Sunday, June 14, 2020

Transgender Health Protection

Transgender Health Protection

Recently the Trump administration reversed previous thoughts on transgender health.

The article says:

“ In a move applauded by President Donald Trump’s conservative religious base, his administration on Friday finalized a rule that overturns Obama-era protections for transgender people against sex discrimination in health care.

“The Department of Health and Human Services said it will enforce sex discrimination protections “according to the plain meaning of the word ‘sex’ as male or female and as determined by biology.” This rewrites an Obama-era regulation that sought a broader understanding shaped by a person’s internal sense of being male, female, neither or a combination.”

The article goes on to say

“Behind the dispute over legal rights is a medically recognized condition called “Gender Dysphoria” — discomfort or distress caused by a discrepancy between the gender that a person identifies as and the gender at birth. Consequences can include severe depression. Treatment can range from sex-reassignment surgery and hormones to people changing their outward appearance by adopting a different hairstyle or clothing.”


I have shared a bit of my story before, and I don’t want to rehash it too much here.

Over four years ago, “something” happened to me.  Up became down; left became right, white became black, and black became white.  I say I was run over by a Mack Truck, or that a ton of bricks fell on me.  

And with that, more changed.  I learned to love.  And, I found peace in being a woman.  

In these days of hatred, I have to live love.  I found deep in my brain that I had prejudice.  I had taught for years - and yet there were some old concepts there (and I’m sorry for my old thoughts).

Maybe one of the first came after 9/11/2001 as terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center.  Those terrorists were Muslims.  Therefore (incorrect) ‘all Muslims are terrorists’.  WRONG.  It came more to mind as I taught at the University of Texas.  

The student body at UT (that is - the University of Texas) was very diverse.  In one of my classes, the most common name was “Ali” - of Arabic background.  In another course, the most common name was “Nguyen’ - of Vietnamese heritage.  I had black students and white students, republicans and democrats, gay, lesbian, and straight - and maybe some transgender students.  I wasn’t teaching sociology or political science, but computing - and fortunately, (I hope anyway) that my biases didn’t hold over into my teaching.  

Maybe one of the best students was a young lady where many of her family lived in Syria.  Syria at that point was in a civil war (probably still is, but it has gone off the media range now).  Her family had tried to escape the terrorist and religious bigots.  Other students included a young lady who wore her hijab daily but was a warm and loving person.  

Since then, I’ve taken to heart my Judeo-Christian concepts of “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, strength, soul and mind; and love your neighbor as yourself”.  Biblically somebody asked Jesus who was his neighbor and he told the story of the Good Samaritan.  Generally, the Samaritans were considered outcasts.  

Jesus confronted the Pharisees of his day - who seemed to accent the rules over the reasons for the rules (such as he healed people on the Sabbath).  On the day of his birth, angels sang to smelly dirty shepherds who went to see the baby (and I doubt that they used hand sanitizer before coming into the stable).  He called lower-class fishermen and tax collectors to be his disciples.  He told the lady caught in adultery to go and sin no more (but also said to those watching - those without sin can throw the first stone - and nobody was able to stone her.  He (and later Stephen) said when dying “Father forgive them”.  


I have experienced gender dysphoria.  I have experienced depression.  I was hospitalized last fall for four days for considering harm to myself (maybe even suicide).   I have cried with this dysphoria.  I have lost my wife and my family - because my brain switched.  (And, I miss my grandchildren so much, so much!!!)

So, here we are - with a political announcement that the Trump Administration has reversed the previous stand on health care and equality for transgender people.  

Yes, I have a vested interest in this discussion and (obviously) had strong feelings.  I was planning on “bottom” surgery later this year.  I have legally by the Great State of Texas had my gender changed, my name changed and my driver’s license changed.  

But, back to my philosophy.  My Jewish philosopher that I follow said “Give to Caesar what is Caesars, and give to God what is Gods).  In 1 Timothy 2:1-2 I am told to pray for those in authority (i.e. the Trump administration and others).  And, I am to “love one another”; “love covers a multitude of sins”, “love is patient and kind, not envious, not jealous”.  

I am learning to turn my other cheek - but I need to love more and more - to overcome the hatred that seems to be rising!!


Heavenly Father, we do pray for our President, Congress members, governors, majors, and all those in authority over us.  Give them wisdom, guidance, and compassion; surround them with your grace and your mercy!!  Amen!!

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