Thursday, June 25, 2020

Genuine People III

Twelve Habits of Genuine People! - Part III

We have looked at being Genuine for the past two days and will finish it off today!!!!

-9 Genuine people put away their phones when they talk with you

Some people can multitask and use their phones at the same time.  But, that is a very small group. If I am genuine and am talking to you - the phone is a distraction.  

Genuine people give the people they are talking to their full attention.  Whoever texted during your conversation isn’t expecting you to reply immediately.  

I told students to put their phones away in class so they could pay attention to our lesson.  I did make an exception when a student asked me before class for something special - for example, the student’s mother was undergoing surgery that day and wanted to know if it was successful.  

-10 Genuine people are not driven by ego

We have seen before that genuine people are team-minded people.  

The running back who is in the game for his glory and his ego is not going to block for another player.  The quarterback who is more concerned about his success will probably run rather than hand the ball off or pass.  

In business, almost all projects are team projects.  On programming one person might develop the need and the specifications; another translates the specifications into code; another one tests the code and tries to find mistakes and flaws; another writes the documentation, and still, another puts it into the final version, and one performs quality assurance that it does what it was intended to do!!!

-11 Genuine people aren’t hypocrites 

The article says,

“Genuine people practice what they preach. They don’t tell you to do one thing and then do the opposite themselves. That’s largely due to their self-awareness. Many hypocrites don’t even recognize their mistakes. They’re blind to their own weaknesses. Genuine people, on the other hand, fix their own problems first.”

Are you authentic? Are you both saying the right things and doing the right things.  

If a manager is expecting his or her staff to give 100%, he or she has to give 100% as well.  We lead by example.

-12 Genuine people don’t brag

“Only my humility prevents me from telling you how great I am”.

Come on, what do you have to brag about? That the project got done? That is was a team effort.

People that brag about their accomplishments tend to be insecure.  They need to build themselves up (and probably tear somebody else down).  

As a retired professor, I had some nice honors, but that was in the past.  There is a hymn where the word “until my trophies, at last, I lay down”.  Very few of us get monuments (and currently monuments are being torn down in some places.

I wasn’t alone.  I had great colleagues, great support, great students in a wonderful environment.  What can I brag about?


So, here we are - 12 things about Genuine people - about team players, about those that want all people to exceed.  Let’s work on that.  Love your neighbor as yourself!!!

Saturday story tomorrow.



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