Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Continuing - Ten Steps to Reach ANY Goal

Continuing - Ten Steps to Reach ANY Goal


This is my third day in this article. On the first day, I covered points 1 and 2; on the second day, I covered point 4 (You have to WANT it).  

Let’s get back into it

First - back to a 50,000-foot view!!  

Think of that title - “Ten Steps to Reach ANY Goal”.  Any goal!!  Maybe you can’t sleep through the night - so your goal might be to sleep soundly.  Maybe you’ve lost your job in this season of the pandemic - and your goal is to get a better job.  Maybe your goal is the simple “To be a better version of yourself”.

So far - step 1 - you need to be accountable for setting and reaching your goal.  Let’s take the sleeping soundly goal.  Who are you going to tell?  Spouse? Family? Doctor? Somebody!!!  An accountability partner will (gently) “hold your feet to the fire”.  

Step 2 - Think as if your life depended on it.  If your goal is sleeping soundly, actually your life MIGHT depend on it!!!  There can be lots of factors to not sleeping well - from which foods you are eating, the stress in your life, sleeping habits, and more.  THINK (and in this case - research) as if your life depended on it!!

Step 4 - You’ve gotta want it more than you don’t want it!!

If it is really a goal you have to passionately go after it!!  If it is a want - a desire - that’s enough!!

Okay - back to new material!!

-3 When you can’t control your circumstances, don’t let your circumstances control you.

Can you control the COVID-19 pandemic?  (Or coronavirus?) Can you control the economy? 

Right now, there is a LOT I really can’t control.  I can say “Woe is me” - and let the pandemic roll over-and-around me.  But, maybe this is a time to learn and grow.  Informally I have been a ‘life coach’ for years (as a mentor and guide), maybe this IS THE TIME to go out and formally become a Life Coach!!!  

There are those who are physically in prison - but their brains are NOT imprisoned.  There are those who are NOT physically in prison, but they are taking a prison mentality with this pandemic.  

DON’T LET THE WORLD DICTATE TO YOU!!  Romans 12:2 says “Do not be conformed to the world, but be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind”!!!  Are you renewing your mind??

-5 Don’t let gravity pull you down!!

The article says, “Just as massive planets produce gravity—drawing everything toward them—it seems that tough problems and challenging obstacles have enough mass to pull you away from getting what you want. This force gets bigger and stronger as the challenges get larger and tougher. Don’t give in.”

Inertia exists!!  In Newton’s three laws of motion, law 1 basically says “An object at rest tends to stay at rest”.  If you have goals - but you aren’t working on them, you are “at rest” - and it is going to take energy to get up and move!!!  

Salmon have a built-in desire to swim upstream to lay their eggs.  They have to fight against the current to get to where they were born and spawn.  It isn’t easy to swim upstream - but many times you have to!!!  (A little ‘tongue-in-cheek’ - it isn’t always easy to be a retired transgender woman in a world of traditional male and female roles.  Or, it isn’t always easy to be a black person being successful in a white-toxic-male world!!!  Go against the stream - fight gravity!!!

-6 Every breakthrough requires a bold stroke

The article shares about comic Jim Carrey, “Actor Jim Carrey grew up so poor that his family lived in a van after his father lost his job.  As the story goes, one night early in Carrey’s struggling comic career, he pulled out his checkbook and wrote himself a check for $10 million.” 

Let’s think back to the gravity issue with this.  Recently Space-X has launched manned spaceships.  It takes a LOT of energy to escape gravity - and to get into orbit!!  BOLD energy to escape gravity.

(Note to myself - okay, I’ve talked about it for a while, read about it, thought about it, and sat on it - is it time to breakthrough and officially become a life coach - and maybe even a “Certified Retirement Life Coach” - regardless of everything else!!  I’m on the fence yet - I know I’m good - I know I could be a great life coach - and especially a ‘retirement life coach’ - (and then the doubts come in - who would hire me?  Who would I help out?).  I am going to do this - I need to - must - breakthrough!!!

To my readers - I write my daily blogs on the basis of length.  When I get to half-way down the second page (about 800 words), that is enough for the day.  I’ve reached that.

So, tomorrow - more (I might even finish this look at TEN STEPS TO ACHIEVE ANY GOAL article!!!)

Hugs - stay safe!!


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