lower-priced model. 

In this story, the casually dressed man is rich and can afford the top-of-the-line car and the well-dressed man is in debt and couldn’t buy a used car off the lot.  

The article says, “Having an open mind is crucial in the workplace, as approachability means access to new ideas and help. To eliminate preconceived notions and judgment, you need to see the world through other people’s eyes. This doesn’t require you to believe what they believe or condone their behavior; it simply means you quit passing judgment long enough to truly understand what makes them tick. Only then can you let them be who they are.”

Are you judging others?  Why?  

Hebrews 13:2 says “Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!”

I’m not sure that I have entertained angels (although as a mathematician I did entertain “angles”) - but aren’t all of us “potential” angels?  

-3 The forge their own paths.

“Genuine people don’t derive their sense of pleasure and satisfaction from the opinions of others. This frees them up to follow their own internal compasses. They know who they are and don’t pretend to be anything else. Their direction comes from within, from their own principles and values. They do what they believe to be the right thing, and they’re not swayed by the fact that somebody might not like it.”

I may not totally agree with this.  I rarely express my opinions (and biases) -, especially on religion and politics!!!  But, my values come from within me - my Judeo-Christian values of love, acceptance, and grace!!!  I don’t want to buttonhole somebody and say “You have to vote for Smith for dog-catcher.” (assuming I passionately believer Smith is the best candidate for that office).  

Well, a good start on this.  We’ll continue tomorrow!!!  



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